To keep it fresh, Act VI?

Personally, I’d love it. But, I think what you’re suggesting is the raison d’etra for Diablo: Immortal? Read something a few days ago that Blizz is actually working on a PC version for it (which is a new development - previously it was not).

With incomplete access to the final LOD source code, the ability to virtually tap in to the game core functions is limited. That’s why all the changes with D2R relate to graphics and the UI. They can “hijack” commands to those features and send them to their own interface that controls what you see on your monitor - where is gets beautified and/or reinterpreted to change game behavior in a limited way.

And while I’d love an Act VI, I’d also really hope it included a feature to at least take a stab at an end-game that is NOT as Baal run… :wink: