Time for a Ban Wave, lets go! šŸ’Ŗ Update: Looks like it happened!

Beer good! Napster bad! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol the first thing I did when Metallica sued Napsterā€¦ was go make a bunch of copies of my Metallica CDā€™s and sellā€™em.

I made a post but Ill just say it here

So just like in OG d2. the botters have other accounts they keep there items on and sell on websites.If they get banned they arent going to lose all there mule accounts,they will simply be back again with a new account and bot the game out again.If this game is still 40 bucks and they lose the account they are making a hella more money selling there botted items.they will always just buy a new d2 account.Dont get me wrong I think its good they did this but in the end this is just going to keep being a repeated scenario.Ban waves will never eliminate botters.

Yeah itā€™s a never ending battle. The only thing Blizzard can do is much more frequent banwaves.

Yeah there really isnā€™t a good solution. I really donā€™t think holding Blizz responsible for the actions of the players is being entirely fair though you know?

All you can do is donā€™t trade with people you donā€™t know well enough to know donā€™t use items they got from bots, or bought with FG, ect. And obviously just donā€™t buy anything yourself. And well just enjoy the game.

Well the zoomers think there is a solution, which is to vastly increase the drop ratesā€¦ Which they overlook the obvious problem with that, it will ruin WHY we primarily play the game in the first placeā€¦ The loot hunt.

Yeah itā€™s pretty hilarious. Their solution to bots flooding the economy with items which kills tradeā€¦ is to flood the economy even harder. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess you canā€™t kill whatā€™s already deadā€¦

Yea its not blizzards fault. Unfortunately there is no easy answer, I was all about ladder launch now my time has been so devalued that I dont even bother logging in for more then a hour here and there, do a run or 2 and then try to find something more fulfilling with my time LOL. I have been playing since orignal d1 and d2 launch. I understand that this will continue to happen. We have all seen the giant wave of chinese farmers leveling clean accounts across different realms. I would honestly at this point with this game be ok with signing a legal waiver that blizzard can have access to my PC (I donā€™t keep personal information on it) so that they can install a 3rd party software that monitors all sub resources in the background. Just make a Closed Ladder for all the none cheaters who truly enjoy the game for what it was and let the botters have their open version and play the game mindlessly. The only other option to stop boots would be to make loot personal, I know for many that would 100% defeat the purpose of playing this game cause what the hell else ya doing with your time other then Mfing or pvping. Maybe Diablo 4 will be a nice mix /shrug

I would too man. The only people that wouldnā€™t are the types of people with stuff to hide. About the only thing youā€™re going to find on my PCā€¦ is the fact that I might have a fetish for a girl named Emily Bloom.(letā€™s be real though, I have a pulseā€¦and dayum)

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Personally Id like to see captcha and a few other things put into the game, as a Mfer I get its a pain in the ā€¦ to solve a captcha everytime i want to create a game, but maybe ill do more in a single game then just meph or just tunnels or whatever, like do them all make the game worth the time to create. I realize bots can get past some of these methods, but man change it up, get creative. Try SOMETHINJG. We cant stop them, but we can slow them down.

Ehh Iā€™d rather they tie accounts to some kind of Real ID. Ban one, they are done.

CAPTCHA has been defeated for years, that would only make it harder for us humans.

God the amount of times Iā€™ve failed captchaā€¦ Ever end up arguing with your screen? Dammit thatā€™s a BUS!!!

If thereā€™s anything they could do, it would be to poll the hardware position of the mouse in comparison to the actions done in the game. Bots donā€™t move the mouse, they just issue click positions while the mouse stays put. And if the bots start moving the mouse, they could monitor the mouse position for ā€œinhumanā€ movements. Humans are error prone, no matter how proficient they are handling the mouse. The mouse itself is error prone, depending on the surface itā€™s on.

Thatā€™s the ā€œreCAPTCHAā€ they could employ, using the gameplay itself as the ā€˜testā€™.

As far as shedding light on human error, open mspaint and try to draw a straight line or a perfect circle without zooming in, then zoom in afterwards to see the deviations. Thereā€™s also a maximum limit for everyone on how quickly they can click a single button, which the quicker you click, the less accuracy you have altering the timing between clicks as well as reduced movement accuracy while clicking that fast. A bot on the other hand, perfect circles, straight lines, angles, curves, and other shapes as well as many many MANY times faster clicks with extreme timing precision between clicks without any loss of movement accuracy.


Iā€™m curious, outside of a blue post stating such a ban wave occurred, what kind of other evidence the general population might even haveā€¦ unless of course it happened to you or someone you know who was themselves running a bot.