Time for a Ban Wave, lets go! đź’Ş Update: Looks like it happened!

So many reports of bots in games… I thought the game coming to modern Battle.net was supposed to improve the botting detection… D2:R seems to be shaping up to be worse than the original game as far as botting… Not good! With this games economy being sensitive to the effects of botting, one would think this would be something that Blizzard would take seriously. So far, botters are basically laughing while slapping the bear in the face, and the bear keeps sleeping.

Time to let the ban hammer fly, Blizzard!

Looks like it happened! Bananadance time! WooohoooO!

Plllleeeeeaaaassssseee keep after them Blizzard! None of these drawn out 6 month waves. I want banwave Wednesdays! Wheeeeee!!! :smiley:


Did you play D2 LoD? I ask because that game is the industry standard for bots.


Yes, I did play the original game for many years. D2:R coming to modern Battle.net was a glimmer of hope that they would step up their game on this serious problem, but so far many of us legitimate players are left disappointed.

A perfect opportunity for Blizzard to be the industry standard for bot detection perhaps? :man_shrugging: Hahaha I’m probably kidding myself. Need more coffee to wake up, because I’m obviously still dreaming.


Blizzard is doing a good job keeping these servers alive at least.

marvel gif mega cringe


Thor is a Paladin at heart. :slight_smile:

You got my hopes up… So no ban wave? :frowning:


Oops! Sorry. Changed title to Time for a Ban Wave.


Billions of private bots, and at least a few millions running in public games now

a ban wave would be so welcome. and probably wouldnt cost so much effort on their side. id love it. please do it blizzard. plus it would make sense from an economic side, since ladder is still fresh enough for them to buy new cd keys


Oh no, D2R has bots! Anyone that has a brain knew this would happen. It’s not like people were asking for Instanced Loot (for their pickit scripting crap) and Player X command (and also better drop rates, so they can’t monetize a 20+ year old game) to verse them.

The current state of the game is abuse-to-win. This “loot” is nothing but trouble to legit players. It screws ranged characters, it screws you based on latency (whoever lives near the server wins) and it screws you with pickit scripters.

If they are going to do banwaves every 6 months or so(like D2 legacy), I know myself and most people will not tolerate it as it looks suspicious as hell. We have every right to complain and be upset about botting. The entire purpose of a ladder is an ECONOMY reset and the climb to lv 99. When bots are farming items 24/7 and climbing the ladder 24/7 then it minimizes the time you spend in the game. Also if there’s no action taken botters will make more and more bots stressing the servers even more causing more and more disconnects and more and more hardcore deaths. People have a right to be outraged and should protest and put pressure on blizzard to do something otherwise D2R will have the same fate as D2 legacy.


At least when they do banwaves now in D2:R, the items and characters associated with the account are also wiped. But yeah, I don’t want every 6 month ban waves, I want ban MONSOONS!! Strike fear into the cheaters hearts, make them cower at the very thought of running a bot.

As George Carlin said, “I don’t have pet peeves, I have major psychotic … hatreds.”… Botting in Diablo is one of my psychotic hatreds.

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Banwaves after 6 months sound like a win to botters. Just “mule” your items to clean accounts. HWID bans of course would make this more difficult but even then.

Instanced Loot and Player X Command for the love of God Blizzard, majority have been asking before even the launch of D2R.

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They need to happen weekly at least, I mean if it is automated I don’t see why not, other than they don’t care enough

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Random guy complaining about people wanting LAN or TCP/IP:

“But…but…but… they removed LAN TCP/IP! There can’t be bots! “Other Multiplayer” was the reason there were so many bots in DII LoD!!!1111”

They’re crying on all channels :smiley:
All of their items are wiped out, too.

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All they need to do is get an intern, have them go into games and investigate. Gather information and send to his boss. Like why is this so hard? They must have agreements with people to let this happen OR they legitimately don’t care. You don’t need an amazing piece of software to catch these botting programs. This is and has been my ONLY complaint with this game over the years. Come on!


There is a massive ban wave happening right now. After the maintenance expect lots of accounts to be wiped out.