Time for a Ban Wave, lets go! šŸ’Ŗ Update: Looks like it happened!

Well good! Where are you seeing this at?

Has the bear finally awoken? Banwave Wednesdays? :smiley:

Ah, looks like there was a thread rolling on JSP about it! NIIIIIIICE


Time to do the banana dance!

Im not seeing any chatter yet, where are you seeing this?

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Check JSP forums, D2:R Discussion section.

I think he might be right, all the chinese botters quick selling their 40 shakos, 100 hoz and 100 bers as fast as they can

What they should do is freeze the earmarked accounts so they canā€™t quicksell those items. Maybe theyā€™ll do a rollbackā€¦ Iā€™m sure someone will find something and get mad that they lost it. :frowning:

They definitely need to lock them, while they process and confirm the ban

Still bananadance worthy news though.

All quiet on thereā€¦
Oh nvm, 1 locked thread further down

Thereā€™s a closed thread from today. ā€œjust got bannedā€

Most arenā€™t going to say anything, but usually thereā€™s at least one that sounds off.


I think the people saying ā€œOh quick turn it off!ā€ is hilariousā€¦ Theyā€™ve already got the people earmarked for banning before they even start the banwaveā€¦ Detection, earmarked, confirmation, banwave. Boom boom boom boom. Turning it off when news breaks of a banwave ainā€™t gonna do squat.

They need to add another step, which is a global and synchronized freezing of all accounts that are going to be banned, that way these people canā€™t mass sell items, or transfer them to safehaven accounts.


banwave should be everyday, otherway they are worthless and useless.


I think they should be instantaneous as soon as bot runner tries loading the game with the bot for the first time, but I know that is unrealistic. There has to be a timeframe to detect and confirm. Since bots are constantly evolving to dodge detection methods, the detection methods must also evolve.

No, that would be stupid. Hackers are very smart, they use every possibility to bypass anti-cheat machanisms. The earlier you ban bots, the more information you give bot developers on how the bot got detected.
Ban waves have to be rare but huge in order to give as little information as possible.

The only people who think this, didnā€™t play the original game.


OK. If your statement is true, I just had a portion of my past ~20 years of gaming history just blink out of existence. (I had a 5 year hiatus from Diablo 2 2012-2017)

Key words ā€œshaping up to beā€.

There is no evidence a ā€œbanwaveā€ is happening by the way. OP is just posting baselessly.


Yeah itā€™s great.

Why do you think they are so many accounts with 1-9 posts spamming the forums today. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, spoilers.

Modern battle.net did nothing to help classic wow with its bot problem, and arguably only got far far worse.

False hope.

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I mean to be fairā€¦ no amount of tech is going to make people less crappy. The same group of people complain about bots, are the same people that scream ā€œbut mah personal data!ā€

People arenā€™t willing to give companies the control theyā€™d need to fix these issues, so what can you do. Itā€™s like screaming ā€œdefund the policeā€ then complaining when crime increases.

Yes, you are probably correct. But it sure would be nice though if Blizzard were to make cheaters fear themā€¦ Yeah I know, false hope.