This really should not be a thing in 2021

This video shouldn’t even exist.

The fact you need to literally check the IP your game is connecting to to even have a chance to get D2 Clone is so user-unfriendly and creates one of the biggest gaps in terms of fairness for this game.

This needs a fix, ASAP.


I actually just assumed the dclone spawn would be completely revamped. Although you can argue being able to see the IP in the first place is the problem. If you didn’t know about servers and dclone you would be oblivious to it happening. The issue is most dclone spawns are organized, most sojs payed get the server number first and get to try and find it. At the end that servers either full or you just can’t find the IP.

This let’s people with a huge number of accounts to swallow 10-20 annis in one spawn, while the majority of people have no clue it even happened.

It needs a complete revamp.


d2 clone does need fixed.


just make it region wide, you cant be serious thinking that ppl will have that much patitence nowadays

Only reason D clone even exists was to combat the mass duped SOJ issue back in the day.

It probably does need to be looked at tho and changed but I doubt it will.


Yeah the dclone spawn system needs an update. All it ends up doing is contributing to the DDoS like problem they are having with the servers.

It really should be like the offline mode. Sell an SoJ, clone appears in your current game


It also backfired hilariously.

Yeah and also since Asia has less IP ranges than EU or USA most of dclone spawns happen there.
Maybe change it to you need to sell 2 sojs to spawn him in your game and that is it.

They thought that the mechanics will be reworked, maybe everyone forgot about that?

While i certainly don’t want to be easy, the way it is now is not great either

The DClone event happens due to SoJ’s being sold to venders on a specific realm. Somehow it was a punishment for duping SoJ? This just encouraged mass duping. I figured DClone would be fixed for D2R. Sad that it is not. In D2LOD I used Plugy which would randomly spawn him. Never found in a legit game, and due the the hoops and hurdles I would never even bother.

So, if they didn’t change it, what’s to stop players from cheating to spawn him? I agree, this needs to be changed.

It was used as a sink to get rid of sojs which at the time were the main target of duping.

the logic is a bit flawed, yes.

Banwaves. Banwaves will stop us cheating to spawn him.

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The top priority should be fixing the servers as well as any game crashing bugs long before anything else like this.

My two thoughts about changing how DClone spawns:

1: Local game walk

SoJ sale has 33.3% chance of spawning DClone, and only in that game. If the first one doesn’t spawn him, the next SoJ has a 66.6% chance. If still no spawn, the third SoJ is 100%. (Same game, if you leave and restart, it resets back to 33%)


2: Regional/global walk

Get rid of the counter. Dclone needs to sneak up on us. Maybe just change it to a periodic “SoJ’s sold to merchants” if SoJ’s are being sold.

0.13888%, or 1 out of every 720 walks = Base chance of Dclone walking for everyone regionally/globally when enough SoJ sales pop him. No SoJ sales required. If you sell SoJ’s, you boost your chances of getting him to spawn.
IF HE DOES NOT SPAWN FOR YOU OR YOU MISS THE WALK, you get to keep your upgraded chance.
IF HE DOES SPAWN FOR YOU, your chance is reset back to the base chance. (regardless if you kill him or not)

1:720 or 0.13888% = Base chance.
1:120 or 0.8333% = Sell 1 SoJ.
1:24 or 4.1667% = Sell 2 SoJs.
1:6 or 16.667% = Sell 3 SoJs.
1:2 or 50% = Sell 4 SoJs.
1:1 or 100% = Sell 5 SoJs.

Edit: One additional thought on regional/global, if in a multiplayer game, only the base chance applies. Each additional party member in the game increases the base chance by 25% multiplicatively, so an 8 player game would be a 0.66% chance of him spawning.

Your upgraded chance only applies in solo games and would not be lost if Dclone walks in a public game with other players.


I don’t care how you get it to spawn. The fact that you need to do IP checkups with third part software just to have a chance to get an anni is absolutely ridiculous.

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There’s your mistake, believing everything in life needs to be fair or attainable to everyone. Missing out on or not having things because obtaining them is more effort than you’re willing to put in at the moment is perfectly valid. You don’t need to have EVERYTHING.

Entitlement issues aside Dclone is pretty clunky, but that makes the chase for it more rewarding. And it IS a chase item, not everyone is supposed to have or can get one. Just chill out and stop fretting over Anni, no build needs it to do all the content in the game.

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Using third party software to track your IP just to get your hand on a piece of in-game content that you otherwise can’t access because of awful game design isn’t “rewarding”. It’s immersion-breaking and annoying. It’s not even that people aren’t willing to spend time and make an effort. People are perfectly happy to spend hundreds of hours farming for a Tyrael’s Might that they know they won’t get because at least that involves playing the game and having fun. The problem is that the kind of “effort” people are being expected to make for this particular thing is frankly insulting and should be changed on just game design principles if nothing else.


If no build needs it then just remove it from the game. People saying it should not requiring third party programs to play the actual game are right though. That isn’t an entitlement issue. That’s a major design flaw. Right now you basically need 3 programs outside of the game for Dclone to function at all. You also have to take into account there were NO shared global servers economy in the previous iteration and sojs were not all funneled to one Asian realm. Again another huge design flaw that was overlooked. Min maxing led to all sojs being sent to one region with lowest IP range to make hunting easier.

Original design was based on the premise that individual players had hundreds of duped sojs that they traded for or acquired through other means. The average player does not have hundreds of sojs in this version from large scale duping flooding the market. So spawning by yourself without outside help/programs is basically impossible in this version, where as it wasn’t in the other. In the other version you could say trade one item for an absurd number of sojs, quite a few items traded for 40 or more with trusted trades. Then you would turn around and solo spawn Dclone for yourself and spawn it randomly for other players on the same IP. The original version of dclone spawn was not highly organized by RMT sites to pool sojs together. It was soloable because as mentioned before sojs were duped so much they functioned like a currency.

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I said many times that this game is ridiculously dated, but i never expected something like this. You are totally right and this beyond anything i thought, dated doesen’t even do justice.


Wow, this is ridiculous

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