"This game is no longer available to join"

As of 15 minutes ago me, my friends and some other people in the public lobbies can’t join their respective friends in games anymore, nor can their friends join them. Weirdly enough if for example I join a public game, my friends cant join that game anymore and vice versa.

Error message: “This game is no longer available to join. Please try joining another game.”


I’m having the same exact problem trying to join games with my friends.
“This game is no longer available to join. Please try joining another game.” Started about 10 minutes prior to my reply here.

Same issue here. We were in the middle of playing, a friend got booted, then when we try to rejoin each others games we get the error.

I am having the same issue as well. Had a friend fly up from Dallas to Idaho just to play with us and we’ve slammed into error after error. Please help :frowning:

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I too am having this issue. We encountered this yesterday as well. Were not able to play together for over 12 hours.

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Yep this is a problem for me aswell

Same problem here - I can join one friend’s game but not some others. Any solutions?

Same issues plagued my group. We found that it could be resolved by ALL players restarting their D2R client. Seems like some sort of server/cache issue?


I’m having the same issue. It’s so frustrating.

“This Game is no longer available to join. Please try joining another game.”


I’ve tried:

  • Playing a game (skipping the lobby) and opening a chat and inviting my friend to join my game
  • Going to the lobby and creating a game with a password then giving those details to my friend
  • Having my friend start playing a game and then I start playing a separate game and then going into the chat and selecting the “join game” option to join my friend’s game

same here, still no FIX

try add battle net aplication in firewall of windows

Same issue here any fix yet?

common man fix this problem it isn’t fun if you can’t join your friends in battle!!!

The problem was resolved for us after me and all of my friends restarted our Diablo clients. We each experienced one crash in this process. Once our clients had been restarted we could all join the same game.

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Anyone fix this yet? Been saying this for dts for me

This worked for me too - thanks for that!

I had the same issue.

Still an issue. Both my wife and I are getting this no matter how many games we create and the other tries to join.

We both restarted out games several times as we attempted different ways of creating games (from the main menu, and from the lobby)


Im having this same problem… its as if i am on a different server then the person i am trying to join… i can even make the same game name and it works… it like my games are on eu server and friend is play na server… but were both on us servers… ughhhh cant even play with friends the little time we can

I have the same issue. He can’t join in my game and I can’t join in his game. Looking for in list games. I found a “baalxd” and I said: “join in ‘baalxd’”, after he joined I was rejected because “this game is no longer available…”.
Same issue in viceversa.

It happent many times