Or he might think “hey they said they might give me a million dollars later, but not right now”.
Definition of hope! And thus what the forums are here to do, hear the community’s thoughts.
Or he might think “hey they said they might give me a million dollars later, but not right now”.
Definition of hope! And thus what the forums are here to do, hear the community’s thoughts.
You had to explain it to him, I am having him ignored because he is constantly derailing my topic with useless unconstructive spam (bloody 3600+ posts) but that was really funny false equivalence from him.
Yeah dude, totally same thing!
More like…
I’m not going to give you a million dollars, currently I can’t spare that and I am not planning currently on doing anything like that.
tHeSE gUyS cAN’T reAD oR usE loGIC, hE cleARLY sAiD “nOT curReNtLY pLaNniNG!”
Another pathetic false equivalence yaaaaay, weak at logic indeed. Comparing P8 that already exists in SP to million dollars. Keep on, not like you have any credibility remaining.
Still zero counter arguments; still majority wanting it.
I tried to keep it simple, because, well… Reasons.
cry babies only want to hear what’s fit their narrative
Not only this
“Not right now” was in regards to 2.4 as it was a 2.4 presentation which does not contradict the previous statements like “nothing is out of table” or “if the community asks we’ll be happy to deliver”
I agree, evidence:
“Not for battlenet, as of right now and we are not planning on currently on doing anything with that.”
Totally we are mishearing things!
Agree with Hanz. Keep asking. Ladder is not currently in the game as of right now. It means nothing, really. Ploot/PlayerX/Storage (classic shared stash too) take time, especially considering their priorities as Hanz pointed out. Keep asking.
and you intentionally missed the line right before your quote “no, we try to keep that in single-player” You also intentionally ignore the line right after your quote "We do not want to add reasons to the bnet to not play with people.
You probably also ignore the part where they say that the idea of not allowing p8 on bnet is because they want to “bring people together, not push them away”
The team is basically very firm with against the idea of p8 on bnet, they also never once mentioned that they will be changing that perspective based on community opinion.
This is a perfect example of how someone is so desperate into proving them right they are willing to intentionally ignore the whole concept and go out of context into one single line/word that MAY support their narrative.
The small p8 crowd in this forum, make up ther own rules.
And 169 post in. Still no argument for any of the Wishes op has.
And still no asnwer to this… Lies upon lies
and you intentionally missed the line right before your quote “no, we try to keep that in single-player” You also intentionally ignore the line right after your quote "We do not want to add reasons to the bnet to not play with people.
You probably also ignore the part where they say that the idea of not allowing p8 on bnet is because they want to “bring people together, not push them away”
The only one ignoring something here its the anti /8 cult, we already adressed this in the many threads over this subject and explained how the current MP configuration (ffa,unpartied bonus and griefing) is what push people away from MP.
But the truth is those against /8 dont wanna fix MP, they want to keep their edge by gatekeeping challenge, xp and loot behind MP (if we can call “not playing together” mp).
Me responding to misinformation saying devs said “no” to player x command by saying they never said that, they said:
“Not for battlenet, as of right now and we are not planning on currently on doing anything with that.”
Is obviously me going out of context now. Even though I am the only one who provided credible source. You just can’t make that up, lol.
What you are saying KisekiNecro has already been addressed, once we keep shining light to it and keep asking Blizzard will see it too. Fans did change Blizzard’s opinions before and it will happen again, they are not always right and even they know it.
Anyways: Still zero counter argument; still majority asking for it.
I tried to keep it simple, because, well… Reasons.
And you only try to pick low hanging fruit because, well… Reasons.
You suggest two ways to “work together to use the game’s mechanics to get more out of it.”
Admitting that one of those ways is split farming, where you literally separate players instead of bringing them together, you haven’t answered what the second method is and whether or not it generates more loot per person than playing separately.
The small p8 crowd in this forum
Do you have any legitimare data to support this?
I could just as easily say it is a small anti-p8 crowd.
It is ok for pro p8 to have their believe and opinion. Same thing goes for those who are anti p8.
However, the most important decision-maker here is the dev team, and the dev team is clearly anti p8 on bnet. This is a fact that you cannot change, it is absoultely clear on their part and they have make zero declartion that they will be listening to the sommunity and they may change on that stands, unlike loot filter, and currenty tab, for examples.
The issue here isn’t whether we are pro or anti p8, but someone is trying to go out of context and misquote the whole conversation down to one single line that may serve his narrative, and use that as his arguement base and try to mis-inform the others.
The only people who are spreading misinformation is you (currently) and purist-brains. Again, what I clearly said was in response to you and your friends claiming the devs said absolute “no” to Player X command. Which is false, and I provided evidence!
The biggest issue is not even drops (even tho drops are a big problem this game).
Biggest problem is that this game lacks end-game content. Due to this, people get easily bored and burned out with P1 mobs over and over again. Even D tier builds can easily clear P1 mobs. Hence, these new builds coming out are meaningless and zaps the fun of this game.
ignore the purist lunatics.
they only want to play LOD with enhanced graphics and enjoy mindlessly playing thousands of baal runs with same old hammerdin / blizzard sorc builds. But they will try their best to ruin D2R by screaming against any change. Vocal minority indeed. And when you present public polls to them, they will try to discredit it with every fiber of their body because it doesn’t agree with their argument.
they also say "We will try to KEEP it to SINGLE PLAYER, Not for Battle net, and we are not planning on currently doing it at the moment. We don’t want to add reasons to the bnet to not play with people. Diablo has this massive, amazing community, and we DON’T want to give any reasons to kind of push this away… Its’ really just down to the community on this one. Bring people together, not push them away.
Out of the whole conversation, there are 5 instances that they have stated that they are against such an idea, the only one that is a “maybe” is what you quote not today, not currently line, and you choose to dump all the other 5 lines that are against p8 on bnet and pick that one single line that gives a “maybe” and use that as your argument point
This is absolutely misinformation and 100% mis-quote right here.
How does it fell, To want somthing you know is not comming no matter how many times the same few people spam the same topic over and over.
Must be sad to wake up and know you will be salty another day.