im going to go out and say… no…
as much as i want more stash and “charm inventory” ( although its really just adding noncharm space as the charm space is already the 4x10 old space
i would much rather NOT have a bigger stash and not have charm inventory… if it means we dont absolutely ruin the game with players 8.
adding players 8 will absolutely ruin the game… because it will comepltly kill all build diversity… less than 6 total builds can effectively clear /players 8
and they are ALL already the most broken overused classes.
what makes d2 a gem is that u can still play what ever you want at the highest difficulty and be viable…
the instant you raise the bar of the highest difficulty… you just knocked out about 98% of the non-meta builds.
the builds that CAN solo clear players 8 need NERFS, not drastic buffs to every conceivable build that “can’t”
im not saying certain builds dont deserve buffs
rabies for example is absolute garbage… but even a tiny change with no damage number changes could fix that
just dont increase the duration per lvl and add 1 more synergy (preferably in the summoner tree, such as dire wolves)
but adidng players 8… would COMPLETELY ruin the game and utterly destroy the ladder.
it would be infinitely worse than just giving /players 8 loot in players 1 solo games with no difficulty increase… because then at least all you do is inflate the economy… you don’t ruin build diversity.
but you still make the issue of rewarding players for not playing with other… which goes against the entire point of online play.
ploot i am also against. but as long as its optional it wouldn’t actually “ruin” too much. it would be terrible as it would split the amount of games a huge percentage of people would be willing to join… but it would only cause greifing between players, it wouldn’t uterrly destroy the game like /players 8 would do to build diversity.
also… loot filter NEEDS to happen