This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

Lalalalalal, can’t hear you. Because means nothing to me. Because you are beating your own strawman. Because you are writing novels that do exactly what you are accusing others (read: me) is doing.

It’s simple really. Purist brains: dev said “no” to player x command. Me: No they did not, providing evidence. You: total strawman argument.

Already addressed how D2 has anti-social design which pushes people to play solo (why 95% mf games are in private), already addressed if they care about group play they should add ploot. Refer to older posts.

@Vechain don’t worry I already ignore them most of the time and don’t invest energy in them. I am just here to add my voice to the majority and let Blizzard know the request is popular.

Still zero counter arguments; still majority asking for it.

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That’s what you guys said about balance changes for skills. Look who was right?

Looks like the salt belongs to you, my friend. :joy: :clown_face:

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this guy has just become a troll at this point I am going to stop responding from here on. He isn’t even providing valid arguments and just performing personal insults. This is a shame to the pro p8 community


who are you guys?
If any one listen what the dev said before D2R was relased. it was obv they would do kind of balance changes.
So why do you have to make up lies all the time.

Waiting for what lie you will come up next… or silince.
Keep the salt comming :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:


Personal insults? When did I ever personal insult you? It was you who accused me of misinformation and taking things out of context, things you are currently doing. As stated in my previous post. I am done with it.

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Try, not definitive

This is right but it shows how they have no clue on how bad MP is
Mp is not good bc of /players(in the form of auto setting), it is bad bc of /players working for unpartied players
If they mean what they said, they should just remove unpartied MP bonus

Not so massive
Not so amazing

Again, they have no clue, its the MP design that pushes people away

So give more reasons for this so amazing and massive community to really play together


[quote=“Bugles-2611, post:171, topic:121897”]

I dont expect one. They havnt gotten anything they have whined about for months on here.

There is only 1 argument for Players X. It already exists in the game, anything else is just subjective babble and I gimmee gimmee… It wont break the game like some are saying, but it also wont benefit the game as much as others are saying.
You will still have to put in the work.


This whole post is so toxic, lol. Let me try and bring is back on track.


  • Further diminishes an already awful multiplayer experience
  • Allows bots to thrive (even though this issue should be addressed by Blizz)
  • May minimally impact game economy because slightly more drops (likely towards the middle/end of a season because you can’t P8 right from the start)
  • Allows easier EXP gains without having to play with others
  • Creates a few exploitable farming areas


  • Creates a semblance of an end-game by allowing players to increase the difficulty/reward when playing solo (which unfortunately, most players do after leveling)
  • Reduce the amount of game crashing for MF
  • Reduce the hurdles one has to go through to efficiently farm P8 (Find split farm groups with 3rd party Apps, game crash, etc.)
  • Gives somewhat of a progression system that allows players to slowly increase difficulty/reward even while leveling
  • Creates a somewhat more even playing field vs. those who purchase multiple accounts or use bots to create their own P8 playing environment

All that being said, if they were to implement P8 online, I hope they would make adjustments from how it currently functions offline.

  • Nerf Super Chests
  • Nerf EXP gains on games using P8 command
  • Deal with botting bans more efficiently

I am sure there are many other adjustments that could be made to address issues many people have brought up in this and other threads.


Every time I see your argument on a forum, I weep for people who don’t understand how an economy works. If you did this, you will literally never see any character played other than a paladin or a sorc again. Whoever the fastest farmers are, that’s who will be played, and nothing else. Just delete all the other characters. When all the characters are balanced in terms of both mobility, AND kill speed, or maybe faster in 1 but slightly less in the other to the point where if every class does a meph run, they’re all within seconds of eachother in terms of speed, your proposal is just a bad one.

Allowing P8 online would literally completely destroy any drive anybody has for playing things like a BO barb, just about any form of druid (so no more oak sages), chanters, etc. When everyone has an equal way to farm, your suggestion makes sense. Until then, all it would do is give anybody who fancies sorcs and paladins a MASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIVE trading advantage. They already have a big enough advantage. We don’t need to widen that disparity even more. Many people have ZERO desire to play a sorc or a paladin. I’d much rather play the class I love to farm, not have to split my time between 1 I hate, just to get the stuff I need for the one I don’t.


Isn’t that pretty much what we see now? Basically 80%+ people start seasons with Sorc or Pally, so you are pretty much living your worst fear already and yet people still play other classes as well because games are fun. That being said, 2.4 has made many more builds that will be able to clear P8 efficiently.

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im going to go out and say… no…

as much as i want more stash and “charm inventory” ( although its really just adding noncharm space as the charm space is already the 4x10 old space

i would much rather NOT have a bigger stash and not have charm inventory… if it means we dont absolutely ruin the game with players 8.

adding players 8 will absolutely ruin the game… because it will comepltly kill all build diversity… less than 6 total builds can effectively clear /players 8
and they are ALL already the most broken overused classes.

what makes d2 a gem is that u can still play what ever you want at the highest difficulty and be viable…

the instant you raise the bar of the highest difficulty… you just knocked out about 98% of the non-meta builds.

the builds that CAN solo clear players 8 need NERFS, not drastic buffs to every conceivable build that “can’t”

im not saying certain builds dont deserve buffs

rabies for example is absolute garbage… but even a tiny change with no damage number changes could fix that

just dont increase the duration per lvl and add 1 more synergy (preferably in the summoner tree, such as dire wolves)

but adidng players 8… would COMPLETELY ruin the game and utterly destroy the ladder.
it would be infinitely worse than just giving /players 8 loot in players 1 solo games with no difficulty increase… because then at least all you do is inflate the economy… you don’t ruin build diversity.

but you still make the issue of rewarding players for not playing with other… which goes against the entire point of online play.

ploot i am also against. but as long as its optional it wouldn’t actually “ruin” too much. it would be terrible as it would split the amount of games a huge percentage of people would be willing to join… but it would only cause greifing between players, it wouldn’t uterrly destroy the game like /players 8 would do to build diversity.

also… loot filter NEEDS to happen

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But if you widen the disparity even more, the problem grows BIGGER than it already is. in no other game do you see such a large class gap. You acknowledged the problem yourself. 80%+ people play sorc or pally to start. It shouldn’t have to be that way, and leaning into this idea of p8 online will only make that even worse. Lets insist on fixing the problem before throwing this p8 crap out there.

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Well 2.4 just hit and many builds are closing the gap on meta builds. Also, many people including myself already play the game on P8, but to do so, you have to game crash (unfortunate), go out of the game to find MF groups in discord, or purchase multiple accounts.

I don’t think P8 is the best fix though as it both solves problems and creates them.

100% agree we need this!

when you see a problem the solution isnt to go “well it’s screwed up already, guess nothing we do to it matters”, and then make the problem a million times worse than it already is.

The solution is to FIX THE PROBLEM.

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the weaker builds are becoming more viable for sure yes, but to say they are “closing the gap” is a a pretty big stretch

not only do with see things like assassin charge buffs and werewolf speed fixes

we ALSO see things liek bowzon buffs (which sure there is an argument for)
but those are still the most used skills ON bowzon.
but then randomly crazy absurd things like auradin buffs… and FOH buffs
all of which ruin pvp.

also sorc got insanly better because of the no longer shared CD’s of skills like meteor blizzard and orb

so yeah a bunch fo classes got better.

but so did paladin and sorc… not exactly “closing the gap”

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Those builds are already the fastest farmers and your doom and gloom is not the case.

Sucks to be wrong.

I mean the meta is builds not classes…Hammerdin, Javazon, Blizz Sorc are the top. New builds that come close and give more options are for sure FOHdin, Reaper Wolf, Wind Druid, Berserk Barb, CS spear zon are all REALLY good this patch and can def clear P8 efficiently and close the “gap”.

100% agree, Hammerdin, Blizz Sorc, Javazon should see 10-15% damage nerfs.

Yes, but making the disparity even larger is not a fix. Like Swiftkitten said, the solution a problem is not to say “well it’s already a problem, so screw it, just do whatever”. You fix the problem. The p8 suggestion will make the problem WORSE, not better.

It does suck to be wrong. Enjoy it. I won’t be seeing that any time soon.

Neat, we’re not trying to fix build disparity. You must be lost.

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Its not a need in any way what u are talking about is greed. U just want more by doing less if its so hard to find anyone to play with then play offline then u can play P8 all u want. No and no again to P8 it will screw the economy more than JSP, pay to win and botting combined. Besides u will be back to the same stupid top tier build meta that patch 2.4 was meant to change