This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

Diablo 2 resurrected need real END GAME

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Ah but his misinformation fits his narrative, the live stream does not, ergo it doesnt count.

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I won’t waste time even reading BS. Curious why those people spend all day everyday on forums anyways instead of playing their perfect D2R.

Also, still zero counter-argument. Will just keep voicing my request.

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You could just ask for the game to be converted into Diablo 3… Oh wait, you’d get even more resistance then. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Won’t waste time reading…” Yet here you are.

I thought you were leaving?

Big brain logic. Purist brain. Here shows their irrational fear of change.

I actually did go out and came back and you are still here. It is sad but hey everyone needs some social interactions and I get it this is the only place you can ever get some attention.

I am not leaving the forums ever sorry, will keep requesting but not responding to non-life losers spamming my topic.

Keep editing your post too, so pathetic hahahaha really have nothing else to do with your life.

3642 posts folks. 3642. So sad, actually, added to ignored list. I will be here to voice my request only.

And that is supposed to hurt me? Heheheheh, you have much to learn, Zahramar san.

zero counter argument that you agree with, you mean…

Im still waiting for you to tell us what you have gotten so far from Blizz that you claimed?


So yeah, still zero counter arguments. I am sure Blizzard will deliver as they kept changing D2R for the changes we asked for. Stay salty, stay non-living on D2R forums not even discussing the game because you have no one to talk to.

The majority want players X Blizzard, as you can see.

Which ones? I still havnt seen a single one implemented that you and your kind have been asking for?

So much for misinformation by the way, here I present facts (as always, we are people of fact, logic, and reason):

Time-stamped too. They obviously say “Not for battlenet, as of right now and we are not planning on currently on doing anything with that.”

I know reading is hard for some people but I guess so is listening. Using some brain power is hurtful for some, too.

We will get it, keep asking people. :wink:

Oh yeah, zero counter arguments still. Majority wants it, please deliver Blizzard we won’t stop asking until we get improved D2R!

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“We don’t want to add reasons to to not play with people.”
“Bring people together, not push them away.”


1 hidden post. I guess they are still posting even though I been ignoring them for hours. Oh my, can some people be more pathetic. :joy::joy::joy: (The answer is yes by the way, yes they can ca-ca-ca-can).

Oh well, it serves me anyways. Keep bumping my topic and giving it more exposure.

Split farming: Playing Together - Separately!

I wouldn’t suppose your second way somehow generates more loot per person than playing separately.

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Amazing isn’t it? I guess it’s hard for them to process simple logic. Also, the devs never said no, they said no plans currently. I hope people don’t fall for their misinformation and keep asking. The devs did do changes they otherwise said no plans (hell, 2.4 patch is living proof).

Still zero counter arguments, still majority asking for it. I have faith in Blizzard, we will get our improved D2R.


They said no to character slots? When/where?

I do remember their statement about p8 in a video.

They also never said no to character slots. They said nothing currently (same with player x command). Don’t fall for their misinformation.

And it was a single occurrence. Not sure where “multiple times” comes from. Seriously, these people have absolute zero creditability. Do not believe anything they write.

Here evidence:

Oh yeah, still zero counter argument, still majority want it Blizzard.

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They definately said in a video with Llama that they were not interested in allowing online /players8. I was pissed when I heard that. But that’s what forums are for! To change their minds.

No, I put the link above with time stamp.

“Not for battlenet, as of right now and we are not planning on currently on doing anything with that.”

This is what they said. Not for now, and not currently (iterated twice). Keep asking and we might get it.


Agreed, that’s what they said. And I was pissed.


If someone came up to you and said “I’m not going to give you a million dollars.”, I’m betting you’d instantly omit the “not” from your short term memory, simply because you want that million dollars.