This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

Blizzard is against p8 online for gooooooooood reasons. What do you not understand?
Neither devs nor me have any clue what you are requesting lol

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You and hanz compeat for the worst troll on this forum so far. Not even fun or anything…

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Ehm. Blizzard said no (for now). But most importantly; so now you are saying Blizzard knows best, eh? Interesting.

We keep asking, we are getting them. :wink:

So you wanna ask every day like a child when Dad says no?

Blizzard knows why p8 online kills Diablo2, so do I, but you apparently not.

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Again, they said no (for now). And they gave wrong reasoning. Already addressed, refer to posts above please.

Quit spreading misinformation and provide real counter-arguments that were not addressed, please.

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You keep mentioning people’s age… I take it you’re a bit younger and more accustomed with games that give you dopamine overload for little or no effort. Helps explain the psychological dysfunction :ok_hand:

Ok, now youre asking too much

Ploot, /X and charm inventory is ok but this? Nah

There’s a great thing about Diablo 2’s FFA loot that most tend to ignore or are not even aware of… It exposes our primitive materialistic greedy ways… Only when we work together can we use the games mechanics to get more out of it.

It’s not a problem with the game, it’s a problem with the people playing the game.



This is why we need TCP/IP back so that we can play with a friend or two on any player count, the option of multiplayer/trading with SP characters, and especially the possibility of modded multiplayer in D2R.


So do we just get rid of all the people and let bots reign supreme?..oh wait.


There are budget builds that can crush farming areas on p8.

Work together by playing separately :rofl::rofl:

Hahahahahahahahahahaha… Like what? To my count, you still dont have stackables (outside of a tab that they said they would consider) charm inventory, rift like add-ons, any other type of loot, … so what have you got? Some minor skill adjustments that actually benefited the two most powerful characters even more LOL??

Im seriously asking


9 No’s and 1 Yes is still a Yes…

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Yep yep, you nailed one of the two ways… Splitfarming is a great way to work the game mechanics for those who don’t like to share… You must be one of those genius type fellers, way to go! :smiley:

Whoa whoa… dude, stating the obvious to obliterate nonsensical arguments is my turf.

Easy easy

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Great post.

I’d like to add to this a bit with some personal experience.

Random dude I met in an xp run friended up on Bnet. Been running casually as buds for a few months now. He sees something drop that I need for my build he just hands it over. I in turn reciprocate.

For all of my luck, his included, we’ve only ever seen one Herald drop. One day he says he’s leveling a pally. Without thinking I toss him the Herald and a Seraphs. He hits me back with a Maras and some lit skillers whenever they drop.

Point is, this gamer bro symbiosis only blossomed because the items we’re assisting each other with are rare and worth something. I needed another Sur for my last Ber (Infinity) and he offered it up, even though I rejected the offer.

You make all of this loot common and easy to find, then suddenly it’s incredibly difficult to build a fun solid friendship with another gamer on D2.


Edit: I even took a leave for a few months. Day I came back he hit me up with a “good to see you back”, didn’t ask about the Oculus, Arachnids, or any of the other items he helped me out with when they dropped.


Incorrect. When they revealed 2.4 in a live stream. Mrllamasc asked the devs about P8 for online. Devs quickly shot that down. So yes they did say NO they also said online is not the place for P8.

Do ur research before u spread misinformation. I take it u probably didnt watch that live stream.

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Ah so you tell the devs that they are wrong?

P8 instantly kills the entire ladder experience. Gone because you cannot count 2 + 2

I agree D2R needs some additional end-game love but I am not sure /P8 addresses all the current issues. Although the current multiplayer system is awful in almost every aspect, /P8 would just be a Band-Aid to those trying to make the most of the system we have without having to jump through all the current hoops (Split Farm, 3rd party Apps, game crashing, multi accounts, etc.) to play efficiently.

The Dev’s need to brainstorm a way to add difficult and rewarding end-game content that has incentive for both single and multiplayer.