This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

Play HC online and when the players drop off, keep that same energy.

Oh look it’s the… 6th person that thinks obliterating online multiplayer is a healthy choice for the game.

/playersx argument why it won’t kill online multiplayer

You give people the ability to print their own money and they’ll still show up for work!

Yeah… okay maybe Jeff from restocking will show up because he doesn’t want to be stuck at home with his wife.

Shortsighted bad ideas are still that, no matter how much glue and glitter you put on the turd.


Oh look, it’s generic idiot #23423423 who is so close minded and has absolute zero counter arguments.

The only shortsighted and narrow minded here is you and the rubbish you write. What false equivalence is that printing their own money BS.

Maybe people keep asking because their request is valid and purist-brains never counter-argued it?

@Monylol you are right. Hardcore and Classic it’s pretty much a need. Who the hell PvM in SC anyways.


If you want players 8 online, you have to find a game with seven other players. I don’t care if you create a magic find game like you’re meant to do, or you raid my baal game, or buy a few more computers and run two clients on each one. Do it however you like, but you need seven other players in the game because… You’re online, you’re not in single player.

If you don’t like any of those options, then there are a couple mods out there for people who don’t enjoy the game as intended. Check those out.


Already addressed. Refer to posts above.

Still zero counter arguments. Why should we check mods? We get the changes we ask for and we will get this too, eventually. You can go play D2 1.0.

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You’re definitely the no-lifer here that you claimed everyone else to be. I got to get to work, have a nice day writing the same thing over and over again!


So op have no arguments for any of thos things. So northing have change.

Who are WE? and what changes did you all ask for that you got?


Hahahaha. Yep, resort to poor ad hominem.

Other guy I won’t even bother checking his name, feels good to keep getting ignored and posting regardless? I am not here to chit chat, actually try to discuss the topic and counter argue.

Still zero counter arguments. :sleeping:

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You held it together for a long time there… Vechain lol, or Vechain 2.0 whos arguments are soely calling people purists because they dont want something…

I disagree 100% you cant call anyone in this topic a purist because they dont want Players x online, because its already part of the game. Its already a feature offline.
Use that as your argument and atleast youll get further than I want it for loot and anti griefing.

Im not against it online, my argument now is 2.4 just made P1 extremely easy, I couldnt solo alot of areas with the speed I can now, for still the same shotty returns lol, but thats part of the lure of the game, you have to work for the drop, and when it drops, it feels 10x more exhilarating than if I got it handed to me with enhanced drop and difficulty.

I think they will scale some stuff up after what they just did with 2.4, and dial some things in, but I dont expect Players X any time soon, maybe some form of it for Solo online play only, but otherwise, online play will remain.


Yer i also think its somone alt acc… :slight_smile: He also dosent know what purist means.

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Great, another one of these threads, but it’s laid on thick with all of them… As if it were a move of desperation. :laughing:

Go play singleplayer, /players # awaits you there.

Tired of charms taking up your inventory? Thin out your charms. It’s a balance between inventory space and power, duh.

Ploot in a ffa loot game? Hey, less drops for everyone, everyone will just go to playing single player. What’s next, increase the number of drops to keep players in the game? Blahahaha

The only ones I’ll agree with is more player slots and some stash love for D2R Classic.

That is all.


P8 won’t kill multiplayer at all. Too many people in need of a rush that depend on public games to progress. Too many people with bad gear that need others to level up. Chaos/Cow/Baal runs are here to stay whatever there’s P8 or not.

P8 is for people that can handle it, it’s nothing more than a difficulty slider. Player 8 isn’t even recommended most of the time because it drastically decrease killrate if you can’t handle it which lead to less drops.

Right now on my Amazon I have to invade quest/rush/whatever public games just so I can play at a decent difficulty, Player 1 is too easy and exp gain is not good enough but it’s fkn annoying because people question you, spam invite you and there’s the fact that people can abandon the game so you have to find another using the terrible UI that only show 20 games out of hundreds.

Friends? Yes I wanna play with friends but not be limited by how many friends are in the games, I should be allowed to set the game from P2 to P8 and make it stay that way whatever the amount of players are currently in game.

Players 8 is perfect for non ladders because a lot of people have gear right now and can handle it.


Exactly, not many will be able to go past P3-P5… But there are some builds of course that will get exploited to cash in. Even then, how game breaking can it be? Bots already use P8 with 8 bots to get loot

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Called it. 3 hours later.


Meh I think /players is over hyped. I think to many folks think this is some kind of magic loot bullet where high runes rain from the sky and all is well in the universe.

No, just no, not even close. I play offline mainly and I can say between my online p1 and offline p8 there is pretty much zero difference in my loot drops. The ONLY exception where /p7 helps is base farming, and LK chest pop’s. Even that is pretty minor honestly.

Best feature for offline is static maps imo, wayyy better then /players

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Sorry but this is just pure nonsense what you said. You are either trolling or completely blind. I play offline with players x all the time and there is definitely lot more drop.


Yep, /players X has a massive effect on trash mobs and container drops.

Thats exactly what those “easy drop/greedy” argument users think

And yet it will change 0 the current meta farm

The biggest effect is on objects. Thats main game changer honestly.

Mobs can only drop 1 item, normal ones, objects 4 and locked 8, super chest a lot more.

It would change farming meta of course.