This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

Normal monsters can drop 2 items.

No they cant, dude are you testing me? :slight_smile:

If you referring lk it should just be nerfed
Nothing else changes

No testing required, Iā€™ve seen it happen. lol :slight_smile:

Usually junk items, but still two items.

Yes, loot on objects is a huge difference but I would rather see that nerfed and removed from /players completely then to add /players to online.

There is no just LK lol. So you admit that you were wrong? No, we would not nerf game just so you can have players x online.

No, it cannot happen :slight_smile: normal mobs are limited to one item, period :slight_smile:

OK, I guess my game is broken then. :man_shrugging:

There is just lk

No im not

I see youre the kind that like to keep things easier as possible

Yeah dude I am totally going to bother reading purist-brain nonsense. I still see no counter argument though skimming through the posts.

Itā€™s too much to ask for those people to be a little logical and reasonable I guess. Hopefully Blizzard keeps listening to us and we get my listed features soon.

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thats what we thoughtā€¦

Itā€™s not overhyped. We know it isnā€™t game breaking this is why we are requesting it, people opposing to it are the ones who think it is some kind of ā€œmagic loot bulletā€.

Also: Itā€™s pathetic people being ignored for posting unconstructive crap because they are lonely and say I have no friends to D2 with (muh internet friends btw, lol) are still posting hours later after getting ignored. Yes, one of them is you @Bugles.

Stick to topic and discuss D2. Itā€™s honestly even more pathetic because we know D2 players are 25+ years old. I guess manboy term exists for a reason - some people just never grow. Please go back to D2 1.0 for the next decade, your brain peaked at it.

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Igonord, But i still live rent free in your head. You can`t stop reading what i say.

:salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:

Keep it up.
Still still no argument vs any of your wishes.


The only counter argument against /8 is lk, which should just be nerfed even without /X, even in offline

The rest is nothing but pure fallacy

Yep, can agree with that. I really think if we keep asking, Blizzard will [keep] delivering. We already got good update from them so more is coming for sure.

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Thats exactly what they said and what theyre doing and i agree

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Alright, did a quick p7 test in normal, so far youā€™re rightā€¦ I swear Iā€™ve seen a white monster drop 2 items beforeā€¦ Iā€™ll have to do some more testing later in higher difficulties. :slight_smile:

i got 2 things before also.
1 scoll and 1 white amor.
it should be 1, but perhaps ther is a bug sometimes.

Players X will make game easier.

And yet that is exactly what you basicly did by saying LK would be nerfed after i corrected your wrong satement about no meta change.

No there is not, there is upper kurast also and other placesā€¦


Which are already abused by botters, people who multi-client, D2JSP cheaters and people who play D2 Communism getting free-labor ā€œfriendsā€ to fill their games and find items for them.

So those are game flaws - has nothing to do with P8. So Hanz is right, they should rectify them.