This game desperately needs p8 (& more slots+stash, ploot, classic shared stash, charm inventory, etc.)

I disagree. The game gives you less loot per player if you play together than it does if you play separately.


That is the design, it makes perfect sense. I think people have to comprehend this is a 20 year old game with a graphics overhaul.

It’s NOT supposed to fit some modern design logic. Thats what many of us wanted to relive.

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I feel like P8 is trying to make groups less punishing instead of giving an incentive to actually form groups and walk/play togehter.

Its not good design anyway.

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Here is the disconnect.

People are playing, looking at streamers and YouTube videos trying to do all that stuff and get all this type tier stuff. A lot of them are showing videos while on single player…using things like the Jamella editor to get all that gear and then doing testing.

The game is literally designed as a co-op game but if you add more players the monsters get stronger. Thats the design, and it works VERY well. COnsider again it was designed 20 years ago where ppl played on modems. People were not creating 50 new games to bring every few minutes.

The problem is people want it all…they don’t realize if you could just play with P8 like single player you would not play with others. And then as a result trading would be harder if you also increased the stash, inventory, etc. as the OP suggests.

The only reasonable changes would be to single player

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I don’t think it works very well at all, because as the difficulty of the monsters increases, the loot per player decreases.

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OK we all understand you are joining someone else’s game correct?

Each player is not playing their own progression…this is the design. I don’t think everyone comprehends that. Some quests are shared but essentially you are helping someone else.

What do you mean, “each player is not playing their own progression”?

That’s literally untrue. You play your own characters. Your progress is measured by your own character leveling up and gearing up. Not others.

Suggesting personal loot and soulbound b.s.? No.

Blizz catering to casuals like you is why D3 was such a bad game and flopped so hard.

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D3 flopped?

If you actually beleive that, you can not blame accurately soul bound or high drop rates as neither existed in the early days of D3.

Yes D3 flopped and playerbase plummeted drastically after a couple weeks. The game didnt retain the Diablo fanbase for squat. It was designed for short-attention spanned kids and stoners that dont value quality and complexity.

There were many bad qualities of D3 that went backwards from D2.

Half the player cap, no pvp (dont even try arguing “brawl” as pvp), very bad itemization, soulbound and lack of trade/economy as a result, lack of the “dark and gritty” theme, poor story writing & NPC dialogue, etc.

The bosses are like listening to the bad guys from the power rangers… lol. So cheesy.


D3 had 18+ million sales after tbe first year and 30+ million overall. That suggests that is was not a flash in the pan.

Also, D3 initially had free trade so your argument is just wrong. I can not believe that you di nit recall that D3 had nit one but 2 auction houses and freee trade. Items were not soul bound originally.

Bro you lack comprehension. D3 racked up sales purely from hype. My argument was that it failed to retain those players.

and no it never had free trade…it had an auction house and limitations from the start.


How do you account for 18+ million sales after D3 was already out for at least a year.

The idea that these 18+ million sales are simply due to D2 hype ignores that D3 at that point was already out for a year and new buyers based their decision on D3 and not D2.

P.S. It had free trade at the start. You are mistaken. For example, I know for a fact tbat I traded gear among accounts.

I don’t think you know what free trade means.

I don’t know… how did Justin Bieber every get famous?

Stupid people buy stupid things.

D3 is the Justin Bieber of the diablo universe.

Hell I bought 3 copies of the damn thing myself. Still regret it. I bought it on name recognition. It’s like Skyrim for me. Tried to enjoy that game sooo damn much. Bought several copies on multi platforms. Still a terrible game.

Sales don’t = quality.


Ever see “Rustin Hieber” on youtube? Top kek

It is not untrue at all.

The only way someone can complete a quest is IF and only IF the game creator has not completed that quest or killed that monster.

If that is the case, you then only progress if you are in the party, if outside the party and if everyone is able to complete a quest, only the group or person who completes the quest gets credit.

By this design, it makes perfect sense. You nor I should never have my own loot because we are playing together. Sure someone can join a game and go to another act and play alone while the group sits in a different act but that prevents the other group form progressing. So again…its not each person progressing on their own and never has it been that way.

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Did you buy any of those copies after the first year? Are you actually claiming that you knew D3 was terrible and you still bought multiple copies after the first year?

To be fair I couldn’t tell you when I bought it. Game wasn’t worth remembering lol. Think I grabbed a copy fairly early on on the 360… then years later on ps4 and pc.

D3 flopped. Imagine being that ignorant:

And yes, first month of D3 sales probably double D2LoD’s lifetime sales. Even taking into account people abusing pay-to-win to buy multiple CD-Keys.

Also, D3 had trading and was not “soulbound” at its release. Also, personal loot does not mean items being “soulbound”. How did you manage to be so wrong in just two lines? Wow, impressive skill.

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