I just dropped a crystal sword in an area level 28 was so happy that I got all my runes and my sword to make a spirit right before I turned level 25 in act 5
I go to larzuk it and it has 3os instead of 4!!!
what the hell is this, this has never happened to me before, there is no possible way for it to have 3 sockets if it dropped in an area level 28, what the hell did they do to in this patch???
quest wasted, this is a major bug and they need to fix it
they didn’t change anything, you are missing vital information.
monster level =/= area level in normal. this is only true in nightmare and hell. normal has different logic.
the area level of chaos sanc is 28, but the level of the monsters are:
oblivion knight: 30
doom knight: 24
venom lord: 30
storm caster: 30
looks like the monster that dropped it was a doom knight, which is too low for 4os socket on the crystal sword.
edit: many areas in normal can drop items capable of 4os with larzuk…
Socketed Items can be complicated, mainly in the number of sockets and how to add sockets to existing items. There are three Cube recipes to add them, as well as the socket quest in Act V. Also items can generate with a variable number of sockets,...
Yep, ilvl 26-40 for max 4 sockets for a Crystal Sword.
What area did you drop the sword in?
The only areas in Act 5 that are below alvl26 are the Bloody Foothills and the Frigid Highlands.
Unless they did some tweaking to the min ilvl for Crystal Swords for 4 sockets.
I think the first place you can get a 4 socket one is normal cows
dropped it in chaos sanctuary
actually no, I always get it before cows, just need to be the right item level
Well I’d be less to believe that they changed the quest itself and more believe they tweaked the minimum ilvl for 4 sockets for a Crystal Sword… Maybe to gate the ability to create a Spirit Sword so early in the game, who knows?
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Yeah I think so too, I just changed the thread name so people will notice it, it’s a serious change and they didn’t mention anything about that, we need some confirmation here, I’m so upset, why no one mentioned any changes?
interesting. i might try to confirm this today after work. will be hunting for a cryswd in chaos too. will post here if i am able to drop one.
i got two swords at the same time, i can give you the other one, (give it to me if you get 4 and you don’t need it haha)
although is it’s a broad sword, not a crystal sword, so it might be different
According to DiabloWiki, broadsword is the same as a crystal sword on ilvl with 4 sockets.
yeah I know, which is why I kept it, but we are possibly dealing with a bug so who knows what might happen
Another reason we need the ilvl to be displayed on each item…
that’s alright, for the sake of a perfect recreation i’ll drop my own.
stupid work though… i’m here 5 more hours. damn them for starting ladder on a thursday.
I feel you, kind of busy myself as well, which is why I’m so upset I wasted my time like that
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1,000,000,000,000,000% so insane they haven’t done this… blizzard is so strange about gatekeeping the most obvious QOL features needed -_-
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maybe we should redirect this post to bug report?, can anyone get confirmation from pez on twitter maybe?
Crystal Sword in Norm Cows gets 4, just did it.
Thank you for the confirmation, we just need to test chaos sanctuary now.
they might have also changed area level accidently, they did change are levels for hell difficulty
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I tried to socket a monarch from hell act 1 andgot just 3 OS. Also very dissapointed
From Larzuk? Was it originally a cracked/low quality Monarch that was fixed using the cube recipe?
Absolutely agree. If they feel it is too much information for casuals, make it an option or something that pops up when holding a key or something.