The paladin's Shield smite skill needs a nerf

Then i quess i leave arguments for pvpers.

This was horrible change for pvm, but i wont flood this topic with arguments on this matter.

I smite all the time without grief. With a gnasher or a fleshripper. Grief is great but not mandatory

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No. Keep your nerfs out of our game. You don’t like it, don’t use it. Or remove the problem and see yourself out.

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bro smiter has never been as weak in this game than in 2.4. Casters such as necromancer can in a lot of case just straigh up TANK smiter, a melee class.

Even in 2.3 smiters werent particulary op… Nerfing them just doesnt make sense. Also, nerfing skill smite as low lvl remove a lot of VERY interesting interaction for hammerdin players in pvp. Blizzard dumbed down the game enough already, we dont want to lose those as well

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Are you a blizzard employee? This game is subject to changes, patch 2.4 introduced a lot of them. Are you saying that there will be no more updates to D2R period? Do you have a source on that?

Who said no changes… I said NERFS. You don’t please ANYONE with nerfs. Buffs are fine… but nerfs have no place in a PVM game. PVP can burn for all I care.

They just nerfed ww did they not?

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No, that was not an intentional nerf. I think it was a bug fix, or they created a bug. I’m not sure as I don’t follow the barb much.

No, they Buffed it, really. Check some hratli’s mauls🤣.

They messed up WW, but I don’t think that was the intent. Something got left out of the calculation. But if WW fights WW then I don’t see the issue in PVP. If WW wants to 1 shot everyone with a 5 range polearm and be un cc-able, then I have no sympathy for that either. The basic premise is they could get a fight they could lose, now, and they’re upset. Most of the barbs I’ve made I didn’t even use WW because it seemed cheesy. I much prefer smacking the crap out of stuff.

Either way, it’s nerfed and I don’t think they will make it as it was in LoD.

But YOU still arent a blizzard employee. This game is subject to CHANGES and those changes can be NERFS. If you dont like it then please go play hello kitty island adventure or someother dead game nobody cares about that is seeing no more updates, cause thats the game you’re looking for.

Maybe Diablo 2: LOD is a better game for you since you disagree with D2R and Blizzard changing things?

IIrc Smite is still bugged, it should use AR.

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Or… YOU go back to playing the modded version of D2 where everything was perfect and leave this game alone where they can buff things and not destroy the playerbase.

Nobody like nerfs Mr. Potatohead. NOBODY. Nerfs are never welcomed by the community, and the only people who EVER want nerfs are people that don’t like the skill they whine about, so they don’t want other people to use it.

People whine about teleport… Nerf TELEPORT… it’s op and I don’t like it… you can skip the game… whaaa.

Solution is … don’t use teleport.

But people who want nerfs don’t just want to not use it… they don’t want other people to use it, even if people LIKE THE SKILLS as it is.

And for the record, PVP can die in a lake of salt for all I care.

All pally auras need to be nerfed, teleport needs to be taken out or runes need to actually drop. Yet, you worry about smite? It kills one target.

Smite no longer can apply bleed or leech life/mana

It’s a shield impact, not a weapon hit

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no its not , it has quite a low damage unless you have grief.

you need too understand 95% of the player have 0 knowledge on the history of this game , and they are thinking too be big expert :roll_eyes:, back them 1,09 smite use to be very balance , but dont leech and also only take the weapon speed not damage , so most smiter use +1 or 2 skill to make more damage

and still back them smite use too dominate 1 vs 1 zealing duels using a phase blade silence , smite today is 200% broken , playing a smite build you need to be a noob or a bad player , on the top grief add too smite what a joke , grief is just a broken weapon in this game some weapon with 600 too 700 ed % will still make lower damage of gief just to show you how grief is broken

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It’s not nerfing smite it’s just undoing a mistake that should have not happened, letting +dmg work on it. At some point a pally fanboy must have worked on a patch and gave the class too many unbalanced buffs like letting concentration work with hammers for example. Lesson is don’t let fanboys do the balancing.


Why? This isnt your game, you dont get to decide what blizzard implements. If you dont like what blizzard is doing then you dont seem to like their game

I do, and a bunch of other people too. Maybe you’ve misunderstood this thread? Do you need an interpretor? A grown up?

Blizzard should add in a weapon that oneshots anything in the game, automatically giving you high runes with each kill - After that i’ll come tell you “Just dont use it lol btw im so smart”

Who cares about what you think lol? Its pretty clear you think you’re speaking for a lot more people than you are. Blizzard are in charge of this game and i hope the nerfs come, if they dont then thats too bad, after all its NOT MY GAME.