The paladin's Shield smite skill needs a nerf

Because its Paladin.

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Would like to see iT how works. Not so sure it would be simple. Personally i think would slow it a bit like to 8fpa but regardless of weapon speed. Always hits to strong for me if IT is 6fpa. giving you at least (not even including target deffence influence on chance to hit) on 4x more effective hit landing when target błocko chance is 75.

? smiter is weak af in pvp, why would you want to nerf him

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I dont really know about pvp it all seems so inbalanced to me im many ways

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Nah. It needs buffs. It only hits one target at a time :man_facepalming: and it is silly weak at low levels without perfect gear.

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Sounds about right, paladins must be the best at everything.

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Can other melee skills get buffed to always hit? Silly they always missing and getting blocked. I would love to be able to still hit Ubers with lvl 1 skill and crappy equipment.

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I agree. You could just remove the “automatically hits” aspect of smite and give it some solid attack rating bonuses (see dragon talon ~+1000% attack rating when maxed).

Basically, IF you build a smiter with a high smite skill and high fanatacism - there should be NO issues with getting 95% chance to hit. BUT, for a 1 point wonder on a hammerdin build - it SHOULD miss quite a bit.

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replacing the “always hit” with an attack rating bonus would make a lot of sense.

removing weapon bonuses makes sense (like, when you dual wield with an assassin or a barb, 1 of your weapons doesn’t affect another), but it might be kinda weird, where smiters will just all use wizardspikes in the end.

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They would probably use some kind of v/t weapon for more foh damage. Or give up on the class completely if grief didn’t help smite.

Don’t think smite skill needs a nerf, just replace the 340-400 damage on grief and similar damage types with enough ED to make them high end weapons…damage drops massively and smite is no longer to strong…yes always hit and thus CB will still be good, but slower and/or less damage than other skills.
The continu by fixing the rest of the melee skills, most need buffing, some need fixing (90% of the shapeshift and WW are not just bad they are ruined due to devs not knowing what their doing, they don’t need buffing, they need fixing, ok and then buffing).

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But then smite would be useless imo. You could buff it with infinite ar bonus and still huge nerf. Pvm wise smite is good only for always hit + pretty fast + crushing blow (good for ubers). About grief damage you could remove it and buff base damage of holy shield and some synergy maybe.

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You can just take for example hammerdin with 1pt smite. Hammers taking buff from concentration aura, which should buff melee physical damage and smite taking damage from grief to shield. Then you destroy areas with players8 swap some gear and destroy ubers. Nothing wrong with it… Paladin CAN :smiley:

I’ve done that, with the disciple set, lol.

LIke i said - giving it 95% to hit when maxxed with max fanatacism isn’t OP. making it hit 100% of the time with a single point (and swing very quickly) is… a bit abusive.

People could make their smiters for boss killing/ubers/SLOW pVM and they’d work just like in the past… but they would be weaker as a hybdrin bad.

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Buff the rest of the melee classes

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If you want balanced PVP then fight people with the same builds. Then you can flex your e-p. You know you built the better whatever class/spec and have the better skill. Like the IROC race. Everyone gets the same car. The winner is the best driver. Why leave it up to the game maker to tell you who is better?

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You mean bypassing chance to hit formula like guided arrow do but still blockable? Ar rating buffs won’t give you 95% chance considering deffence and lvl of ubers. This would mean no smite in pvp and still aplicable on hybrids i believe. Wouldnt be very apreciated by those. It is hard to nerf it and not exclude it from pvp. I dont really like destroing someones fun (not that i care about pvp)

Just make +dmg not work for smite. Uber smiters stack crushing blow, most of them don’t even use grief. It would make little change to smiters pvm but huge impact in pvp.

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In PVM it doesn’t matter.

What I want to say is balance in PVP situations.

In pvp and pvm, all 4 finishing moves of the assassin were unhindered, and it was a skill that ignored the enemy’s defense and block rate.

It has now been changed to a skill that is not conditionally uninterrupted.

This is a good find and is also conditionally undisturbed in hunting.

To Deathbourne

If you want balanced PVP then fight people with the same builds. Then you can flex your e-p. You know you built the better whatever class/spec and have the better skill. Like the IROC race. Everyone gets the same car. The winner is the best driver. Why leave it up to the game maker to tell you who is better?

This is in line with the content planned and announced by Blizzard. We announced that we would continue to balance and patch pvp, and actually deleted FHR and FB motion frames in patch 2.4.

WW’s attack speed nerfed in patch 2.4.3

And so on, Blizzard has been doing its own balance patch.

This is important. It doesn’t really matter whether you are affected by both hunting and pvp. The powerful weapons and magic of a specific class or character have in fact been strictly elements that disturb the overall balance.

Balancing the characters in RPG games and hack and slash games requires a fairly high level of game planning and feedback.

However, Blizzard has never, and has never, improved upon or accommodated users’ requests or feedback, and it is highly unlikely that this will be the case in the future.

I also insisted on the overall upgrade of all the characters, but it seems better to balance the OP skills by nerfing the OP skill rather than doing it anyway. (Blizzard doesn’t know what to do…)