The one pragmatic reason why /players x is never happening online

It’s far too late to rework the system in Diablo 2. As stated above, that’s where Diablo 3 came into play… Here’s a solution for you… Go play another game. It sounds like your nostalgia trip has worn off.

Discussions on game design are never too late.

I can decide what to play without instructions from trolls. I play more than one video game. Nostalgia is more likely to be your thing. I always focus on the present and the future.

It baffles me when I see some people defending game design that is very obviously bad in so many ways. It’s impossible to go wrong with the redesign of a game mode that is already dead.

Principles of game design apply to current and future games.

You seem to be oblivious to the fact that D2:R is a REMASTER of the original game, which is 23 years old.

As far as development, this tree has long since died and become petrified.

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Principles of game design apply to all games. I can judge even the design of a 100 years old game using our current best knowledge of game design.

Your idea that the problem is not the design but the people playing the game is absolute nonsense. It would be universal nonsense even outside of the games industry.


Judge all you want… It doesn’t mean a game will be changed.

Blizzard isn’t going to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars in further development of a 23 year old game for free just to appease the judgmental fanatics of this game.

No one should have the ability to cheat the system. That should be one of the key pillars of multiplayer design.

It isn’t only players with multiple accounts who exploit the questionable design of D2’s multiplayer drop system.

Probably the only thing we agree on.

That’s why you will see requests for cheap workarounds (like “online /p8”) till the end of time. Have fun!

D2R in not 23, but only 2 years old. We’ve paid for it (actually even more than for D2), so the development was neither free. Yet it got abandoned just after 4 seasons…

The graphics update is mainly what we paid for.

D2:R is basically a glorified graphics wrapper around the original game.


No it doesnt. People act antisocial everywhere. They also do in D2, that doesnt mean game rewards it. It doesnt.

No, I like online play because i can interact with other players, its you who is antisocial, pushing ideas so you dont have to interact with anyone and playing in solo games with your own mules. Dont project what you or onto me dude. I like playing with other people. I often play alone because of my specifi playstyle which not everyone has, but that doesnt mean I dont like playing with others. I do love playing with others too.

The hell are you talking about? I see public games with people all the time on roster. People doing baalruns, tristruns, tombruns, split farming, chaos runs…

Its you who want to be isolated because you are intisocial. Thats why you want special game command to achieve that. On other hand we argue against people like you because we dont have problem to socialize with others in multiplayer.

Your opinion which is wrong.

Not true. Only greedy people do that. Or anctisocial. And I dont mean this as insult, if someone is greedy or antisocial, its fine, its their choice to be like that. I dont have issue to admit that I am myself little bit greedy in D2R. But I am also often quite generous.

There are games but you probably not aware ythat we play 20+ old year remastared game which had botched start actualy making a lot of new players leave for good. So we cant of course expect huge numbers of players as in new games. But there are still games and especially there is a lot of game early in season.

No, thats not good design. For example D3 does that and its terrible game design.

It does, there is just issue with some skills being too op, so its matter of bad dmg balance between skills. Some skills are too strong so you dont need others as much.

Dont have to respond to rest RN, maybe later.

It was discussed, considers and decided by devs that /pX won’t be implemented in MP. Have fun.

Seems like you guys are having fun with the raging troll TRON. I wonder whose multi he is, now that he is behaving like a wounded dog.

Pathetic sadists like you never run out of demeaning words… :smiley:

Summary of this thread and most of the forum:

Trolls (Odin, Jedi, Zax, etc): leave the game alone so we can troll because it’s more fun to troll than play the game.

Other reasonable people: there’s things about the game that could be better, let’s discuss like adults.

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I’ve seen your „discuss like adults“ and can tell you for a fact that you behave like toddlers.

Welcome to my ignore list like your alt accounts

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And just like I said before, people railing against free /pX while being perfectly fine with using paid /pX (multiboxing):

So even you actually want /pX, you just don’t want everyone else to have it too.

Textbook hypocrisy.

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Funny how you pick 1 example and try to sell it as fact that everyone else does the same.

So I guess by that logic everyone in favour of /pX is a botter and cheater and jsp user.

Shame on you

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That… doesn’t even make any sense.

So tell me, is the example I posted hypocrisy or not?

I was asking about multiboxing for certain use, basicly research of something online. So dont make any conclusions as you dont know why i asked for it.

Its not because you had no clue why I ask for it and why i wanted to do it.

It is. But that doesn’t apply the same to everyone else who is against /pX, like you try to imply.

I guess you have a very casual understanding of what “antisocial” means. In this context the meaning of “antisocial” isn’t “someone who plays D2 alone”. That situation would be a dream come true for the whole playerbase.

What I mean on “antisocial” is someone looking for abusive interactions: trolls, sadists, psychopaths. D2 multiplayer design enables such interactions (like one sided hostile, inability to ban players from games) while most other video games don’t. If you support such design you are obviously one of those online trolls/sadists who benefit from that design.

The average player spends most of its playtime farming. Yet, you won’t see many public “split MF” games because they suck. You claim to love interactions so much, I wonder what makes you prefer the “split” nature of those games over multiplayer design that rewards close cooperation…

There is nothing antisocial about avoiding game modes that suck.

Everyone is greedy to some degree, some are more greedy than others, almost all living species are greedy. Tempting people and rewarding them for leaning towards their dark side will not result in fun interactions with strangers. Environments like that suck and avoided by most. It’s a good recipe for failed online game modes.

Grabbing items from others isn’t fun (at least for most people). Even if I resisted the temptation and let others grab everything it wouldn’t make me feel good about “farming” in a game like that, it would be like working for nothing.

Close cooperation is punished, that’s why split MF is a thing. Players shouldn’t be able to get more loot/hour than in solo by doing split MF which is pretty much playing solo in separate acts. It’s the nonsense multiplayer drop system that makes it possible - one of the many things that are wrong with D2 multiplayer design.

7 accounts are used for maxing out drops in farming runs. Your intentions are way too obvious.

8 or more accounts can be beneficial for dclone farming and high volume trading. Other use cases require only 1-2 alt accounts.

32GB RAM is ideal for 3 accounts. 7-8 accounts result in heavy memory swapping, huge performance penalties and occasional crashes even with 48GB RAM, the ideal setup is 64GB. 6-7GB per D2R instance along with a decent amount of extra RAM for the operating system, caching and other applications like web browser.

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