The one pragmatic reason why /players x is never happening online

Well designed multiplayer games can be enjoyed by groups of beginners - in those games cooperative groups get at least the same results as in solo. The main activity in D2 (MF) is nothing like that. D2 encourages less experienced players to go solo and they don’t have good reasons to switch to multiplayer after becoming experienced players either.

Based on what you said you shouldn’t be so afraid of online /p8. They wouldn’t be able to utilise it right? They would continue playing their solo /p1 games with their weak characters just like before. The reality is that lazy or frustrated players can fully gear multiple characters from the price of a drink or a cinema ticket. Farming out the gear or getting it the easy way is already a personal choice.

The D2 multiplayer design is garbage regardless if it’s early or late stage of the season - that’s why people avoid it, it has nothing to do with seasons. Why would I look for D2 players to MF with when I don’t want to play the badly designed multiplayer MF at all? For me D2 is solo PvE looter with some trading on the side. If I want to play with others I go and do it in a video game with well designed multiplayer. You are the one who doesn’t know how good multiplayer games are designed so you - a self-proclaimed lone wolf - probably don’t play too much with others in any other video game either.

In a well designed multiplayer video game the players visit the lobby where they have access to almost the whole playerbase. It would make no sense to restrict themselves to smaller private groups instead of the whole player base. Groups are great for niche activities (like competitive pvp, dclone farming) in any video game but MF in D2 isn’t a niche activity, it’s the main menu so the lobby should be full of it with a good multiplayer implementation.

Let’s not forget about this you hypocrite:

Up until three weeks ago you were a “lone wolf” the “majority of time” in your D2 career. Today you are an active member of multiple communities, a hyper-social multiplayer fan.

You contradict yourself again just like a genuine hypocrite would do.

So you play solo most of the time and the best you had on occasion is a duo or a trio… I’m not surprised that you want a multi-account setup.

Then you shouldn’t be afraid of removing that exploit. A well designed multiplayer game mode doesn’t need exploits that can be used by solo players.

Perhaps a lone wolf like you likes solo exploits and/or doesn’t care about multiplayer design at all.

That’s exactly what people call it and a google search would reveal it. In this case we could call it humblebrag too. Bragging about charity is what companies and their public representatives often do so you will find plenty of examples.

They do it for good press and tax write-offs. You also did it as an attempt to hide the fact that you are a hypocrite: “I’m only doing research and give away the drops”.

Anyone can check the context, I added a link instead of just copy pasting text. The context you are talking about is you acknowledging what almost everyone knows: the Blizzard rules aren’t against multiboxing. However, this isn’t about the official rules. It’s about your principles and your lack of integrity.

You said people shouldn’t use multi-account setups for farming but now a couple weeks later you decided to do it yourself. Your own principles don’t apply to you because you lack integrity.

In contrast I never said that players shouldn’t use multi-account setups, in fact, I recommended it as a paid alternative to “online /pX” in the same thread.

Only because you didn’t have the required hardware specs to run multiple D2R clients but you just upgraded your machine. In the old version of D2 you did it long before I started playing D2R:

You are a texbook hypocrite.

It isn’t a good sign if someone like you is “one of the more reasonable types” on a forum.

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