The dream of a new expansion for Diablo 2


You’re clearly t3h best0.

id like some more endgame tacked on top. doesnt have to be new stuff… recycled tiles, recolored monsters… procedural-rifts-style infinite progression or something.

the only downside of this game is theres really nothing to test your metal once you get 93-94 and starting to be very well geared. youre doomed to just keep doing more chaos runs or whatever it is you like to run :wink:

a full blown expansion, i cant see it. but could easily slowly add some kind of endgame to whats already there.

*i’m ignoring pvp here since im a hardcore player and pvp isnt trendy there.

Given the fact i have Autism i probably never had one🤷🏼‍♂️

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Plus the indicators of sarcasm often include abnormal changes in vocals and facial expressions… Picking up intended sarcasm via only text can be a challenge.

This transmog mechanic also doubles as a unique/set item storage mechanic as it reduces everything to a 1x1 imprint that can then be restored

Nope, start by improving existing ones

Jewels can’t stack as they are variable

As for gems

Looks like Anu/Sekscalibure is back on his mission of spamming all threads in the forums with more of his Diablo 3/Diablo 4 type change garbage that of course will never happen. Somehow he lost the memo that D2:R is a remaster and still after 3 years hasn’t found that memo.

Go join a mod forum, you might have better luck with your ideas there.

Would it though? If you make it separate from the current game modes you can remove that expectation and have it only work with HD graphics. Or, just disable the graphics changes in new areas. I don’t think that of all things should be a limiting factor in developing this game, whoever wants to play with the old graphics is usually playing classic D2 anyway

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The general genre has evolved as with all other genres. Play d2/d2r like you play chess, it is a relic that doesn’t require a derivative game out there to replicate its enjoyment. Sure it is oudated, but that is completely fine.

like a smirk? :smirk: like this?

But you’re right.

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lol, that’s all pretty good right there. glad i didn’t check it til now haaah

How about you start by reminding us what lore exists in Diablo 1, Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction and their manuals, to show there actually exists something to delve into? Just to be very clear : not Diablo 3, 4 or immortal. Not the books either. It needs to come from in-game Diablo 1 or 2, or their manuals, nowhere else.

Waypoints actually already exist : they are the shortcuts to levels 5, 9 and 13.

I could be nit-pick like you and say that these are shortcuts and no waypoints…wiseguy

Because, um, lilith is in d2.

Well… technically it’s not really her
Lorewise she is emprisonned in the void
She’s either a clone or this is just gameplay

Why do you care so much? Let ppl write stuff and ask for stuff, your gameplay and experience won’t change. I swear I’m about to become a super hero here in this forums and stand up for everyone you try to bully with this none sense.

Keep it up….

Like many other purists he’s defending the imagine of something that reminds him of when he was young, playing D2 before he became a pathetic excuse of a human being

It’s nostalgia whiteknighting

Diablo 1’s lore tomes actually reference a lot of interesting stuff, such as the Sin War and the Dark Exile that could all be further expanded on. A lot of people just ignore the lore in D1 but there’s a surprising amount of it. Actually D1 is the first game to mention Azmodan which would end up being one of the most annoying characters in D3 (I consider that wasted potential). There’s also mention to a Warlord of Blood that could also be an interesting story that was never really explored in any of the games.

To be honest, the easiest way to make an expansion without having the hurdles of lore would be

Make it between the acts

During your travels between acts stuff happens

Act 1 to 2: you still have to cross some land and desert with the caravan, you can defend it from monsters as an « escort mission like » mini game

Act 2 to 3: you sail to Kurast but you can cross sea monsters and sailing foes. This could be a « turret defence like » mini game

Act 3 to 4: technically the portal doesn’t link to pandemonium, otherwise diablo would have spawned there as well lol you arrive on the outerring of hell and have to find your way to Pandemonium which is an outpost at the gates of hell. Which could act as a « Bullet hell like » minigame

Act 4 to 5: you could start at the base of the mount and make your way up. Could be some sort of « endless dungeon like » mini game but outside and going up the mountain

If we want to appeal to blizzard making us updated content, this is the way to do it. Think of the easiest most lazy way to get a dollar and they will be on it.

Hi Sekscalibure,

It’s amazing to me how you spend your time thinking ideas like that up while believing they’d be a good addition to this remaster of a game. Keep wasting your time though. It provides some entertainment value seeing what garbage ideas you come up with.
