Havent played in over 20 years

Lol you seem so interested in the health of my channel.

Let me let you in on a secret, archival Content doesn’t really care about views.

Again we are back to you can’t see the forest for the trees.

When user A finds a Desthspade and searches for information on it, I have it.

They find my video in the number one spot on Google and watch my video. They then either enjoy the content or not, likely subscribing and watching more of my videos.

The Desthspade video is Never going to be more popular than say the Grief Video, or the Infinity Video.

But it’s there because archival requires all content be catalogued not just the ones that have good views. This is a completely different approach than most content creators use. Because most content creators wouldn’t deem Snakecord worthy of a Video.

So yeah I even have a Video on “Snakecord” one of the worst items in Diablo 2 lol

And it has a whopping 1.5k Views in 2 years, is that really surprising though? It’s a crap item, that most people can tell is crap without help.

Meanwhile “Infinity” has 35,000 & 14,000 & 9,800 Views a much more popular item

However I still make Important videos too like most content creators so likey Infinite Ber Rune Video (137,000 Views)

Or my Top 10 sets (147,000)

Or Top 10 Worst Uniques (74,000)

What you Demonstrate time and time again Anu is that you only look at the surface without any real understanding of what’s going on.

Also, choosing a name like “Anu” the god of The Diablo franchise is incredibly Egotistical, as if to say you know it all and have all the answers. But you demonstrate time and time again you don’t know it all, you don’t have all the answers, and you make a lot of mistakes based on incomplete information.

I definitely don’t have all the answers, but what I do have is a hunger to learn, and share the knowledge I learn.

Do you have any other ad hominem attacks?

Since you sincerely seem to lack knowledge on these kinds of things let me educate you.

“An ad hominem attack is a type of argument that attacks the person making the argument instead of the argument itself. The term comes from the Latin phrase ad hominem, which means “against the person”.”

Every time you get proven wrong you move towards personal attacks. It’s really quite tiring.

Let’s see, so far you tried to insult me by calling me a “Purist”, then you insulted me by calling me a liar, then you insulted me by attacking my channel, When that didn’t work you tried to insult my channel again, when that did work you tried to insult my channel again again, lol oh and let’s not forget you also just called the entire Diablo 2 Player base a dying game as you put it? Lol

I hate to ruin your narrative, but Diablo 2 has survived for 24 years, that’s nearly 2.5 decades. It’s probably going to outlive both of us.

I wonder if I go through you 3,800+ posts how many of them are of you just insulting people without actually debating the topic?

Probably 50-60%?

Oh look

Lol that was like me barely glancing at your comments.

Funny I see you got a temp ban too for this very thing not a surprise.

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