Thank you blizzard for improving amazon multi-shot! but still needs more damage (March PTR)

Thank you very very very much for trying to imporve multishot, but still needs a little more power up. You will make a lot of people happy with it. Also your other changes to amazon skills are nice, dont remove them. Blizzard, I know that there are people that doesn’t like the improvements on ama, please, don’t remove the improvements, every change you make in the game will have people that doesn’t like that change, it’s normal. They don’t like improvements in amazons but they like to have other chars that kills multiple enemies with very cheap equipment and very low effort (like sorceress etc…).

Multishot amazon was underused and too much nerfed since 1.09

Thank you for improving it. Please, also remove the 3/4 cap damage (like you did on strafe), it is necessary to use multishot ama. Consider also doing that not only the center arrows gets crushing blow, etc… two center arrows are too low, add more please.

This skill wasn’t performing well, you need to improve multishot with a little more power up. It was very very frustrating trying to do a powerful amazon in Hell using multishot. It was necessary to use super top items to do something with it. DIfferent from other chars, which performs extremely well killing multiple enemies at once in hell with very cheap equiment.

This change is good and please consider removing the 3/4 cap and doing that not only the center arrows gets crushing blow, etc… two center arrows are too low, add more please.


I think your proposed additions will be too much.

I’m using Windforce right now with a few max dmg charms and equipment for 150% IAS. On P1 it’s manageable. Yes, some mobs take many volleys to take down but it’s fun.

Come 2.4, I suspect this will improve quite a bit with the new MS synergy from GA, which almost any amazon maxes.

If you remove the 3/4 damage limitation AND/OR allow procs on all arrows, it will only be broken.

Keep in mind that (from the experience of others) end game gear (Faith, Fortitude, IAS tiara + 3x15% IAS + %ED/Max DMG jewels) already puts bowazon in a semi-decent place for solo P8 games.

TL:DR - let’s see how the current changes pan out. Your proposals seem too much at this point

I think removing 3/4 cap will make Strafe skill obsolete.
I think +240% damage from synergy on playthrough is great for bowazon!
I dont think anyone will dislike Multishot buff.

I think more PvPers will dislike the Guided arrow buff tho. Thats probably not good idea. Noone will be using Guided on PvM except boss fights.
I think they could’ve made Magic arrow stronger for boss fights rather than Guided arrow. So PvP isn’t affected and PvM is affected.


I think removing 3/4 cap will make Strafe skill obsolete.

It should.
Multishot is so much more fun to use.

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strafe is still very useful for bosses, even more than guided arrow

multishots needs urgently to get removed the 3/4 damage cap

pass, the buffs should be removed as it is ridiculously OP. insight bow was a good mid game buff and that’s all that was needed. There are at least 10 others builds that needed (and still need) a buff way more and some are even on amazon!

I would agree with removing the buffs to amazon if and only if

  • Hammerdins get adjusted to Bowazon levels
  • Sorceress gets adjusted to Bowazon levels
  • LF javazon gets adjusted to bowazon levels

You see where I’m going. Should I go on?
If your concern is PvM, why is it a concern that more people might have more fun?
If it’s PvP, why should it be a concern for a PvM first game? I’ll even give you a mission in this case: ask Blizzard to split skill behavior between PvP and PvM - they did it for SC2, why not D2R? This way everyone can have fun

Edit: I just saw Llama showcasing a FoH pally. If you want bowazon changes reverted then for sure you can’t ignore paladin and FoH. Let’s say gearing requirements is the same for both builds (although bowazon will still be more expensive in my view), clear speed in CS P1/p8 roughly the same but pally has tons more survivability, MF, mobility via teleport and doesn’t need AR.

Amazon multishot simply needs more damage, it is still very low even with the GA synergy


I think its more than fine with the patch buff. It has one of the biggest AOE , if not the biggest in the game, hence something gonna give.

I think Strafe could also have all hits hit single target like volley in PoE. Currently, only like 3-4 arrow will hit one enemies weven when there are no other mobs around.

Buff Magic arrow so its a good 2nd element to physical, or add magic damage as synergy to guided arrow.

Magic arrow is still quite weak tho.

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It’s been buffed to convert twice the physical damage to magic damage from current levels, it’s pretty good!

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Yes converts, but it doesnt have that good dmg bonus itself. Its great on normal but i dont think its good later on higher difficulties.

The magic damage is effectively doubled, so it’s technically a 100% buff vs physical immunes. It was kind of ok-ish before PTR 2.4, but now it’s good.

The syns to the bow/xbow skills aren’t that significant. Faith+Fort already add ~600% to offhand ED, and then add more from stat points and jewels (or Might/Pride/LoH if you are pvm), and the syns are only a bit of extra damage when you multiply it by the low base dmg. There’s also a disincentive to add too many points to multi, so it’s not that much of a buff. The number of arrows will max out at 24 arrows, but increasing slvl only increases mp cost. My telezon will have something like prolly +17 b/c skills, so may only be putting a few points into multi at the most, which is a waste because I think the synergy bonus alone is worth the skill point spent. I think they should either reduce mp requirements when increasing the skill at a certain level, or maybe add some extra dmg or w/e, otherwise you would have to go out of your way to avoid putting points in multi


It kind of is. Even in the very best damage setup for faith + forti + pride + max dex build, it’s still a 12% overall damage buff. The effect is much more skewed for budget bowazons where they receive more like a 45% damage buff.

That mainly affects guided arrow damage. Guided arrow you can very much max out and get the full +240% enhanced damage on multishot. That addresses your issue a bit with mana cost since it would take less volleys to kill stuff.

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I strongly disagree with you. With some practice, I could the clear time to 4.30-5.00 minutes.

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I mean it’s not going to be more OP than javas or sorcs. What happened was that they addressed a fundamental flaw in the skill tab: there is no source of % enhanced damage from skills, so you were basically forced to use faith+fort for it. With the syns at least you are not locked into using those. Now the next problem is that pvp zons have a source of enhanced damage from skills for bow skills (MUCH needed), but not for the main phys damage dealer in pvp: lightning fury. So it’s not THAT huge of a boost, considering how much they needed to be boosted after all the patch 1.10 nerfs.

I was actually talking about pvp. In pvm you have infinite mana because of ml, but not so in pvp. It’s possible to run out of pots over there. But it should be addressed no matter what because it’s an oversight, because a skill shouldn’t get worse with higher slvl.

Hm, I’m not sure what you’re disagreeing with here. I also don’t know what you are comparing it to, but that char in the video doesn’t look OP in any way. I think you are just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing, because that is nowhere near a fast time.

Probably not, but that’s not a good yard stick to compare anything with. They and hammerdins need their own separate set of nerfs.

On top of this, melee characters should have more general buffs, for example better access to good itemisation.

Details here:

I think the current meta is ok. If javas, sorcs and hdins were good for a couple of decades, I think it’s just better to leave the meta as it is. It will be unrecognisable as a remaster without those!

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I disagree. The last balance patch was like 15+ years ago. The game was left in this state not because the Devs thought balance was in a good state, but because the game just got abandoned.

Being able to easily clear players 8 content and with cheap gear is rather absurd in my opinion. It completely detracts from encouraging party play and makes the game far too easy for those builds overall.