Terrorized Zones offline!

You got plenty of time to babble, but none to retort your claim that the core immunities have been removed from the game?

Or have you conceded that was 100% false and you were just out of control with your tantrum?

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Hello, one of my forum stalker’s many faces. I’m only going to respond to this query one more time. I already provided the answer you are (not) looking for, in the thread where the question was asked (the first, second, and third times). Spamming off-topic like this isn’t a great look, but then again what do you care if one of your several accounts gets temporarily timed out for harassing me?

No you did not, you deflected, attacked my reply to you saying clearly, the core immunities have not been removed, thats fact, not troll. The troll is you lying to try to justify your agenda.

Im just curious, who do you think my other accounts are? This requires popcorn LOL.

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Good post, you have + from your account leader :smile:


Can we please get that?


Count me in for yes to tz on single player.

Still a no on p8. Please try to talk about the subject of the thread. You got at least half a dozen threads redirected to your p8 agenda already.

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Is anyone ever going to respond to this?

No, not really.

come on blizzzzzzzzzzz

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