Terrorized Zones offline!

The CORE of the game… That word seems to elude you.


Hmm mHmm yes, the CORE of the game, you can choose this arbitrary hill to die on arbitrarily. Unless you’re referring to the pig-headed approach of reverse engineering an ancient game engine with presumably all source code lost … purportedly out of the fear that someone might notice some meaningless discrepancy in some netcode bug or slight object movement … to ‘preserve’ original gameplay … then turning around and drastically altering game play, balance, breakpoints, immunities, experience scaling, droprates, summons and hireling mechanics, skills and synnergies, equipment, user interface, and almost every other meaningful faucet of the game. Yeah, I can tell that is what you meant.

Damn, what the hell happened to Todd :smiley: its like complete switch or someone hijacked his account lol.


lmao, you as well… Keep them blinders on!

Lets break these down, I do not think you, actually I am convinced you dont know what CORE means, or you have your own definition, typical of this modern day sense of beliefs.

Game still plays the same as it did 20 years ago… No quest changes, no A4 extra quests, no A6. So feel free to explain how its "drastically altered.

I dont think they did too much there, they tried to adjust a few things, they still have some work to do on making all classes viable in many ways.

?? What did they do to affect the core breakpoints? They are all still the same LOL

Core immunities are still in the game, they just gave players an optional way to disable them. By choice. With a penalty. Again, Choice.

Im sure you mean because of Terror Zones?

Other than the boosts of Terror Zones ,which is still not that great IMO unless you farm for hours, with 7 others, but you can get similar results pre TZ as well.
Id argue the average player can now get some advantage with the zones. Still no change to the core drop rates.

These were much needed, long awaited improvements. Still didnt do that much other than a few skills changes and the A5 guy is louder.

All still the same with some QOL, modern touches. I play D2R and still feel like its D2. Thats what I mean by the core game is still being preserved.

Now if they change FFA loot to Ploot, that would be a major core change.

NOW I will also add in they did remove some things that became core… like the WSK. They need to re-add that or make a mechanic for that, because that really hurt PVP.

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Blatantly false, or have you not played this game?

I already gave you a summary which you failed to read or conveniently forgot because you are just a troll:

Core really is your favorite filler word. They changed many of them, maybe you should look at the patch notes instead of making false authoritative sounding statements that originate directly from your seat. IAS, FHR had major changes.

Hahahahahahahahaha I’ve never seen a more obvious troll than this one.

More proof that you haven’t been paying attention.

Just because it is your opinion that significant changes ‘were much needed’ does not stop them from being significant changes.

Laughably false. Drastically incorrect. Dramatic failure. Controller ramscoop vs no controller support is ‘still the same’? Hosts of other UI and interface changes and options. I’m not saying it’s necessarily bad, I am MAINTAINING that it is DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT. Since you are conflating.

For someone who calls people out on reading comprehension, you really should take your own advice… Pathetic.

This one made me laugh… You can try hard to justify why thats a troll, but we all know you cant. This was probably the most true of all of my counters to you, and thats the one you label as a troll post? Lmao.

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Does this troll really not know about Sunder Charms? ‘Core immunities’ he says, LMFAO!

Oh excuse me, here comes a post about how a drop more common than a mid rune that strips any immunity in a fashion ber mal ber ist combined with a lower resist curse never could and does not occupy an equipment slot is a negligible gameplay change.

I repeat my line to you about reading and compression Please, please please do it. Start with the word core please, because clearly you cannot stop trolling and ignoring that word huh?

Sunder disables the core immunities if you use it, take it off, what happens, oh right, the core immunities still exist.

Keep yelling and screaming, I know this is a popular tactic to try and come off as right, but the majority still know youre just a loudmouth idiot.

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Keep on trollin trollin trollin trollin


Keep trollin trollin trollin trollin

come on


don’t forget to show off your red cap, winner.

So you/your multi-identities, are suggesting multiboxing for P8 is somehow not core to the game? Not only is it currently used by a vast majority of single players on bnet via multiboxing, it was a function of D2 local multiplayer before d2r stopped supporting that, its also the gold standard of offline. How is it not core? Lolol you FG/RMT/botters will say anything to spam this topic under the rug. Anythinf to keep your pocket job and income intact

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Yeah, Zax is humiliatingly transparent with tag-team multi trolling of anyone who mentions the /players command. Curious to know a few of his accounts? Just check those hidden profiles he can’t resist immediately using to ‘like’ every post he makes that amount to nothing more than insulting another user. Oh he really really wants me to commit some minor forum infraction so he can pile on the reports. Hilarious.

Maaan, we keep touching on the nerve that helps pay your bills dont we? Zax. Im not leaving these forums until P8 is put in the game legitimately. Its there now, in every function of play INCLUDING bnet. If i pay for it, i get it. But this is innately wrong to paywall the only difficulty scale behind account boxing. Its scummy and wrong. And the players… families (not just mine) all deserve this.

Guys like you? You’ll lose your RMT/FG/stash value. Its coming one way or another. You can either get with the times, or watch it happen kicking and screaming. It may take awhile but, and some laws passed in a couple states, but p2w will not last.

This is why you’re so angry. You refuse to share the joy with others bc of losing your FG/RMT/boxing/botting. Its the same story.

See you always, better get used to me/us (real players who want a fair game to enjoy with others and no P2W)

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Its not hilarious, its fraud, its criminal. And this FG/botter/RMT seller will suffer the consequences of cruelty to others by losing the very thing he uses to hurt others. Im a firm believer in the universe having karma. Put bad energy out there to harm and abuse, it finds you again. Like weather systems.

We will keep rallying real people do demand fairness and justice in all P2W games. Their end is coming. As is Zax’ lies.

Edit: also blizzard please stop these disgusting multi identity manipulators with an identity confirmation and forced forum account merger under one identity. Thanks!

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That the song you sing when you have no counter and are waving the white flag? Its ok, I get it, youre beaten and cannot admit it.

Lmao what? my multi? I only have this account, nice try though Toddwick/Stanner/Sekscalibur/BigJay / / / /

And yeah, multiboxing has been around forever? No disputing that, I never brought it up LOL. But can you call it core if Blizz never intended it? It was a work around, having multiple accounts, using programs to have all 8 running at once, ect.

Deflect more though, its hilarious. I welcome P8, it will make things much easier around the clock.

? What multi-identies? I use only this account on forum. Lol look at my post count, you seriously think i have more accounts here? Are you so delusional that you think that there is like 1 person against your ideas?

I dont know what you mean. Where i am suggesting that? Also did you reply to me by mistake? You are quoting someone else, not me.

No its not, rarely people use 1 or 2 other game instances in same game. Mostly for bo on hc. Its very rare to see anyone joining more, simply because its more complicated and effect of it is not worth the struggle when you can simply join public games easily.

I dont care what was function of d2. This is 2022 and D2R. Wake up.

Its not core as you absolutly dont need it to finish game or find items. Its basicly make game easier.

Why dont you react to what others quoted from you older posts. Its weird as hell you had same opinion as us and you suddendly totaly switched to crazy mode. Did you hijack this todd account to promote ideas good for RMT and botters? Because you want to implement ideas to support that real hard dude.


He knows he can’t…he just hopes not many notices it, and just incessantly spams the threads with the same old stuff.
It’s truly fascinating to understand what caused this diametral switch in his views…

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Someone could steal the account and just use it to troll or push his agenda :slight_smile:

I mean one of you Z name guys literally just said i switched tone completely from agreeing to crazy. Now i say exact same thing? Which is it?

I only say one thing anymore, and its the only thing that matters to make a better game; add P8 to bnet nonladder. The only change that will make remarkably better user experience for those who want a harder game and no p2w

It’s only a matter of time until he brings out R-name, T-name, or one of his others. This forum is a bad joke, just watch which accounts he can’t help ‘liking’ his every post that amounts to nothing more than flaming legit users. The pattern is obvious and goes back covering his over 7000 troll posts , but that’s only counting ‘account leader’.

You know it’s actually kind of funny, this guy had me googling your username a few days ago. He kept bringing you up during an off-topic conversation that he was having with himself and his puppet accounts while flaming and trolling people in a thread you hadn’t posted in. I thought maybe you were some celebrity or public figure who I hadn’t heard of. Imagine being a ‘person’ like that! Well, even though this forum has no real moderation I suppose just existing in his reality and feeling compelled to act in such a despicable way is sort of a punishment in and of itself. Can’t escape knowing the truth about such a pitiful scam.

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