Telling people to use process explorer is bad!

The only reason I got involved in this is because I have 2 accounts, and I wanted to try this. But as usual it’s missing all sorts of things needed in order to get this to work. If you offer help, then it is your responsibility to make sure everything you post is explained. If you cannot do that, then don’t bother posting because it’s not helping anyone. Blaming the reader because of the posters incomitence is moronic and people who pull that need to be suspended from the forum.

Here is the problem, along with my reply:

This isn’t ever going to work because you are telling people to look for things and use options that simply do not exist.

Everything I quoted people cannot find in Process Explorer, they’re looking for words, phrasing, and options that you failed to explain where they are.
Right now I can say there is no such option as CLOSE HANDLE and the entire phrase BaseNamedObjects\Diablo II check for other instances isn’t a real phrase. if it’s there me and several other people can’t find it

You need to correct all that by explaining exactly where everything you’re mentioning in those 2 steps above are.

This is why a pictorial and or video needs to be given with something like this.

Ever figer it out ??

use the force. think.

here’s a screenshot… everything exactly per instructions.

Yeah, the original poster who had the idea never explained the view drop down where you had to open up a completely different window in that program to see the handles. Yet in his instructions he included the fact you must log into your account.

I never get how tech guys can’t see how badly they explain things sometimes. Like it’s always these ridiculously step by step things of content that literally everyone knows, but then all of a sudden the stuff that no one knows is skipped over and we’re at like 10 steps ahead. It’s bizarre.

Why are you guys bumping this garbage?

Geez I thought Boggs was back, but it’s just a really old thread. Scary. >.>

huh? for me that panel is always shown. The moment you click on a process is the moment that big list is populated.

Weird. Yeah, me and some other guy had to go to the View drop down to show the lower box first. Guess it must be default on some versions.

maybe, i have the tool in my “tools” folder since like 10 years ago :sweat_smile:

i never actually used the handles panel, this was a new piece of information for me tho