Teleport kills the game

To be fair, Teleport was accessible to every class back then by simple means of going to Adria’s bookstore (and having it listed of course).

Now only one class can freely teleport with everyone else needing to wait to get the Enigma rune word or an item with a teleport charge for the same privilege.

Sounds like another person who is too lazy to make Enigma and doesn’t play sorc so they want it removed or changed when it has been in the game for many years.

No thanks.

Nope. Nothing to fix as it isn’t broken. D3 seems to be more what you want.


Maybe if map navigation didn’t suck (and more classes had instant movement abilities) people wouldn’t value teleport and farming efficiency so much.

All you gotta do is become a full time shifter. Only class variant that cant teleport. Also nerfed pretty much into the ground with ias changes 2.4

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Imagine if what you are saying was implemented into the maggot lair.

Making it so you can only teleport to LOS is not the solution.

Adding Enigma however was hilariously poor game design… than again diablo 2 really did take a nose dive come 1.10 with the introduction of synergies.


I just want to play Diablo 2 LoD where class identity exists again and running is a meaningful mechanic outside of town. Not just holy sorceress, poison sorceress, whirlwind sorceress, javelin sorceress, trap sorceress etc…

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Ok. So you feel that item charges and skill books are so different that teleport is somehow less available to all classes?

Honestly, what was your point here?

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The point was that someone brought up the first diablo and was comparing the teleport in that game to the one in d2. Upon reflection of this an insight view needed to be said about this comparison.

As it stands diablo one had more access to said teleport ability across all the characters vs diablo 2.

Sorry if you didn’t understand the first time, I will clarify things in a long simplified manner so that you may understand in the future.

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Best thing they can do now is make Teleport available to every class and everything including Shapeshifters etc.

Just add some Teleport charm, or a cheaper runeword alternative, or put it in the skill tree.

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Ah, so you didn’t really have a point. As I suspected.

Don’t hurt yourself.

No nerfs, ever.

Please Blizzard, don’t ever take threads like this One seriously.

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Apologies, but you DID requested a more in-depth explanation to the already obvious statement. If you need any further help on the clarification of topics do feel free to inform me, I can assist you in such tasks.

Also, my previous statement/point should have been clear as it were but I will sum up in a more simplistic form.

  • Teleport was accessible to all classes in Diablo 1

  • Teleport is only available to sorceress class and those with item charges/Enigma runeword.

  • Teleport can be dangerous if used improperly, it’s not as OP as people say.

  • I am neither for or against the removal of teleport, though something that works as an in-between could be seen as improvement to the Diablo 2 system.


This is a thread looking for a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

To the extent that there is any issue, it would be best resolved by deleting this thread.

Thank you for your help.


It’s blatantly obvious that there is a series of problems with enigma. But let’s be clear, it’s not specifically enigma, it’s teleport itself that is the problem.

Enigma homogenizes the classes and trivializes the game content to a game breaking degree. Not to mention pvp is now all about teleporting around like a spaz. Also it allows botting to thrive.

It’s like you aren’t even playing a game but moving your camera around at will like some kind of no-clip level editor mode…

you and your opinion. 20 years of teleport in D2 and people still bought D2R. People play the game because they like teleport.

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  • Teleport is only available as a class skill to sorceress and all classes via item charges/Enigma runeword.

Fixed it for you. It also makes your first bullet point moot and redundant in terms of accessibility, which is why I asked if you had a point.

I’m not the point police, posts don’t need a point. I do get a bit cross when they insist otherwise without merit.

leave it alone. thanks.


Teleport is fine. Leave it alone!


I see it the same way. Teleport is poison for the game, like any of these simplifications and accelerations.

But that doesn’t only apply to Diablo.
All the mounts, especially the flight mounts, hurt the game world immensely and make it trivial and worthless.
Look at WoW, how massively the RPG was destroyed by a simpler and simpler game world in solo mode and finally the focus on a total banal number increase via items in the so-called endgame.
What is teleport in Diablo is flight mounts in WoW.

The whole point of these role-playing games is taken apart at the seams by such practices.

Role-playing games of any kind were meant to survive in this adventure world, to go into unknown territory and explore it, rubbing shoulders with the game world and playing through a main quest. With many tasks as accompanying music, as well as the own development of his class to follow and master, but also to specialize individually so or so.
Today it’s all about a totally cheap goal of comparison and number increases, which they want to sell us as an RPG… And then you skip all the hurdles by cheap trickery with teleport and flying etc…
The RPG worlds die the silent death for almost 2 decades and no matter where you look… you get again and again only the same repackaged.

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It’s just the age of the game showing. Balance in games didn’t really exist somewhere in the 90s when production started. Back then the selling point of games was new concepts and things, today every genre is fully explored and oversaturated, there’s nothing new to be made so they need to concentrate on the details like balance to make it stand out.

They probably thought of Teleport as an escape mechanic, not a tool to skip the whole game with the help of potion spam, like you’ve entered dev mode in a cheat console.

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