Teleport kills the game

Enigma broke every class when it was introduced. It was a terrible attempt to balance the game around the sorc. It was a mistake as you cannot keep tuning things up or you end up where we are now with content at the highest difficulty that is entirely trivial and you have to put zero effort into gameplay.

Teleport needs a slight rework, it should be require line of sight to use so it does not trivialize the main mechanic behind the game - map navigation. Point investment should affect its cast speed and how it is affected by fcr and fcr should be affected by slowing effects just as ias is.

It should remain a powerful tool for evading danger, but it shouldn’t be a god-mode, skip-all-obstacles cheat code.

There will be a few hundred of loud and upset people. There will also be many thousands if not millions applauding you as well.

Make it happen.

Fix this.


You should have been crying in 1997 when they introduced teleport in diablo 1.

Nothing is changing. Blizz has only made teleporting more convenient and more accessible with each subsequent title… d1 had phasing and teleporting which were expensive spells to cast but every class could learn the spells and they had najs staff with charges, d2 brought teleport to the masses after enigma and d3 gave every class a built in teleport-like spell. And d4 will be no different… but yet you think d2r will change it lol… you can go wait in line with sekscalibure, voodoo, stanner, all the cry babies that want d2r to be a different game.

And btw teleporting is not an overpowered spell that protects you. Do you know how many hardcore characters have been lost because of a poor teleport??


I would be on-board with replacing Sorc + Enigma teleport with the Barbarian Leap.

Makes it more interesting.


It’s a good thing you aren’t in charge.


No it doesn’t.


Thank you for your noobish opinion.


Mana was a lot more scarce and insane cast rates don’t exist in Diablo 1. Teleport is also a class specific skill in Diablo 2.

I don’t see this getting addressed, but teleport has been a problem for a long time in Diablo 2 with respect to balance.


My gosh can this nonsense about enigma finally stop ???

It was no problem in the past why is it now??
If you dont like it dont use it or play solo or play offline…

Stop that crying about the rw…just stop that finally


Teleport on Enigma is fine. At least it requires 2 high end runes to roll the runeword. Achieving teleport should be an end game thing.

What really should be done is that teleport should no longer be a lightning sorc skill and give the sorc another skill called Flash. This skill would be a teleport with a 1.2 second tool down time and a small lightning damage mod where you teleport. Just to make teleport a high end game thing to achieve.

It would balance ladder even further too. We just need more ways to obtain teleport if we can’t find Jah and Ber or trade for them. But it would have to be on the end game level.

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no, teleport is a unique feature in all games. Once it is removed, d2 dies. u can play d3, d4 if u dont like teleport skill. Runewords are just too easy to make with trading. Ladder season is too short for players who do not trade or bot but too long for traders and botters. With the introduction of more 85 level areas and terror zones, i do believe it addresses most of the mf problems though it may not be perfect.

Maybe by removing more walls and allowing players to run without always being blocked is another solution. Or add a randomized area for when u teleport on a point to avoid pvp lock…


To hate teleport in Diablo is to hate life itself.


No, enigma was one of the best items introduced into game, item which helped so many builds to be fun to play.


i guess another “someone” who either sorc main or unabled to find enigma cry baby.
but i guess, must be a sorc player but so ironic when they buff cold sorc to the max and these crier keep quiet.

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Just give it physical boundaries like leap has, then you cannot go through walls with it anymore and teleporters need to go through the mazes likes everyone else.

Lol they want the game to become easier and teleport to be A) on dozens of more items or B) free skill for everyone, I think if you let them decide the game will end up with an ingame selection feature where you can design your own items for the cost of 10 gold (spending 1 minute out of town should be enough work to get that endgame gear is probably their motto).
OP actually suggest making it less usefull as a travel agency, not that dev’s even read this forum but doesn’t stop others from posting.

I actually really love this suggestion. It would create a reason to put more points into teleport, all while making enigma more trivial in usefulness because you’d be stuck with a low cast rate.

This right is the exact moment I stopped taking OP seriously. In fact the only hc deaths I’ve ever witnessed of high level characters was from an overconfident and unfortunate teleport (the others being weird Nilathak trash mob explosion wombo-combos.)

In fact in the vast majority of cases teleport is used incredibly aggressively, to farm, to pvp etc. I honestly barely ever use it to escape, dolls being the only exception.

Teleport gets you killed. It only makes the game seem easier until you die. It kills more people than Diablo, Mephisto, or Baal could ever hope to.


it does not kill the game, it is just OP

like I wrote before TP lvl1 should not be the same as TP lvl20

the teleporting sorc should be a build, requiring investment in TP so that the char can teleport fast

enigma should give you a mid level TP

this would make TP sorcs fast but weak and their dmg somewhat low. They would have to sacrifice damage for good TP. Enigma on the other hand should give melee classes decent TP capability but far from the fastest possible

the dev know the damage this item will do too the game , and after leave blizzard . the perfect item for gold seller and bot , tha also ruine the balance , he all know 1.10 use to be the patch killing diablo 2 , and the patch d2jsp take over , so expect most player defending this armor are d2jsp user and cheater or bad lazy player , d1, d2 classic and d2 legacy 1.09and before . d3 .d4 you have no enigma and any other game , in my book using enigma you not a d2 player , the core mechanic is base on walking ,item weight, skill , passive , item buff . charm all link to walking and running . the core mechanic of this game is not base around teleport , is not because you cook an omelette at home ,that make you a chef , same with d2 enigma user , are not d2 player


Who says it was no problem?

It was and is a problem and the game was quite fine before 1.10 and the OP runewords and cross class skills.

Teleport can stay… I wouldn’t mind line of sight requirement for it actually or some sort of short cooldown after 5-10 teleports or similar. Maybe after + skills as a sorceress you can lower the cooldown to 0.

If you are not a sorc and wear enigma the teleport would stay as level 1…
I wonder why the Runewords items that grant cross class skills gain + skills from your gear even when you have not invested a single point in it.
IMO item like call to arms should only give max rank 6 BO not 6+ your + skills
It’s just too OP and make Barb in your party less important for your survival when you can pop a relatively high level BO by yourself


Teleport update:

  • 1 mana cost added for every casted yard;
  • added cast delay 2sec decreasing by 0.1 sec for every +1lvl.

New suffix for rare small charms:
+1 to Teleport.

Enigma change:
+1 to Teleport changed to +7-9 to Teleport.

Base stat for all type of boots:
Norm: +10-15% frw.
Exc: +20-30% frw.
Elite: +30-50% frw.
