Sunder Charms should not be nerfed

Not my fault that you don’t grasp the consequences of those charms. NOW every mob can be broken and it’s resistances reduced for any element. It benefits cold and fire builds more than light builds and allows them to damage those mobs. Before there were lots of fire and cold immune mobs that couldn’t have their immunity removed. But with the 1/5 penalty those mobs aren’t in the -res to the element of their IMMUNITY.

I still don’t like the charms and think that there should have been better solutions, but at least they changed those charms to not fully break the game.

Overall TZ and sunder charms aren’t great implementations, but at least they didn’t go overboard with the last minute change.

Haha, the charms dont do anything anymore. I think its great that they broke the game with the initial 2.5 patch notes, then completely dismantled them 3 days before ladder goes live. This is literally the next best thing to just deleting them. Long live hdin and Lsorc!

there we go, nothing valueble by OP again, only same words as in the 1000 posts before:

Seems like they didn’t heared you when they nerfed sundercharms to work as intended.

you are the purist of 2.5 changes now.

So I guess then D2 is dead for you if you can’t play. The nerf that just happend was absolutely necessary, and if you understand the game you know why…

I’m not saying the sundercharm was a good idea to begin with, i guess this just happes if the THEY ask for changes having no clue about d2.

You are a that kind of person that loves to put more fuel in the fire, you seem to be happy if you can write lies and hope someone feels triggered by it, while you only make yourself a clown. I kinda have a feeling you get randy when you write and saying stuff like " WE WON " " THEY HEAR US MAYORITY OUT " and next day you write here you simply cant play season because of a logical change hahahahahaha
Well with that change so much for that they hear YOU GUYS out. Great community YOU GUYS are.

In the end they saved it a bit by adding back the penalty. YOU GUYS who say the game is dead now because of that you totally don’t understand what actually happend.

This seperating in 2 “TEAMS” here that is propagandized by people like YOU…

And ye ye i know you right, you are the only one that is allowed to have other opinions ye ye you are right bro…

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It’s clear that changes are only good if they are well made, but even then, they are never going to be to everyone’s liking.

Sundering Charms are going to be implemented in any case, and will logically need to be tweaked later. Let’s not get nervous and take it one step at a time. If the nerf proves to be excessive, thay can always look for other options like 30% or 40% instead of 20%, or whatever.

I think that, in this case, it is preferable to start adjusting it downwards so as not to run the risk of breaking it.


Delete 2.5

Nerf hammerdins and cold sorcs.

Nerf grief and increase base weapon damage.


Everyone happy.

nah sorry, the nerf is way needed. the majority spoke on it for over a week. the forum flood was out of this world.


The flood was with it though, it changed because of one Streamer… It’s even his exact suggestion “1/5”, “Resistance should be in range”, “change physical charm”. Just one person.

The majority are now giving out a backlash and will be laughing at dead Season in 2-4 weeks.

you wont be able to teach this guy tho, he so in denial even gordon ramsey wouldnt be able to teach him.
the only d2r that works and is perfect is the one he imagines, untouchable and unimpeachable.
if you say different he starts randing by the same words again and again.

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Yeah he is basically the same troll as sekscalibur. But I guess the account sekscalibur is on a forced timeout.


He probably quit until real changes, like the majority including me soon. Going to be funny watching this Season though.

good away with you finally…

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Can’t wait for you to already leave. Good riddance


It’s only for 4 months until they make more changes because that’s what the majority want, I will be here just not participating in Season like most people. Someone have to point out the flaws in the game and its failure so it gets better.

Sunder Charms break any immunity. That in itself is game breaking because it makes Unique Monster attributes entirely irrelevant and overlooks the root issue of Synergies/Class Skill Balance. A Monster can have 50 Fire Resistance, roll Unique with Fire Enchanted bonus(+75 Resistance), making him unbreakable to Infinity Mercenaries(requiring a Paladin or casting Lower Resist curse on top of Infinity JUST to break it) but with Sunder Charms, it’s set to 95. Similarly a Monster can have UNBREAKABLE Resistance(ex: Uber Tristram Balrogs, Frozen Abyss, etc.) and in the eyes of Sunder Charms → 95 Resistance. That’s a major upgrade that no Infinity Mercenary, Paladin or Necromancer could ever hope to achieve and if it only works at 20%(which is what it does on said targets to BEGIN WITH), people will take it(I certainly would).

Had they not done the “nerf”, players would have -90 Resistance on Fire/Lightning Immunes(Tesladin/Dragondin ring a bell?). How is that balanced? Need I mention the major Elephant in the room or the Cold Sorceress with this Charm? -100 Cold Resistance against EVERYONE, including Frozensteinrolls eyes.

The issue, as I said above, is Synergies/Class Skill Balance. Some toons are strong because of synergies boosting damage far above what was intended(along with other forms of Power Creep in +Skill equipment, Torches, Anni’s, Skill GC’s). Hammerdins could be dropped several pegs with a few key changes: Removing Concentration aura perk, removing 150% Undead perk and bumping its synergies from 14% to like 35% to compensate. That would put them on par with Bone Necromancers in terms of Magic Damage while still retaining an advantage over FoH/Holy Bolt in affecting Animal/Beast Class Monsters.

Then you reduce skill power of other skills across the board(including Cold Mastery, Conviction + Lower Resist), overhaul Monster Resistance and Unique Monster Bonuses(remove Immunity on Trash, retain it for Champions, Uniques, Super Uniques and their Minions. Update Monster bonuses such that they gain Absorption if Enchanted. Meaning even if you break their immunity, you’re better off using a different element), reduce or remove No-Hit Delay for a variety of skills, allow Monsters to Block spell damage(Balance the Caster/Melee playing field) and potentially other balance tweaks.

All of this would be preferable to Sunder Charms. Also, let’s not forget the update to loot tables that basically make playing in a group pointless.

Can we remove that nerf now, so we can play Fire Sorc/Druid/Sin and many other builds?

If you can’t play them with the current sundercharms then I doubt you could with the pre fix.

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Imagine you need prefix sundercharm to beat the game :joy:

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Reading is so difficult for purists. I mean, if it wasn’t there wouldn’t be purists. Also imagine thinking D2 was ever a challenging game.

Botters just got stomped YAAAY, how does it feel? :rofl:

Majority of games are easy if you know how to play them, pure logic.

Your words makes no sense at all man, the so called “purists” are long gone they don’t play D2R. You got so obsessed about bots, purists, ploot, pX and all the stuff you repeating here over and over.
It’s a fact that basically none of your posts gets any likes and the majority of people agree that you are trolling calling everyone a purist that don’t want ploot and pX.
When someone not have the same opinion as you regarding changes and gamemechanics you call them purists and botter. This is so childish, you are so obsessed with it already seems unhealthy to me, I bet many people would agree if you show them your posts.

Either you are happy when you think others are triggered or you just trying to push there something into the back of your mind.

FeelsGoodMan :+1:


he did get his first <3 that ive seen in his 2 weeks of rants on this thread. the movement is gaining momentum

Edit: more than likely it was an accident tho