Sunday 26th 10:30am PDT Maintence!

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But in “fixing” the bug they have reintroduced the same exact bug to users who were finally out of in purgatory. Based on forum posts, it seems like more users now than the number that were remaining still with the issue.

Effectively communicating the intent to shut it down well in advance would have been much better. A 2-3 hour notice at a minimum, not 15 minutes

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This happened to me, as well.

But, on the bright side, I can boast that I’ve been locked out every single day since D2R’s release! Lucky me! :clown_face:

Oh, and for all those who chided players reporting problems at launch saying, “Chill out - it’s only day 1”

What are they saying now that we’re seeing the exact same performance on day 4?

I don’t disagree at all! I don’t work there though and can’t tell them how to do things.

I really hope the newly locked folks get unlocked during Maint.

I am sticking to offline right now. I don’t dare try logging in to my chars.

same lol

i was locked out then could play again and now that they are fixing the bug it re appeared and im locked out again. like what.


Guys I can actually play right now, does it make sense to play or will my progress be wiped ?

Highly recommend you stay out until they announce maintenance is complete. Find something fun to do for 2-3 hours, then come back to the game! Otherwise, you risk being where I am, likely with another 24 hour minimum lockout

go for it but keep an eye on any further maintenance messages lol. it looks like everything is proceeding exactly as it did on PD2 launch. meaning the damage got done in the first few minutes the servers got restarted

ok gonna try it, no risk no fun :wink:

I’m guessing the character data and stash items/gold/etc is stored in some kind of database on a separate virtual server than the server that hosts the actual client login process and game lobbies, but I am just speculating.

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Blizzard has unwittingly created a new form of HC character.

Will server maintenance get you?? Find out for yourself in our new and exciting HC Server maintenance mode!!!


This is the link you should have shared:

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This was good advice, but… The blue notice went up an hour before the window opened. If you’d launched your game and started playing before then, you would not have seen any message on the launcher, and if playing the game probably not forum lurking. You would have no idea maintenance we going to start in less than an hour.

This was what happened to me. During the window, I exiting a long-running Act 1-3 hell game, to find a new one. But, at that point, I was locked out yet again.

There was no warning on my server, so I’m assuming that mine was one of those not directly impacted by the window. However, returning to the lobby seems to have done the trick, awarding me with a bright, shiny new ban.

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By doing this it seems that alot of us who were in game and didnt see any server message are now locked ourselves. I was already locked out 9 hours the other day. Just rotating whos locked out it feels like lol.

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I’m trying to gain some traction regarding this issue, please give a like to my thread. I think we would all like to be notified with an in-game timer before servers go down. Additionally, I doubt any of us want to lose progress. As per the recommendation, I think an in-game announcement with a timer is critical; especially given the history of the last three days – foreshadowing the future, I doubt these issues will let up any time soon.


I really wish they just kicked everyone off the online service. no in game warning was pretty mean.


Just tried getting in and my characters are all locked again… dam

So basically I have to keep an eye on forum to avoid losing progress? That’s… kinda ridiculous to me…


Same man, they need to have a server shutdown message. Servers will shutdown in 30 minutes please log out so you don’t lose progression.

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