Sunday 26th 10:30am PDT Maintence!

It is currently 10:18 PDT

LOG OUT so you don’t lose progress.

This will resolve some stuck issues.


I wish they did this during the night. I’m from France and it means that I won’t be able to play the game from 19:30PM to 22:30PM tonight, same as you guys unable to play from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Those are gaming times…

Oh well, guess I’ll continue Cold Steel 3. I’m at chapter 4 after 100 hours… …god this game is slow.


I think they are trying to get thousands of “stuck” accounts freed up so they can play, hence the priority on getting it done as soon as possible.

I might have to…go outside and do yard work instead of game. heh.


Oh, the horror. I weep for your soul.


I think the server I was playing on was one of the ones they completely pulled down. I logged off for a few, logged back in and did a run, logged back off, and now characters not even loading. Meh, not like I was finding anything anyways, lol. Farm two games in NM Shenk/Eldrich, Pindle, and Meph, then farm two games in Hell Andy, and Ancient Tunnels. Need a Monarch and Amn to make a spirit shield. Not ONE dang Tal drop either, still using a Nightsmoke Belt.

Don’t know where you’re at, but the weather is sweet for it right now.

I know… it is 70F/21C and sunny outside. Perfect fall day.


Best season of all in my opinion.
Spring has It’s own beauty, but I really dig the wind down of the year that fall provides.

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Ah damn. Why was there no in-game notice though??? I just found a Biggin’s Bonnet (unique cap) like I don’t know how long ago on my sorc in A1 normal and I think I might have lost it now??? :sob:


I was playing and had no idea there was “live” maintenance going on until I got kicked when it started. Now when I log back in, all my characters are gone. Could Blizzard fail any harder this weekend???

Edit: Characters are back, but stuck now. Yay!


There was notice. I was running through Lower Kurast when I got the five minutes notice. Had to hurry and find the waypoint or else I’d have had to go through all those stupid little dart-wielding jerks again LOL!


They are for me too and I logged out properly before Maint. You may get a rollback if you were in-game when you got kicked, but we should get our chars back.

I think they are just not showing right now. Not actually gone.

They did give a 15 minute warning. No others though from what I seen.

The fact that you have to tell people,

in a forum,

that they need to log out,

so they don’t lose progress,

is just, flat out, blatantly, BAD.


now if it goes anything like PD2 launch, the fact they pulled the plug around peak hours will get thousands more people stuck due to overloaded servers once its back up again

my advice is to wait at least 15 to 30 minutes after the servers are back up again

13 minutes of advanced notice isn’t super helpful…. Why not find a way to send players the message in-game? Or auto force players out of game and save progress at least?

Just lost 3 hours of gameplay and can’t log back in (even though they’re supposedly only working on “half” the servers). My bet is that they just created an issue where I’m locked out for the next 2 days yet again. Thanks for the non-fix

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Is this just a server restart or will this be down the entire 2-3 hours? How long for the server to restart if not the entire 2-3 hours? Been awhile since I put much time in D3 when these things were relevant.

It’s unfortunate that there’s no notice of maintenance in the actual d2 game client… like maybe on the character select screen…? I was creating new characters in the past hour and now all of my characters are missing. I sincerely hope this is just temporary but I have no way of knowing.

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Or…people like me were playing and had no idea there was maintenance coming. Got randomly kicked from the game, and now our characters are gone, reappeared and stuck. If there was a message in chat, it got lost in the action.


Mines too, not sure why we do not get on game updates when there is server maintenance, hope I do not lose all I have done