Sunday 26th 10:30am PDT Maintence!

Totally agree wit many above. No notification, and i also lost my characer… sad…

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it IS temporary, also u do get a tiny notification on screen where the chat should be during gameplay, but i noticed before this message dissapears quickly, and gets hidden in the “all” tab, while the default tab is “game” so players wont see it


Hope they are back after the maintenance, I lost mine too

The chat messages just don’t stand out enough. I rarely even notice when someone is whispering me.


+1 This is an awful way to communicate player impactful activity. Do better please.

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They did send a server message in game. I know some folks alt tab like I do though so figure an explicit call out might help.

Let’s hope not.

I know as much as you do right now.

I am going to hope this is temporary because mine are gone too and I did log out properly before Maint. I won’t panic for now.

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Ok, I’m not given a message that server is down. Apparently my character is YET AGAIN stuck in purgatory… “This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.”

Looks like I’m screwed until their next “fix” to fix the accounts they just broke, in which they’ll inevitably break more accounts.

Had 25 hours of this Friday and assumed it was fixed, but I guess they had to punish me for trying to play again.


After server restarts, my character is stuck again.

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After the “stuck fix” my character is now stuck…

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“We’ll be performing a live maintenance on Sunday, September 26th from 10:30 to 1:30. During this time players may experience interruptions of service including disconnects, but should be able to log back in.”

Launcher had this message after I was booted. Doesn’t even say to log out. Just says you “may” experience interruptions.

exactly the same thing happened here

No, I don’t know. I don’t work for Blizz. MVPs are just other players.

Not sure if Blizz can control messaging on the console platforms or not.

Woulda been nice for a server message while in games from Bliz. Hopefully I dont lose The Ravenlore helm and Aldur’s boots.


Do you know whether this message was in all platforms? I’m playing on Ps5 and never got any. Im alone in a private game so there wouldn’t have been other communication to obscure it

And again i have the message my char is in another game already. But other people can play and create games.

I have the same thing from the “stick fix” my character is also now stuck. Hopefully after the downtime he’s unstuck. 9 hours was enough yesterday.

Oh thank goodness. My characters are back!

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Didn’t you do all the yard work before release? Rookie :stuck_out_tongue:

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I absolutely second that. It’s 2021, it’s not possible to lose more than a few seconds, maybe minutes of game, seriously.

I hate how Blizzard is a company that does wonderful games but they release them in bugged version so we are all their testers in fact.

For people saying their characters is gone, or stuck…it seems like there is a dedicated server to host the characters, and when the “game server” is not able to communicate with the “characters server” then characters are missing…
It’s quite smart actually, so they can destroy and restart game servers without losing the character saves. (I’m just speculating).

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Rollbacks aside, are any of you able to play the game now at least? Worried that I’m now once again locked out