It does not have to be TCP/IP
It does not have to be BattleNet.
It just have to be a mode where I can play with a friend or three, and jack the difficulty to /players8.
Bonus point if it shares local saved character (because you can have as many as you want, which is perfect for storing runes/sets/gems/etc).
That’s what I miss most from old Diablo2.
It’s been what… almost 3 years? It’s long overdue.
Can’t be overdue, if they specifically said they weren’t going to do it, of course only after saying they were going to do it. But still there was no due date for it ever since they said they have no plans on retaining that feature.
They said they where removing it because of hacking concern.
I just want them to reimplement it in a way they see fit. As long as we have SOMETHING like it back, I’ll be happy.
They said they’re removing it for “security concerns”, as in they wanted to secure the sales of the game. They saw how quick hackers made short work of the Tech Alpha and knew if they’d have any TCP/IP enabled version of the game, it would be pirated in no time and they’d lose sales. They aren’t dumb, they know that people, err I mean BOTS want to play it to farm items and sell them for money.
I feel like it should be fine to allow an instance type of offline play online, where you still login, to play in that type of mode. Would eliminate their fear of the game being cracked, but then again the game is probably cracked already anyway and probably someone has already figured out how to make a TCP/IP type of connection to said cracked version. But outside of that, it isn’t just a cracking concern for them, though they won’t say it, they’re forcing you online, so that you’ll play with other people and create a community that will bolster sales. Yes, I know that concept is simply false and moronic for several reasons, but it is the case. So even with all of that they’ll never even with online requirement allow such a mode for that reason. Yes they allow single player which goes against that, but that is because you could mimic it online and simply not play/commincate with others, meanwhile the elimination of that specific mode forces you to play online and potentially with others because TCP/IP isn’t in the game.
If they wanted to, they could enable Open and still facilitate the connection service just like they do with the original game. I mean, they’ve already bled the game for 99% of the sales the game will sell anyway.
Well I dont mind having us required online to save their sales. I just want to be able to play online private games with friends and use the /playersX command, and I dont even care about trading. I would be perfectly fine with it being it’s own thing, separate from the current bnet
You and your friends can do this right now with an established online character. Create a passworded game and either allow friends to quick join your games by enabling “Friends List Joining”, which doesn’t require them to enter a gamename/password to join. They can join your game through the friends list. Or if you’d rather your friends not be able to randomly join your games, give them the gamename/password. Check the gear icon below “Play” at the main menu for the Friends List Joining option.
You’re shifting focus on the request, don’t do that
No, we cannot /players8 on a private game on current bnet. If we can I swear to you I will eat my shorts.
Use crappy gear, dont allocate all your skill points, don’t use runewords, play off-meta builds… There are plenty of ways of increasing the difficulty without /players X.
“Oh well the game is too easy”
That tends to happen when you’ve been playing a game for up to 24 years.
Now you’re just making excuse not to endorse the suggestion. This conversation is over. Take it as a win if you want, I do not care. When you want to talk seriously, just pm me.
If they come along and bring Open, I don’t give a hoot if they enable /players X in Open So yes, I endorse your request for /players X on Open
Now, what I was saying earlier before the /players X rant, I was explaining what you can do in the mean time until Blizzard gets around to adding Open, which there is basically zero chance of…
So yes, have a nice day… Conversation over.
P.S.: One other thing I mentioned to another requesting /players X “just for the difficulty”… Why not instead ask for a player handicap? An adjustable handicap that only affects your damage output and damage received, works with both PVM and PVP. It would increase your perceived difficulty, and of course it would not boost item drop rates or experience gain.
When I played D2 when I was in 6th grade onward, I only played open battle net. I loved playing solo but occasionally would use my solo character to play with friends. I’m 35 now and wish this was still a thing.
I primarily play solo, but occasionally want to join a group. I recently started a ladder character, and decided to ditch ladder and go back to perfecting my offline characters
Also, I’m on console and games seem to be pretty sparse. Mostly trading games
They could simply implement open bnet as a routing system. Game is hosted by player A, which can have whatever mods installed, and then player B connects through the BNet server, which gets the relevant data from A and B, and retransmits it as if it was the source of that data.
I’ll take “things that are never gonna happen” for $800, Ken.
It’s been a lost cause asking Blizz from the start, there was never a chance they’d restore it themselves after the Tech Alpha got cracked. Suits wanted it removed due to piracy concerns so away it went. Reminds me of when SC2 launched without LAN and Blizz said “the technology just isn’t there yet”, like it wasn’t in SC1 12 years earlier lol. It’s so they could keep control over their game from Korean esports organizations, namely KeSPA. Same thing here.
Having said that there’s been some exciting news the past few months about unofficial multiplayer so that’s something to look forward to, just a matter of time as expected.