Suggestion: Add ways to make items Ethereal

I think it would be really cool to have a quest or cube recipe to make items ethereal. Perhaps it would even require a zod.
This would make those decent rares you find actually viable for some builds.

I don’t think this would be game breaking. You could get some awesome high def rares and cool LLD items, and of course high damage weapons. But lets be honest, they still usually won’t top Grief, but they will make it easier and cheaper to have creative, fun builds (and some very satisfying items to look at!)

Do you all think this would make finding an item ethereal pointless? Maybe you could have an option to make an item ethereal or indestructible but you couldn’t do both (i.e using the quest reward twice). This way if you got really lucky with a repairs/ replenish mod or Eth on a dope rare it would still be better.

This could help boost melee a little more because we all know they still need it.

Whenever you think something would make the game better

Just look at my suggestion and you’ll most likely find the best most optimal way to do it…-for-the-first-time/140254

Nowadays I only see you flaming people that don’t agree with your ideas and your way of playing the game. :eye::lips::eye:

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This reminded me of the Zando-Zans from The Last Starfighter. :rofl:

I do like your ideas. I would like for a way to do it with items non socketable gear too, though.
People do make good points about this making Zods necessary for META endgame, but thats where ,if it was a quest reward, it wouldn’t be as extreme and price inflating.

I know some people have asked for an Act 6, but I’m quite sure that will never happen.

Maybe there is the smallest cahnce that they might try selling an “expansion” that adds the three missing quests to Act 4, if so this would be a decent quest. Might even be flavorful if you had a ghost/lost soul that you need to save/do something for. And so they grant you a reward of making an item ethereal.

Yes! Exactly!
Adding quests to A4 wouldn’t be that much and making an item ethereal would fit perfectly with the vibe.

get out of your own A$$ man…

There are 3 ways to make a Diablo 2 expansion

  • make the expansion in between the acts, the travels between a1&a2, between a2&a3 etc

  • make the expansion in the past, destroying Diablo soulstone you visit Aidan memories, destroy baal soulstone and revisit Tal Rasha memory

  • make the expansion based on Diablo immortal lore