Hey everyone, I am writing this post to express my personal opinion about the patch 2.4 Necromancer and how it can be modified for the future patches. This will be a long and detailed post because I will cover all three specs.
The Necromancer did not see much love (other than indirectly buffing Bonemancer in PvP) whereas new builds emerged for the Paladin (V/T and FoH), Sorceress and other classes. I am writing this post to hopefully redirect the attention of the Devs to where it is needed and perhaps create a much more enjoyable Necromancer gameplay experience.
I would like to kindly remind everyone that this is my personal opinion based on my observation and experience. You do not have to agree with me, just keep the conversation civil. Letâs begin.
1- Summon Necromancer / Skelemancer
General Definition: The summon necromancer aka skelemancer is a great build which excels in getting that first kill and destroying its enemies with corpse explosion. The build also does very well against bosses compared to Bonemancers and Poisonmancers, purely because of physical minion damage synergies with Amplify Damage Curse (Amp Damage). A crushing blow mercenary also synergizes well with this build, since it can kill bosses very quickly, including ubers.
Current Problems
The current problems of the summon necromancer are as follows:
1.1- Relies on Enigma or Teleport charged staves/amulets for repositioning the army.
1.2.- Relies too much on merc damage, the army damage only becomes essential after obtaining âBeastâ runeword.
1.3- Revive duration is not ideal to play a maximum sized army build.
1.4- Requires Urdars (mauler type monsters) for their innate Crushing Blow to efficiently kill bosses / ubers. Revive monster diversification is lacking.
1.5- Only the Iron Golem or Clay Golem are viable choices.
1.6- Skeletal Mages deal near to no damage.
1.7- New Iron Golem Idea
Suggested Solutions:
1.1- Relies on Enigma or Teleport charged staves/amulets for repositioning the army.
This can easily be fixed by introducing a new âWarpâ talent/ability which warps all minions at your cursor. Therefore you can remain still but teleport your army to focus their damage on single target. Alternatively, the Attract curse can be reworked with the Warp Ability, which will actually help focus more damage with its properties.
An alternative suggestion would be introducing a more budget runeword which would also grant + Teleport (on a helm slot for example), hence nerfing Enigma at the same time.
1.2- Relies too much on merc damage, the army damage only becomes essential after obtaining âBeastâ or âFaithâ runeword.
The current summon necromancer needs the merc damage. Especially crushing blow and some survivability gear on mercenary are priorities, if you want to be efficient at killing targets. For future patches, the melee skeletonsâ flat damage should be buffed and preferably each melee skeleton should at least have 1% chance to crushing blow in addition to the flat damage buff. This can be integrated into Skeleton Mastery or Raise Skeleton.
For skeletal mages, please see #6. I will go into detail there.
This change would allow the Summon Necromancer to actually play the army commander role rather than playing a full support healer role and forcing Rejuv pots down the mercâs throat (especially during Ubers).
1.3- Revive duration is not ideal to play a maximum sized army build.
3 minute revive duration is way too short, considering its mana cost. We all play on modern pc systems and the 3 minute revive duration is actually discouraging players to invest more points into revive because it takes effort and it is not a âpermanentâ gain. Considering the fact that people jump from game to game especially during ladder, the whole concept of Revive requires a rework in my honest opinion.
Extending the revive duration or making revives permanent should definitely be considered, since that would actually encourage people to invest max points into revive and play a massive army.
There could be a new ability which may save a specific type of monsterâs corpse, and provide you that corpse unless you reselect another corpse. Example: In my game 1, I have picked an Urdar Mauler corpse. When I join game 2, I can use this ability to lay urdar corpses on the ground (minimum 5, can go up to 20 or more with point investment) and I can just revive them. That way, you instantly start building an army on the go.
Another solution would be to change revived monsters attack frame limitations so they get way more benefit from fanaticism IAS (from Beast and Faith).
1.4- Requires Urdars (mauler type monsters) for their innate Crushing Blow to efficiently kill bosses / ubers. Revive monster diversification is lacking.
There should be more diversification for revived monsters. Urdars/Maulers are the top pick for Necromancers because of their 5% crushing blow. Revive should be reworked so all melee monsters should get innate 5% of crushing blow, and all ranged monsters should deal either elemental or physical improved missile damage based on their types.
1.5- Only the Iron Golem or Clay Golem are viable choices.
This needs no introduction. You can use the Iron Golem (IG) for adding another aura such as Insight Medidation, Pride Concentration, Infinity Conviction (if you are crazy) or Beast Fanaticism (if you are crazy) which help boost your army + merc damage. For clay golem, the slow applied to bosses provides a super safe approach. The goold old decrepify+clay golem slow on bosses is still a viable strategy thanks to this system.
Iron Golem can be improved by buffing its physical damage and removing its attack frame limitation so players can actually use big damage weapons to further buff the IG damage and IAS (Eth Thresher Pride Runeword IG can gain much more damage when combined with Faith Fanaticism [lvl 12-15] compared to Beast Fanaticism [lvl 9] if this change goes through).
Clay Golem is fine as it is.
Blood Golem can be improved so that it provides a sort of âlifestealâ aura to everyone in the party. This would work as lifetap curse but in aura form. This would GREATLY help keeping your army and merc alive. An alternative would be providing flat life increase, again as an aura so all your minions+merc and party members have their max life increased (a budget Battle Orders basically).
Fire Golem can be improved by buffing its fire damage and at the same time reworking it so it now lowers enemy fire resistance. Fire Golem is dealing near to no damage (both as pulsing damage and melee damage). If properly buffed, the fire golem will deal decent fire damage, but the real bread and butter would be the new âlower enemy fire resistanceâ property, which would also boost the fire damage portion of corpse explosion. I am basically suggesting making Fire Golem a fire rainbow facet so it synergizes well AT LEAST with Fire Skeleton Mage or fire skeletal archer.
1.6- Skeletal Mages deal near to no damage.
Despite the buffs, the skeletal mages still deal no damage even if you max lower resist and all masteries. I offer two solutions:
- My favorite suggestion: Remove skeletal mages and introduce skeletal archers which deal physical damage and synergize well with Amplify Damage. Skeletal Archers may also deal additional Fire Damage.
- Buff all flat damage of Skeletal Mages and add extra abilities to them. Poison Skeletal Mages can now cast Poison Nova, Fire Skeleton Mage can now cast Meteor, Lightning Skeletal Mage can now cast Static Field (YES), and Frost Skeleton Mage can now cast Frozen Orb. More Skeletal Mage point investment should result in higher damage and more mages rather than just increasing the number of summonable mages.
1.7 - New Iron Golem Suggestion
New Iron Golem: The Necromancerâs Iron Golem now grants thorns aura to all party members including minions. Thorns aura (same as the paladin aura) level increases with more points in Iron Golem (benefits from +all skills as well).
I propose this change for 3 viable reasons: 1- The Paladinâs Thorns aura is so much better than Iron Maiden and Iron Golemâs return hit property, 2- Bosses deal 4x damage to minions therefore Thorns is vital for any below budget necro to kill bosses easier, 3- Instead of using Bramble you can create another runeword and merge this with your IG, effectively making it provide multiple auras and pave the way for new setups.
2- Poison Nova Necromancer / PNovamancer
General Definition: The Poison Nova Necromancer is a great but incomplete build. The build also does very well in AoE farming certain areas such as Chaos and Cows compared to Skelemancer and Bonemancer, but it falls short in actual boss damage and Players 8 high end zones (Chaos Sanctuary P8 etc). Poison Nova Necromancers need their mercs and summons to be able to defeat bosses. This is mainly because of the poison nova tick rate, hidden resistances as well as other coding issues.
Current Problems
The current problems of the Poison Nova Necromancer are as follows:
2.1- The Physical Damage that comes from Merc+Army OVERRIDES/CANCELS your Poison Nova damage. Merc Poison damage can also override/cancel. Needs urgent fix.
2.2- Cannot kill bosses efficiently despite having -good on paper- Poison Nova damage.
2.3- Poison Explosion and Poison Dagger are bad synergies.
2.4- Requires very expensive/rare equipment to actually be viable.
2.5- Requires better Lower Resist Synergy.
Suggested Solutions:
2.1- The Physical/Poison Damage that comes from Merc+Army OVERRIDES/CANCELS your Poison Nova damage. Needs urgent fix.
I get asked this question multiple times in my discord channel. We also analyzed this issue on Reddit Necromancer discord (big shoutout to Hungry, Leo, Zuul, Ville, Tilwin and many more amazing people there!) We have video evidence that the physical damage from merc+army actually CANCELS the damage of poison nova. Iâd like to bring this issue to light so this gets a fix ASAP.
2.2- Cannot kill bosses or Players 8 Monsters efficiently despite having -good on paper- Poison Nova damage.
The current poison necromancer is limited to certain areas such as cows, pits and chaos. When it comes to killing Players 8 high level zones, or bosses, especially Ubers, the poison nova necromancer falls short and relies on its merc+minion damage synergized with Amplify Damage. Note: This post was written before Sunder Charms were introduced Whatâs even worse is, a poison nova necromancer CAN NEVER KILL Uber Lilith despite having max -poison resist equipment. It is currently IMPOSSIBLE for a Pnova Necro to break Uber Lilithâs poison immunity. Therefore poison nova necromancers are 100% required to get revives, use Amplify Damage and their summons to be able to kill Uber Lilith since the army deals physical damage. The general lack of poison damage on bosses or the poison nova tick rate should be fixed. This can be done in three ways:
-Completely reworking how poison damage works and make it not cancel by other sources of damage.
-Lowering the hidden resistances of ALL bosses and making poison nova tick rate 0.4/0.5 secons instead of 1 second.
-Allowing the Poison Nova Necromancer to lower and BREAK poison resistances EFFICIENTLY. This brings us to #3.
2.3- Poison Explosion and Poison Dagger are bad synergies.
As I stated before, poison explosion and poison dagger are under utilized, bad synergies. The only reason they exist is to buff Poison Nova Damage. I suggest reworking both of the abilities:
- Poison Dagger reworked to âPoison Coneâ: Shoot a Cone of Poison which deals xx to yy damage in 2 seconds to all enemies in front of you. Required Level 6
- Poison Explosion reworked to âPoison Masteryâ: PASSIVE- Increases the damage of your Poison Spells by piercing enemiesâ resistance to Poison. -20% to Poison Resistance per level.
In addition, I suggest buffing Poison Nova synergy damage. Poison Cone now grants 15% Poison Damage per level instead of 10% and Poison Mastery now grants 15% Poison Damage per level instead of 10%.
2.4- Requires very expensive/rare equipment to actually be viable.
Poison Nova Necromancers all want that Deathâs Web, 2-20 circlets, PnB skillers, 125 FCR or at least 3 set Trang Ouls (Cantor Trophy for -25% poison resistance as 3 set bonus) and Enigma for a reason. They NEED that gear to be efficient in higher levels of gameplay. You can definitely pull it off with more budget variants, but you can never compete against the current meta damage (Hammerdins, Sorcs etc.). Therefore if we apply #3, the build can actually be viable without needing all that equipment. Adding the end game expensive equipment on top would make the build FINALLY POWERFUL enough to do good damage on P8 Hell or ubers.
2.5- Requires better Lower Resist Synergy
Poison Nova Necromancers just invest 4-5 points into Lower Resist and never look back in general. Lower Resist should be buffed so Poison Nova Necromancers can either get away by investing only 1 point, or LR should be buffed in such a way that Pnova Necromancers would at least invest 10 hard points into it. I suggest buffing the -resistances, radius and duration of Lower Resist further, however investing further points would not only buff the aforementioned properties but also reduce the mana cost dramatically as well.
3- Bone Spear Necromancer / Bonemancer
General Definition: The Bonemancer is a very powerful build, especially in PvP. The build relies on magic damage, which is almost perfect since only a few rare monsters are immune to magic. However, the bonemancer also falls short on boss damage, because all UBER bosses have hidden 75% magic resistance which seriously diminishes the value of bonemancerâs magic damage. Unfortunately, the Bonemancer falls short on P8 Baal boss damage as well.
Current Problems
The current problems of the Bonemancer are as follows:
3.1- Does low boss damage.
3.2- Has too many synergies which causes the build to lose out on additional powers.
3.3- Very mana hungry build that requires Insight runeword.
3.4- Requires better Lower Resist Synergy.
Suggested Solutions:
3.1- Does low boss damage.
How many times you got confused when you saw your BIG bone spear damage destroying normal monsters but tickling the bosses when it comes to boss damage? The uber bosses in Diablo 2 have hidden magic resistances which diminishes the value of your magic damage, whereas P8 Bosses have higher HP which makes them way more durable against your bone spears / spirits. These resistances are so high your bone spear / spirit tickles the boss whereas Smiter Paladin physical damage with crushing blow can easily annihilate bosses. This is one of the main reasons why Summon Necromancers excel in killing uber bosses because all melee skeletons, merc and melee revives deal physical damage which synergizes very well with Amp Damage. The bonemancer lacks in this department.
In order for bonemancer to do actual uber/p8 boss damage without making it too powerful in PvP, I suggest four options:
- Reduce all uber bossesâ hidden magic resistances
- Improve Bone Spear / Spirit damage tremendously, but apply a PvP nerf.
- Rework Lower Resist so it LOWERS MAGIC RESISTANCE as well in addition to Poison, Fire, Cold and Lightning. See #4.
- Introduce a new talent, Magic Mastery which lowers enemy magic resistance in a certain radius. This will be an aura with a certain radius: Passive- Increases the damage of your Bone Spells by piercing enemiesâs resistance to magic. Radius: 7 yards. This way the ability will not destroy PvP but it will be very useful in PvE, if bone necros would risk positioning close to the boss itself.
3.2- Has too many synergies which causes the build to lose out on additional powers.
In order for a Bonemancer to do actually good damage, nearly 100 skill points should be invested into Poison and Bone tree. I suggest removing Bone Wall and Bone Prison Synergy bonuses but buffing Bone Spirit, Teeth and Bone Spear synergy bonuses. This change would allow Bonemancer hybrid build variations to emerge or more curse utilites can be utilized by Bonemancers. Freeing up skill points can definitely help choosing different golems as well (if they get reworked in the future).
3.3- Very mana hungry build that requires Insight runeword.
Bonemancer starts of great with teeth and then transitions into Bone Spear. However mana problems arise when you start casting your Bone Spears and follow up with Corpse Explosion. The build needs +mana after kill gear or Insight runeword to be mana efficient. While I donât like to primarily offer any ability rework about this issue, I propose improving the vendors so they sell more + mana after kill or regen mana gear. Alternatives would include reworking corpse explosion and bone spear so they refund mana after kill.
3.4- Requires better Lower Resist Synergy
Bonemancers cannot lower enemy magic resistance because lower resist does not lower hidden magic resistance. I suggest reworking lower resist so it actually lowers enemy magic resistance as well. This will help massively increasing the boss damage of bonemancers while providing much needed synergies for hammerdins as well. It would open new doors for the build.
I tried to be as brief and precise as possible. I will update my post if it is required. Please feel free to share your thoughts. Thank you for reading!