Stop asking for players x command

Seriously, stop asking for it. It is ridiculous. If you want to use /players X command, play freaking single player where it belong.

If you want to play online, you dont need it. You have other players, dont be lazy and make friends or do split MF runs if you want to play on more player setting.


Or we can just remove player scaling from bnet and /players from off-line



Lol why?

Well off-line is single player.

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Every off-line is singleplayed
Not every singleplay is off-line

U know why


There is single player and multiplayer. Offline is only single player. Online is never single player. Just because you decide to play solo online, it doesnt mean you play “single-player”. You are still part of multiplayer version of game, playing under multiplayer patch.

No I dont because its crazy proposition. Removing player scaling on battle net would kill group play.


But single player does not mean only one player?

So let me explain
Even d3 MP is better than d2 MP

Its name of diablo game mode. You can surely play single :slight_smile: but that doesnt mean you play single player game mode.

In what regard, diablo 3 is worse in almost everything in comparison to D2.


Im sure it says “on-line” (left) and “off-line” (right)

High contend MP being one of those

How does adding a feature hurt online gameplay in any way? If you don’t like it, don’t use it. If your argument is that the economy will get flooded with items, I hate to break it to you but it already is. It took literally no time at all for these people to set up bots.

I had an entire discord server full of friends that claimed that they wanted to play D2R on launch. Only one of them still plays, and it’s infrequent at best. Sorry I don’t want randoms in my games waiting around to nab the one high rune that drops every hundred runs or so. Have you ever tried coordinating with 7 other random people? Even if you get to know them well and get them all in a voice chat, that sounds like an absolute nightmare.

There’s no reason this shouldn’t be a feature. I’m convinced Blizzard’s just lazy.


Group play is already dead. There’s like 3-4 games in the lobby with more than 1 person in them, the rest are people trying to trade. Pretty sad for a game that just came out what… a few months ago?



the reason I play single player: can use /players or hero editor
the reason I play online: no cheating, harder leveling, less drops

notice how trades are not on the list ^.^

If the droprate was the same online as it was singleplayer, i’d have given out a lot of free shakos and high runes. How would the market respond to that

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So… someone who doesn’t have the freedom to play for 8 hours a day might be able to use an infinity? I bet they’d really love that.


need an infinity?

i’ve got like 10 bases sitting on a mule if you need one.
not eth or max damage but better then nutten

You pop the runes in it and I’ll take it off of your hands for you, free of charge!

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what is your strength/dex?
May have one alredy gemmed up.

only takes a Ral - Tir -Tal -Sol

got extra low level scythe or upper level poleaxe

Infinity, not insight. But I appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. :joy:


This argument completely fails because allowing that command affect server Global, it would affect group play, economy… We need to support group play online not kill it with that command.

Find new friends then, or join public split MF runs.

Well its your decision. You are limiting yourself on purpose and then asking for new feature to compensate that.

I play hardcore and have no problem to find people to play with. I guess you are doing something wrong.


oh geez LOL
sorry haven’t had my coffee yet

still got bases…if you need rofl
all your base are belong to me

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I think those who want players x for online don’t enjoy the multiplayer experience in D2 so much. I know that is where I am.


There is really no shame in playing single player offline and enjoy /players x there. I find SP quite relaxing and play both online and offline equally.