You keep replacing “change game” with “change content.” These things are not the same. Changing content is more along the lines of adding/removing bosses, adding/removing quests, adding/removing dialogue, adding/removing skills, adding/removing classes, adding/removing items.
No, I’m going by what they said themselves. We know it wasn’t their vision from the beginning because if it was, then they would have said so from the beginning instead of saying, “Who knows!? Yeah… that’s a possibility! We’ll see what happens!”
LOL people come to the D2R forums and talk about all sorts of different games including D2 and D2:LoD. Therefore, yes it is actually important to decipher between them.
Also, the announcement for patch 2.3 stated they are looking into possible changes to test out on the PTR. People are using these forums to talk about changes they would like to see implemented. You telling people to stop asking for changes is just silly.
Some people eat toilet paper. What’s your point?
I think it’s pretty safe to assume that people are talking about Diablo 2 resurrected when they refer to Diablo 2 on the Diablo 2 resurrected forum.
Lawyer bills, most likely.
I quit thanks to the last update. I’m done thanks Blizzard.
No it wasn’t. They quite clearly talked about potentially massive changes pre-release.
see ya! no one is gonna be sad.
They still have not fixed the characters yet. The amazon is first in line still. I want lots of changes to the game as well.
Agreed. I don’t think most realize how bad blizz is today. They won’t make it good. It’s not the same company…why is this hard to understand?
I’ve played D2 for 17 years, and if peopel are still whininh about changes, id questions your age, and mental capacity.
Bring on all the changes please. We got PTR’s to approve what they do, and the game is 20 years old. When i say changes, i mean stuff that everyones wanted and mods have already done over the years.
I like good changes and bad changes can always be reverted so let’s go baby!
Blizzard games and many others go through a lot of changes through patches after launch. Devs hear player feedback and work with that to improve things. This is a remaster so I can appreciate the desire to not divert too far from the classic game but at the same time there are some things that are seemingly universally welcomed (auto gold pickup for instance).
I’ve been playing D2 on and off since the day it launched and it’s my favorite game of all time but I want to see all of the QoL stuff and I’m open to ideas for making things fresh again.
Edit- I just wanted to counter this with some of the things changed in D2R that I personally love like the shared stash, larger stash pages, quick cast, ladder content in SP, the new graphics/cutscenes, controller support (although I don’t use it), auto gold pickup, summons not disappearing and a lot more that I’m forgetting. While I agree about current Blizzard not being the same company we grew up with VV has proven to be talented and they seem to have the right attitude about how to approach this game. I feel pretty good with D2R in their hands now.
Edit 2- I think a safe middle ground for the community split would be an old school style expansion for D2R. If they actually wanted to do something as crazy as making another Act it would likely function the same as LoD where if you wanted the new content you purchase the expansion, and if not you stick with the current product in its change free state.
Obligatory “Can I have your stuff?”
A blond guy in VV specifically said in interviews following the D2R announcement that the game would release without many changes, but that they would be open to changes later on. That’s why I bought D2R.