Because so many people including blizzard said that stacking in Diablo 2 isnt something possible and if so it would require a lot of work and hardcoding
I love doing these little modding challenges as it proves how lazy and borderline ilintended Blizzard is
30min… it took 30min to make a Cube recipe that serves as a stacking mechanic for all these materials
ill happily take the existing “99% of what we want stacking to be” over the innexistent “100%” one
It doesn’t make sense to do that in D2, it would go against the inventory tetris design of the game.
That’s the kind of thing that is made to be cumbersome on purpose, for the same reason the inventory in Resident Evil 2 is also this style of inventory and not just a list of items (which would have been easier to implement).
The game was created with an intent, sure
But the way people played it is what made its success
And that initial intent goes against that play style and they acknowledged it with the post launch changes they made
And it based on how people play it that it should be improved
d2 players are hoarders… give hoarding QOL
Based on your logic we should have never gotten the stash size increase from classic and even less the multiple shared stash of D2R. Meanwhile these things along made the game so much more bearable for the majority of the playerbase
it wouldnt go against anything, blizz have always been lazy when it comes to making changes for the good of the game.
stacking is something that has been called for for years, either that or microtransactions and being able to buy currency stash tab (like you can with path of exile)
It would go against the intended game design of limiting what you can carry on you. It was stated by the original devs many times that not having rune stacking, limited inventory space etc were all decisions made on purpose, and not because they couldn’t do it.
Agreed, I see nothing wrong with it. Like I said in my other post, I would even buy stash tabs, it helps support D2R and helps me collect items to theory test builds that are locked away in my mind, that I want to do on bnet… Even if they limited it to a stack of 20 per gem/rune, I would be happy. It would also encourage rune crafting to higher runes. As is, it makes me not want to hold on to low-tier runes/gems because they take up space.
And there are a lot more items than there used to be.
I played D2 after D3. I have no nostalgia for it. I found the survival roguelite with limited inventory aspect refreshing after playing D3 which was a game where you hoarded everything you dropped and then went to the city to disenchant everything, there was no reason to leave stuff on the ground. I am of the opinion that hoarding items should ALWAYS come with a big tradeoff of space management. In minecraft or terraria for example, you have to physically build chests that occupy space. In runescape you have to go all the way to the bank. In Elder Scrolls and Ragnarok Online there’s a weight system. Hoarding in real life is cumbersome and that should be replicated in some form in videogames.
The stash was increased, but the inventory wasn’t. I’m strictly talking about the items you carry on your character. Unless you can make it so you can only stack those items on the stash but not on the inventory, in which case I’d have no issue with it, so long as stash remains finite.
I don’t feel like I need stacking in this form. I’d prefer a single currency tab that also works as sorting for having fixed slots for each item type to keep it nice and tidy. You just ctrl+click and rune goes to its place.
IRL you need to eat and drink or you will die. You need to use the bathroom every few hours. 1/3 of your time is spent being comatose.
This is a fantasy game, the nercro can raise undead, the sorc summon elemental stuff from her fingertipps and can teleport (and others buy a staff and can do the same). And the paladin is most dangerous bashing the most dangrous foes’ faces in with his shield (rofl, what a piece of idiocy). This ain’t a RL simulator.
A game should be fun.
The “no stacking in inventory” people are clearly the weirdest one of the D2 community
Lacking the mental processing power to understand that when farming you are not really likely to find “duplicates” allowing you to stack , the stacking would 99% of the time happen in town in your stash
Also lack the vision to realize that stacking in inventory is an insanely good benefit to stacking. By being able to trade stacks instead of a large quantity of individual items, you facilitate the process and reduce scamming
No need to personally insult me just because I don’t see things the way you do. In no point doing this thread did I question your mental capacity or intelligence, I just raised my own concerns in a board of discussion.
We clearly have very different experiences with video games. And I’ll admit some bias since I play a LOT of games that have limited inventory by design such as runescape and survival games. You on the other hand clearly focus more on the trading aspect which I don’t dabble in. It’s a difference in perspective.
Bro, it really is pointless to argue with some people…
Alone the term “no stacking in inventory people” lmao xD
Saying they lack the mental processing power, he always gets that way, while it clearly proves that he’s lacking something, stuff like manners. Just flag this childish posts.
It is impossible to have a discussion without this 1st degree bahaviour.
And yes I also think that the limited inventory space has it’s purpose. It’s part of D2, sure you could always comfort people in a videogame, but thats how D2 works, this how it is and it’s good
Just imagine the iventory space in classic and D1.
It’s obvious that it’s part of the design.
True, but POD is a D2/LOD derivative using that code for most of the game. There are some changes but nothing really major. So, IMO, the reason stacking doesn’t not happen is because the people running the game do not want to bother with it.
The one has nothing to do with the other. The reason why we don’t have the possibility to stack runes and gems is that the game was designed that way. Inventory management is part of it. There several games that are designed the same for a reason. Some games using different kind of it like weight but many games limit inventory space, not just rpgs.