Stacking Firewall was a "Bug"?

I went through the patch notes and found this entry:

Fixed an issue where overlapping Fire Wall or Blaze missiles could cause increased damage

I thought stacking Firewall was a Feature, not a Bug.
The downside is that enemy have to be stationary, so there was a fine tradeoff:
If they move, you do less damage than other skills, but if the stand still, you do more damage.
Especially when they stand for a longer time that you are able to cast firewall twice on the same spot.

The damage was ok in my opinion. My sorceress still has Frozen Orb as the main damage spell, because it is more reliable to moving enemies, and I used FW only if needed. But now with the nerf, her dual element ability has been nerfed and forces people even more to get Infinity and play Lightning.

//EDIT: Ok, it still stacks, but does much less damage.


This patch killed the fire wall sorcerers build! I played the original diablo 2, in lod, now in resurrected. Now i have: 43 firewall level, 43 warmth, 43 fire mastery, 31 inferno, -15% to enemy fire resists. Average fire wall damage 30419-30619 per second.

Lighting sorcerers, java amazons, hammer paladins, kill cows by the hundreds, and yesterday I could play on a par with them. Today, after this patch, I can’t even kill a couple of cows if there are 2 people in the game. It’s unclear where the damage went and why suddenly my build became a bug?
Now the fire wall build is not playable, fire skills stuff is useless, and time is wasted!
I don’t want to play cold or ligtning sorceress, especially I don’t want to play Amazon, they behave like animals and don’t respect other players. You have made the game even more devoid of any balance!


wut lol

and FB/Meteor are still powerful fire skills last time I checked.

Please do not bump troll threads and posts made by Stanner, Sekscalibure, vicVinegar, MEZKd2r, NOOBLMAO, Sareyene, Mifesto, MrEos, NeoRizer, RandyBoggs. Thank you from the D2R community.

You can still stack them, but whatever your tooltip reads is the amount of damage, whether you have 1 firewall or that in-between spot where you can have 3 stacked on top of each other, same damage as tooltip reads. (rather than 2x or 3x because of stack).

Here’s what I wonder, bosses have large hitboxes, so if I don’t have my firewall stacked on top of itself and manage to skillfully cast two in separate places within the hitbox, does it still not double damage? If that’s the case, then RIP firewall builds… which is sad because this is the most fun I’ve had on a sorc since I started playing in '02.

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it was always a bug. There have been multiple video’s out about it so I dont know what rock you been living under. That was as evident as the cold mastery bug.


fire wall was like this all the time, back in the original Diablo 2. in addition, it worked faster there, so no cow passed. In resurected, it initially worked worse with some delay. and now it’s a useless skill at all.

Token of Absolution my friend GG Firewal builds

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Firewall sorceress, this is a completely different gameplay, not a popular build, but yesterday it was no worse than java Amazon. What is the interest in playing with the same Amazons, in the same things, with the same build? Or is it interesting to run after them in the cowshed, hoping that a couple of cows have not died?

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I live under a rock cause I don’t spend my free time watching Diablo 2 videos?

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GG D2R, GG Blizzard. Token of Absolution - let the one who made this patch eat it!

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This is why I enjoyed Path of Exile for so long, they offer a respec any time they fix a bug that was breaking damage.

I don’t feel like firewall is unusable now, but it certainly puts a crimp in my clear time and I’d want to explore other options.

Its been reported from multiple sources that it was bugged. It was a frame issue, aka you are seeing more damage than you would under normal circumstance.

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Yeah no surprise about the firewall being fixed. It was so clearly a bug and reported many times as such. This is why I never went the spec.

I tried it and was like… great now all the sorc players will go this spec because it’s very obvious it is OP. Don’t be ignorant to the fact that a bug was fixed and get mad over it.

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So much for claiming they wouldn’t fix the beneficial bugs.

This wasnt it. Its just a mess up in numbers when they convert the FPS to a timing base.

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You weren’t around for the cold mastery fix?

It wouldn’t be this bad if they told us it will be fixed when we asked instead of being silence

All they need to do is put up a statement, that this wasn’t intended & will be fixed.

Also I never understand what they were thinking, NO ONE complained about this, NO ONE.

Debbie Downer.

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My fire wall damage 30419-30619 per second.
In addition -15% to enemy fire resists.
Fire wall has delay 1 second to cast, fcr nor working with it.
So if i cast two firewall, it must double damage, in any place.
Yes, it kiil bosses wery fast, but why overlaping is bug?

That’s different IMO, that actually made CM work in ways that were stated to not be intended from the start and benefitted every cold skill.

This is an issue where casting the same spell multiple times now results in single damage rather than 1x damage per cast.

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Have you tested that it doubles damage if cast through a mob’s hitbox in two separate places? I don’t know how they’d program it to work that way but not stacked.