Stacking Firewall was a "Bug"?

Youre not making it hotter by adding another firewall, why would the damage increase.

If it’s cast in the same spot, touching the same spots, it makes sense it stays the same. To add logic to fantasy.

how to cast two firewall on one cow in separate places? :rofl:
now you need to wait until the first one goes out. but it burns 3.6 seconds

stacking FW never was a bug. not sure why this ever was changed. in D2R the tick rate of FW is higher than it was in D2/LoD same issue IAS had before it was fixed. FW now in D2R is not working as it was in the OG. its dmg is now the same but it no longer stacks like it actually did in LoD

heres a video proof of FW stacking in D2/LoD version 1.14D

see video above. and comment.

where are you getting info that says FW is still stacking in D2R its not


and FB/Meteor are still powerful fire skills last time I checked.

if you can stop the Monster FW is some kind of fire and forget. For FB u need to stay in line of fire and cast cast… Meteor is much harder to hit,

Nope Buggzard broke Chars without a usefuel reason but let other BS OP builds allone.

Im just sad not use the refund option some time ago ;(

That is not firewall. That is blaze. I play a FW sorc and yes it is currently stacking in d2r after the fix (to a far lesser extent), whatever they did it seems to have been just a flat damage nerf. The numbers appear the same in character sheet but to anyone actually playing a fw sorc its very clear the damage is just lower, not the tic rate and not the stacking, the flat numbers are just lower.

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