Shut down d2jsp

I love spamming 42 people to finally get a response from somebody to make a trade in POE. Yeah SO GREAT!

i agree we all e signed the same blizzard contract to not sell stuff for real money.


no thank you. d2jsp <3


Ding Ding Ding we have a Winner here Boys Exactly My Problem D2jsp is the One setting the Market Price On Blizzards Game, They Needa STOP this ASAP, Everyoneā€™s worried about there forum Gold instead of Just trading for what they Need. as I said Beauty should be in the eye of thee beholder.
All these 3rd Party Sites are Getting rich right now Because Blizzard did Yet another Horrible job at Launching there games. Theyā€™re selling Jah-Ber + a lot more for Hundreds of Dollars Online right now.(Blizzard Needs to shut all of this Down Including but not limited to D2jsp) and they do that By making there own Trade system for D2r Item for Itemā€¦ & Part of Good/Easy Trading is a WORKING Chat System My goodness Did they destroy the Ingame Chat. so Many Chat commands and Functions from D2lod Broken/.Gone.


I swear, ploot advocates are the equivalent of D2R vegans.


People have been overpricing their junk since the beginning of time. Getting rid of D2jsp wonā€™t change that.


d2jsp would be alright if there was no way to buy fgs with money.

as it stands bliz should def. stomp on them :slight_smile:


itā€™s only horrible if you suck at doing trades. get over yourself . d2jsp was there long before you were a nightmare for your parents and it will be there long after your life subscription expires.
also d2 jsp is a trade site where players list their items. not a gold selling site liek 2items from 20 some years ago.

jesus christā€¦ people need to stop getting offended after everything that is superior to them.


2djsp is from 20 some years ago. you wont ever know who it is

what if its bobby :wink:

@op just like thatā€¦ you can now buy a shako for 50$ on the net :wink: trust me d2jsp is far from the worst. or you cna also buy a ist for 30$.
sotp complaining liek a 6 years old kid and start realizing that profit is what makes usa move. dont like it? change the usa then.


1800usd for a nigmaā€¦

There is already a trade forum: Trade - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums

And there are trading Discords, etc.

But without a unifying currency in D2R, sites that do have them will continue to exist. Itā€™s too convenient to ignore. Itā€™s one of the greater flaws of D2.

Jangan cakap banyak ye

The prices for items have been the same for years. People who have been playing this game for a long time, me included, already know what your items are really worth. Even if you got rid of d2jsp most people who know what they are doing are not gonna trade for whatever you feel is ā€œworth itā€.

I see so many trade games in hell diff of people trying to get stupid trades like trading their shako for a ber rune or other stupid stuff. Most people know what your items are already worth because we have been playing this game off and on for the last 20 years.


If SSF league is implemented, jsp will be destroyed.


Just donā€™t participate in their rigged system. FG has NO value because itā€™s not real. Actual in-game items have value because itā€™s what people actually want. If youā€™re trading for real items, then YOU have the leverage and you should use it for you. If you trade your real items for JSPā€™s monopoly money, then you give away all your leverage and your real in-game wealth.


Interesting to see this, part of the reason im playing D2R as SSF is because of d2jsp


Itā€™s weird to see a critique of D3 that complains about rifts and the RMAH, mostly because one was a launch feature that didnā€™t last more than a couple of patches, and the other is an expansion feature- you most definitely were not running rifts while the RMAH was a thing.

Not that I disagree, mind you. And inferno while challenging and fun, was extremely difficult to make progress through without buying a lot of gear or getting very lucky on drops (or taking advantage of classes that could bypass that).

hihi i have always hated d2jsp but i want to say a few things here

#1 adding another source i think leaves the same issue, if blizzard added an
" offical forum gold trading site " i dont think this would help i think this is problem
plus i think since the D2JSP community is already so big that " offical site " would fail
even if it was an auction houseā€¦ prolly fail unless there was some sort of restriction placed
to prevent jsp trades which is roughā€¦ aswell to end this here i would never allow account bound
account bound is the worst option of them all

#2 i dont like jsp rememberā€¦ but all jsp is is a list of items that people have
those items are not nessesarily for trade for ā€œforum goldā€
what i mean is all the time people post items for sale for other itemsā€¦
just to locate and find other players with what they are searching for.
" trading sigon set gloves for sigon set gloves "

i dont think this is so bad even tho i hate jspā€¦ because forum gold does get mixed in and its blah
Butā€¦ i just want to note that while it seems like forum gold and this and that control the prices
it really doesnt
d2 ecc is not based on forum gold prices
d2 ecc is based on the price of an (soj) stone of jordan
how many sojs are in circulation dictate that price of that soj
it really has nothing to do with d2jsp or forum gold soā€¦
knowing " prices " or anything like that has nothing to do with
with any sort of forum gold rateā€¦

i am an expert at the game, with out d2jsp through trading i can obtain a mass of wealth
and stones of jordans hundereds-thousands legit

in all of d2jsp defense the only thing i will say is i think it is harder for new players
to get rich or obtain rare gear like a stone of jordan(classic) these players can never trade
10pairs of sigon gloves and get an soj, but they are able to sell the gloves, and buy an soj with
their forum gold which i think does make it easier on newer players to obtain and build chars
also because prices seem to be firm or have a " going price " for those types of sites where
new players are less likely to get ripped off
on classic a player finds a red +2 10fcr 3bh +3conc pally scepter and goes in a trade windows and
someone puts up 1-2 sojs he would prolly take the 1-2 sojs not knowing betterā€¦ but had he posted
the items on one of those trash sites, they would actually prolly prevent him from getting ripped off
because players would see it and offer dozzens of sojs

but just to be clear trading in game for me is much more fun and i hate d2jsp