Shoutout to Devs, Techs and CM's

maybe the tech want rent more server but for the desk jockeys its to expensive.

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It’s almost that simple. Blizz assumed a massive risk by removing regional server capacity. Based on this risk, they should have invested heavily in provisioning services based on worst-case loads up front, then decommission as demand drops, which we all know.

Probably faster now than we would have expected even last week.

The fact that this did not occur is leaving me with a nagging feeling that perhaps D2R won’t get the extra support from the suits at Blizz to expand the game, more than the lowest hanging fruit. If they’re not investing heavily at launch, then they probably won’t invest heavily in O&M.

Not at all comparable since not everyone is having problems, one can only assume the difference in user end is what could be causing the problem.

Take your ridiculous f-18. Then ship it without a motor and whoever buys it supply the motor. Wouldn’t you agree that motor could be causing a problem?

Now you can fix the f-18 so it works with that motor. But until it’s shipped, you won’t know.

Wow that’s hilarious!

Did you think of that yourself? If so, impressive!

There is the sarcasm you’re looking for.

Instead of posting this crap on the forums how about you guys stop pretending and go fix the game? (@ OP, implying they are a dev doing damage control)

This is exactly what I’m afraid of. If true (and I hope it’s not), this means D2R won’t be patched nearly as much as we’d like. :confused:

I’ve probably heard a variation of that insult at some point in time, but I just rephrased it to fit the situation.

Everyone is thinking it, he’s the one that said it.

“as much”… try never :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now you’re scaring me! I really don’t want to go down that dark alley! :open_mouth:

You are literally in that alley right now either being beat up or watching someone get beat up (server issues with 0 being done about them in 24 hours, which could be easily fixed in 2 tops if I were in charge with my 0 know-how guaranteed )

True, I do feel like someone stole my lunch money right now! :frowning:

worst part for me is: last blizz tracker post: 18h ago.
No response, no reaktion NO Twiitter dont count. EU /DE Forum much worse

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It is entirely conceivable that we are looking at a 0-2 man dev team who simply aren’t around

Haha what? That would mean they actually did their job properly.

But isn’t that their MO?

Locked char is only the consequence of the server issue. I guess the parameters of your char were not saved correctly when the server is down. So obviously two causes here:

  1. The logic behind “char status” is not correct, how can the status be “online” when the user has been logged out. Even if the server recovers from the breakpoint, the status should not be set back to ‘online’ as in the breakpoint
  2. Blizzard is using their own servers and they are not scalable. Also, clearly, they under-estimated the traffics

Because they didn’t program that in. Trivial fix, actually, that “cleans” the database on game exit.

Or open game opening, in case the last exit was a non-normal termination.

This stuff isn’t hard. If you think of it…

Keep going Blizzard! :+1:


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Wow. I am astounded at the amount of perfect people who know everything and feel its their duty, NO responsibility to judge others on unplanned or foreseen problems. Not everything is predictable or as precise as some of ya’ll think. Everyone but you is lazy and incompetent. Seriously, impressive.

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