Shoutout to Devs, Techs and CM's

I know you are working hard to solve the issues!

Keep it up! :+1:

“If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going.” - Winston Churchill


Don’t give them encouragement. They don’t deserve it.


They deserve to be fired. If they were working hard, they would have a system in place that would properly save your character before booting everyone offline.

At this point, you could exploit the crap system to dupe. Give your friend a good item, have them log out and then wait for the rollback.


+1 agreed it must be a hell of a job to have to manage.


It’s odd how quiet these forums are when the game actually works! :smiley:


Games working fine for me I’m just not going to go crazy in my 40’s for any game lol

In fact I’m off gn :smiley:


The amount of pessimism in the forums is overwhelming.


Because they released a product that doesn’t work, and charged full price for it.


So what happens when it starts working? What then? :slight_smile:

Everyone is doing what they can. Just wished the server down message said to save and exit before they went down, could have saved themselves a ton of negativity.

Things like this happen. Just be glad they didn’t start ladder day 1! Think of how much this forum would be boiling over with Blizzard hatred then!

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Doesn’t matter, I chose to save and exit when I saw the warning, got rolled back to lvl 2 anyway. Apparently save doesn’t mean save cause it sure didn’t save my progress or time.

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Then they can be regarded as vaguely competent, right now they deserve nothing.

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Please don’t shout out blatant incompetence.


Devs, Techs and GMs,

Please don’t read this and think most people are thinking this way. I just got home from a job that demands excellence from me, and I deliver. All day at that job i wanted to come home and play this game that I enjoyed like 20 years ago. And your incompetence blocked that from happening. Stay at this cushy job while you have it. Layoffs are coming it feels like. Fear the real world


Meanwhile Blizzard techs and devs will probably be working through the night working on the issues… Even for the ones that have so much hate for them… Because they know we all have one thing that brings us all together…


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Because they know we paid hard-earned money for this game. Go ask your dad what that feels like, junior.

Oh boy, the old “go ask your dad” line because he thinks I’m a kid! Gee I wish! :rofl:

I’ll take -20 years please.

Because it’s their job, even if they suck at it.

Keep going Blizzard! :+1:

When you guys get things smoothed over, it’s gonna be awesome!
I played for a good 4 hours yesterday evening (solo bnet) without any issues.

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