Seems like 80% of the player base has already moved on

There’s no proof but we can use PoE since it’s a very similar game

Poe lost 90% twitch audience since league launch

D2R 97%

Poe lost 90% steam playerbase

So 80% loss for D2R kinda holds the road

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i haven’t moved on but im certainly not playing until the ladder hits.

hard to get into it knowing it could swap on me at any time.
wouldve been nice to at least have a date heh


Its an old game with dated mechanic and limited content.
There are only so many builds and so many play trues before the game starts to become grindy farm fest.
Player retention was bound to drop off fast.

Only die hard fans will stick with the franchise in the long run.
Tho I’d imagine their will be an uptick in activity when the patch come out and players have new things to play with.

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Well it happens to every game more or less.

It´s not even that bad. D2 is buy to play, they got their money we got the game.

I´m personally totally fine with that and hope potential changes will be as small as possible. New content? No thanks, I rather have that in D Immortal/D4.

I still find builds I haven’t made.

They’re just very gear dependent.

I’m amazed so many people are upset that they bought diablo 2, and ending up getting diablo 2.


Personally I lost my drive to play when I ran out of space. I guess PlugY spoiled me, but when they announced the shared space and all I was hopeful. And it was great. But D2R did say we wouldn’t need mules and not only we still do, we now have a character limit to contend with. I don’t care if they sell them or add them for free, but we need more stashes and more character slots

Then none of my relative/friends wanted to buy D2R because they removed TCP/IP and offered no alternative option ( why buy it they said, we’ll just continue our p8 game in regular D2LOD ) . I don’t really need/want P8 on BNET that much and would prefer an alternative mode that allows single players to play with other player SP characters and jack it up to P8. Allowing it on BNET is just the only option unless Blizzard re-implement TCP/IP or a new mode that provides the advantages that TCP/IP used to.

Don’t have much issue with the game beside these 2 points really. I’ve been lucky to avoid most bugs and I love they made all runewords available to regular BNET. I just reached the storage limit and got tired of playing without my siblings and friends, and went back to D2LOD with them. D2R still has some growing to do before I do the switch 100%

My 2 cents on the thread title.


This happens because of how the servers function for your games displayed. It actually only shows other people who are near where you live. If you could see every game join from around the world, it would be A LOT of games my dude.

This is a problem though. We should be able to see more games in our lists. The way they have it setup now is just stupid. It’s not enough games displayed for anyone.

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I believe it’s set up how it is now is a direct result of the choices made when diablo 2 was being thrown together. In one of the interviews a dev who worked on the second game tells the viewer that the lobby system was basically a cost saving measure. as even back then it would be an additional cost to test and build a lobby system that would connect players.

The way players where told to interact: Get friends together first and login at the same time.

Most players of games nowadays are used to matchmaking algorithms or live-lobbies that offer a room where folks can literally walk up and say hello in-game. So when they see the lobby for d2, it seems like “why did they leave it like this” lol

imagine if you had to open console and type a command to join a friends game. That’s all it was for.

It could be improved quite a bit… and not just UI but in how people are connected. Lots of folks also play offline or solo too. and would never even see a lobby.

87% of statistics on the internet are made up, and only 50% of those are true :stuck_out_tongue:

If you’re looking for attention, congrats you got it. Those that enjoy the game for what it is will play it; isn’t that why we play games, to enjoy our free time doing something we like? If you’re not enjoying it, why would you continue playing it let alone post some made-up statistic, to make yourself feel better about you not playing the game?

If you don’t enjoy it, don’t play. Some people just want to watch the world burn…


Spot on👍. Blizz is a. Lame monygrabing. Company.


So because a company needs to make money to survive / pay their employees they are a money-grabbing company? Look the world isn’t this black and white. Every company needs to make money. If you don’t agree with what they are doing or how they are doing it, you have a choice – you vote with your wallet. You don’t give them any more money. If enough people do that, the company either has to listen to the market and make changes to adjust to it, or they cease to be in business.

Perhaps instead of zero-argument hate, you grow up a little and take some personal responsibility and actually use your brain instead of posting drivel.

i’ve spent more on coffee playing diablo then the total cost of the game.
not to mention the cost of the computer and internet service, yeah know ^.^

folks forget video games are meant to be a luxury sometimes.

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If I remember correctly all of the networking, multi-player and lobbies were all created during the last three months of development. But for the time, it wasn’t bad.


The drop off of players over time is inarguable.

Hey listened to the purist and it nearly killed the game again! I am shocked they back peddled and decided to make changes but it may to little to late. We need a better way to trade because otherwise we’re never going to get a true ladder reset to much 3rd party sites they need to solve these issues and add an end game and actually add personal or instanced loot so ppl can just play together with out all the toxic bs that causes ppl to play by themselves


Considering the age I’m hitting. I surely am no longer interested in grinding for hours on end, with little to no reward. I’ve got thousands of hours logged on d2/d3, a few hundred on d2r. The grind and no reward is getting tiresome.

I have countless games on my steam I’ve yet to even touch.


Yeah I don’t have all the free time I did as a kid. Plus there’s so many more quality games that come out these days and faster as well. I dont have the free time to play all the good games these days, the last time I’m gonna do is pour thousands of hours into a game for little to no rewards. D2R needs major updates to stay relevant.

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people moved because they find there is better ways to spend your time than spamming Trav for 10 hours so you can get a Ber so you are halfway to Enigma/Infinity.

The grind and lack of reward is half the reason, the other half is that the game is completely trivial once you are even halfway there unless you really try to make it hard for yourself, like doing Ubers with a caster with no Open Wound. I’m sure it’s different in dueling, but that’s something that the majority of players are not interested in.

I enjoyed revisiting this game after 20 years and definitely played a lot for 2 months, but you only go so far curbstomping mobs for no drops and then remake the game to do it again every 2 minutes.

I think the ladder season will revitalize the game for a bit, but at least for me personally I won’t be returning because I’m not interested in doing the same grind again.

I do find it interesting that the purists are the ones with 1k+ posts. At least we know they still have the free time they had 20 years ago.


The only thing they “moved on to” was forum PVP.

80% of players are gone? perhaps that is because the start of ladder is coming soon. and i have no idea where you got the 80% figure. i submit that 90% of the people who complain about d2 are actually only 10% of that number and comprised of people using multiple fake accounts.