Blizzard really dropped the ball and ruined any chances d2 had in the long run.
not only did they blame streamers for their horrible servers and database issues but then they partner with them to announce their upcoming changes to the game (which im not against but frankly there are about 10000000000 other issues they should be fixing before they try to improve/balance the game) for starters, how about the lockouts between games? how about the countless other bugs that are and have been present since 2000?
blizzard claims to be listening while turning a deaf ear to the real community and only listening to the people they blamed for their terrible rollout of a 20 year old game…
so i guess you got proff of 80% left? or just another random making up Lies?
the lack of games and players?
you know you cant see all the games only a small% of them right? and wher doo you see the player count?
its ok if you dont want to admit it, you can lie to everyone else but you cant lie to yourself.
the fact that its the same 10 games showing up with 1 player in them each.
lets be real. the player base is a fraction of what it was even 2 months ago.
Your data isn’t accurate, I’m still casually playing this game ever since launch.
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w can agree on, ther wher more players then the is now. but lying and saying 80%. if you belive that. you belive that…
i se ALOT more games. dont know wher yo looking.
Most people have definitely moved onto other games. It’s 2021, there’s an endless sea of games to choose from (even though most aren’t good). Most of these players will definitely come back once the new patches and ladder hits.
The way Battle Net 2.0 is set up, it’s only showing us a fraction of the games/players.
I have 0 problem playing on 100 ping, so why can’t I have access to games in other areas? The fact that we can join other games from other realms, and EVEN join a friend from another region from the friends list shows that the possibilities are there.
youre right, im probably underestimating the number of players that have quit at this point…
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I think I haven’t played for the past 2 weeks, even tho I’ve got a Jah rune and a cute little Shako shortly before I stopped playing.
Guess I’m bored of farming cows over and over again, hell I even stopped playing my Sorc because it was so boring to teleport to bosses and kill them or be forced to farm the same 2 spots over and over again because the whole game is immune to frost lmao.
So yeah, the only time I start the game by now is when I really want to have some Diablo 2 gameplay, there are just so many other games which offer me instant fun and reward - while it can take weeks or months to get rewarded in Diablo.
Let’s see No end game / higher difficulties, No Personal loot, no players x8 solo online , lack of QOL features like stacking items , lack of stashes, lack of character slots, server issues (joining games , being limited by region), and absurd drop rates especially on runes. Purists love this **** but functioning normal people don’t. Add in ladder taking forever to come out and you have a recipe for disaster.
All any of us have is anecdotal evidence.
Of the people I know who play/ed I’m down ~30% of people right now and probably an addition 20-40% are playing less but still logging in a few times a week.
A lot of people don’t stick to one game for longer than 2-3 months. They might still play it occasionally but most people are not dedicated to a single game for more than 3 months - just what I see in observation.
I’m a bit hesitant to use Twitch streaming #s with an ARPG that, to me, is a bad watch so I’m not going to look at those but it is some small thing to look at. Maybe 2 weeks after launch to now and see what the drop-off is.
Between SC and HC I play WAY too much but I absolutely love this series (and the other game I play WAY too much Magic the Gathering)
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I honestly think ladder is really the only main issue in the entire equation if we look at November onward. The server and subsequent queue/lockout issue before were a major issue early on. As the game stands now the biggest issue is ladder. Any of the droprate issues, imo, would actually make the ladder issue even worse right now as the game/builds would end sooner for people to stop chasing.
Ladder taking 4+ months to launch I think was/is a major mistake but maybe if the patch is a homerun it’ll bring people back.
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I agree that there are many other issues that need attention. At the same time, I can see why they have shifted their priority to more “fun”-based balance changes. Player retention is particularly important to Blizzard. You and I can be very patient and wait to have the base game fixed and perfected. But Blizzard knows that many people have short attention spans and there is fierce competition out there for other games. Having active players is probably an important metric for them to keep up if you expect them to keep working on the game.
The bottom line is that balancing skills will yield better retention of players than just fixing “tolerable” issues.
Moved on is a big word for me…
Just waiting for the storm to pass, I guess.
Playing D3 now. Likely I’ll play D2R again after stuff got fixed and that ridiculous 2+ hour wait (the queue) to play a 20 year old game has been removed…
Most are bored with the game and are waiting for the new ladder/2.4 changes to come. Activity will spark back to life once 2.4 is released to try out the new skill changes, then again once the first ladder starts.
90% will be back when Ladder comes. If anything, this is proof that 6 month ladder seasons would have been too long.
I’m on the far-right side and hope it’s a 3-month season. Look around and see how many people have their heads stuck in front of their phones. Our attention spans have drastically decreased and there is fierce game competition from other publishers. It also allows for blizzard to release smaller but more frequent patch updates ![:grin: :grin:](
Not 100% sure, but wasn’t one of the PTR waves supposed to be about server issues?
Maybe they are waiting for the Ladder, and PTR, and what the changes actually would bring. They are stagnateing, waiting and waching. And some of them play still, while waiting. 80% is a big over exaggeration tho.