Season 8 swing and miss

No bot ban wave = no playing for me

Ban waves have little impact, mainly because they’re not frequent enough to scare people straight. The big fish botters have spare accounts standing by which they buy up during sales. The ban waves really only hurt the small fry solo botters running them for self gains.

Every time they did a ban wave, they ran a sale on the game right after which shows they were only doing it to make money from botters rebuying.

It’d be nice if Microsoft/Blizzard gave the game back to legitimate players by employing some of this advanced AI they are touting to help with the problem… But there’s no money in it. RMT botters aren’t going to rebuy if the anti-cheat becomes advanced enough where they can’t make money botting/doing the RMT scene.

Season 8 is a fail, like all things blizzard these days


Well timed banwaves are adequate for my and many others’ needs because it negates economic collapse from 24 hours after a ladder start to perhaps a week. That’s enough time to have some fun.

Very good list. But there is no miss if the is no swing. D4 is the swing they are fixing. They won’t care at this point anymore I think. They had full forums of free ideas. That can be implemented by 10 man staff. Hype for new games is what sells. Also D2 questing system is super basic with filler content that is skipped by teleporting/town portals. No PvE endgame updates. Only replayability, game flow (not to be confused with balance i.e. “click to explode screen” builds like Mosaic) and item/build systems are done right in this game. This is best we have now but it’s far from perfect game. My 2 cents after probably 1000h spent over the years.
We need a new games at this point. Titan Quest 2 looks ok for a start of something new. Pathfinder Kingmaker till than.
Also would like to experience a game like modern version of EverQuest for the first time.

Would be nice if they would open the game up to online mods like PD2 and PoD before they completely abandon the game.

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They should sell this to some other company