Season 8 swing and miss

Its this kind of ignorance that keeps IT salaries high. Stay clueless, please, my family relies on it.

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all they need to do is give us a way to connect to private realms so that modders can step in and do the job for them.

hilarious entitled drivel

It is appalling seeing how many people stick up for this lazy incompetent company.

Social features are WORSE than the original game which was made 25 years ago. Its pathetic.


Dang bro really on here boot licking blizz hard. Hope they see this bro

This post is overlooked, and sadly true, even more so on the culture front.

Consider Chris Metzen, the one who weaves vitality through all Blizzard’s worlds. He, like others, must kneel before creative directors with less fervor and more humility, accepting their guidance despite having more experience and insight himself. What chance does a lowly Diablo engineer have? A Diablo engineer, starting as a low-ranking employee, faces tough screening to ensure compliance and obedience. If by some stroke of luck they slip through the screening, they’re thrust into an endless struggle over the most basic changes. even to fix /players

Collectively it is poisoned, no single individual can save the day. Those with the ability to cause positive change aren’t allowed anywhere near the company.


It just goes to show how selling out and becoming a publicly traded company will eventually tarnish the reputation of once revered private companies. Yeah, Blizzard selling out and being publicly traded gave them a huge amount of capital in order to afford the latest technology resources to make visually stunning and massively multiplayer games, but at the cost of slowly sacrificing more and more of the game developers free time for creativity along with game and customer support.

Gotta keep the shareholders happy, which all they care about is making money. It rides OK for a while at the beginning, but the difficulty of making that money gets harder and harder the larger they grow… Sacrifices must be made to keep that positive cash flow to make those dividends.


You can call it whatever, it is also called damn reality. But go ahead live in your sunshine and rainbows, bunnies hopping through the grassy meadows

true! I still remember the amazon appearance wars on this forum. people were really angry and i was one of them too. Then I datamined a bit and noticed paths like /xyz/…/APPROVED/amazon/ and things kinda made sense.
Sometimes I even got the feeling that some devs were in the comments on youtube and this forum and explaining things undercover, cause they had technical knowledge they shouldn’t have as a normal d2r player. But every official comment would have to go through departments before getting approved.

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Did you now? Not seeing anything like that checking the files right now, how about you share an actual file path that can be checked if it exists. Inb4 “it was in the beta build or old patch and can’t be found now” or w/e excuse.

haven’t modded in 1 or 2 years, but i still remember you had to use granny viewer gr2 program to see it (not noesis or the folder structure). if you opened the gr2 files with that you would see pathfiles saved in the granny files. i recall doing that for the assasin because it pissed me off that she had pants and i noticed they had left an old version of her in the game that didn’t have the pants. give me an hour or 2 to get back into it and i might post a screen.

Edit: I dont recall a 100%, but i think we were trying to find a way to port our own gr2 models into the game, but they wouldn’t have textures. The path for it had to be saved somewhere in the granny file itself and i saw a screen of that program showed the pathfile. We also used that in combination with a hex editor to switch a flag that would prevent making alpha maps textures invisible. The sorc and the assasin for example had these flags turned on, which was why we had problems making parts of their textures invisible.

Edit 2: Okay, got everything running again and took a screenshot. No clue how to post it here, but can send it to you via discord (you are in bonesy’s modding server?)

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You should be able to post the image in Discord, right click > copy link then post the image link here and it should work as long as you don’t delete the image from Discord, or you could upload it to Imgur or something. But yes I’m in Bonesy’s Discord, same name as here.

It says i can’t include links…i remember there was a workaround for it? otherwise add to imgur /a/GfSi3RU
I marked it in red. If it doesn’t work, accept my friend invite on discord. You can also just download granny view yourself, it’s usefull for graphical modding



I’ve got Granny Viewer, just haven’t had a need for it since I haven’t done any graphical mods heh. Would’ve been too lazy to find the file myself anyways, but you came through with the proof.

That’s certainly something, “approved”… hmm.

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I appeciate you sharing this, very interesting.

Wonder if full model imports will ever be possible? Last time I looked each model has various unique asset dependencies which makes it hard to create a universal export/importer.

Model importing is possible and has been done, it’s just a problem of not knowing how to get textures to stick to them. Bonesy is pretty much the only one that’s been looking into it AFAIK and he has no experience with model/texture stuff (his words) before D2R, so it’s very slow/no progress with him trying to do it alone.

That’s the model he imported, it’s all gray due to lacking a texture.

Great choice for a demonstration of progress.


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I’m not very knowledgable with that topic, but as far as i know the problem is with the gr2 file format. we lose information stored in those files (specific to d2r) when we convert it do dae. Even if we manage to export it back to dae, some information is lost. universal plugins don’t really function, because there is information specific to d2r. I know that Norbyte has written a program for Dos and Baldur’s gate 3 gr.2 format. I begged him a few years ago to do the same for d2r, he said he’d think about it and never got back. If we had such a program, it would elevate mods to the next level. New classes with unique models, new monsters. You could cut out armor parts from npcs and use it for new models. It would be so awesome.

  • I’ll give you chat
  • /players online kills any reason to play multiplayer and just makes bots even better.
  • i don’t know what .08 is
  • What is a “rules ladder”?
  • Nothing is stopping you from SSF, that is what offline is for you.
  • I’ll give you the spam and bots
  • I’ll give you the loot filter.

08s refers to expansion uniques found in the 1.08 patch. A lot of them were different in the 1.08 patch. Also, prior to 1.07, the game had a completely different affix list. Strength could spawn on rare boots for example. A lot of people also incorrectly refer to these as 08s.