Season 8 swing and miss

Missed the low hanging fruit of fixing chat
Missed the low hanging fruit of /players
Missed the low hanging fruit of .08
Missed the low hanging fruit of LoD rules ladder
Missed the low hanging fruit of SSF
Missed the low hanging fruit of banning spam
Missed the low hanging fruit of banning mf bots
Missed the low hanging fruit of a loot filter
Missed a lot


Why don’t you go work for Blizzard, show them how to do things? Long hours, crap pay, no say on what you can do on your projects unless approved by “the suits”… What’s not to love about working at Blizzard?

Bobby Kotick turned the once famed Blizzard into the dying husk it is today.


you have to be really special if you think there’s going to be ANY changes… that matter.

You’re not using “low hanging fruit” quite properly. Either that or you’re using it disingenuously. When it comes to coding, you have no idea if any of those things are easy to do.

But sticking with your phrasing, just because something is low hanging doesn’t mean it’s wanted. This game’s owner may not mecessarily want to do every thing the community says. So again, low hanging fruit doesn’t really fit here.

Should have stuck with the “Swing and a miss” from your title.


OP is clueless about how coding works, how business works, how developers are made to do what the board dictates, etc. He’s spilled so much tears over a game meant to be just enjoyed for what it is, just like when you break out Diablo 1. To expect this game to continue to receive dedication that modern titles get is to be insane.


Explains why I have not bought a game in 3 years now. Nothing from any company. I maybe play one of my games once a month. And “coding” will be done by AI/ quantum computing very very soon. Won’t need lazy people anymore.

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I’d say you’re only 2/7 there buddy

players 8?

rofl NO

fixing chat and banning spam are the same… and yes they are easy fixes as all you need to do is implement the tools already coded into LOD.

banning mf bots isnt economically feasible, sure you can when u find them but keeping up with a dectection method better than their botting isnt going to be possible , you need to seperate the servers… region lock asia. is it the proper fix? no… but it will at least help keep the bleeding to the asia realm.

i would also add a programmable lootfilter. which is easy to implement as u just copy and paste it from the mods


Pass it on to the consumer, then? While they downgrade the phenom game which they actually had no hand in making?

This title was released in 2021 at the same price as ‘modern titles’. It was also advertised as a ‘live service’ game which would receive updates. Instead it had functionality removed. Stop making excuses for multi-billion dollar companies ripping off the consumer.

No, fixing chat implies making chat reliably deliver messages correctly and indicating the source correctly. Banning spam means banning the spammer accounts.

BS, the idea that botting should be worked into any sort of economic equation should be reviled.

I am not against this.

You’re right!

As of right now, I don’t see that happening… Ever. Blizzard has yet to officially release the source code for any of their games.

The source code for Diablo was reverse engineered due to a mistake on Blizzards part of including a critical .SYM file on the Japanese PS1 version of the game.

Now, that being said, I have no doubt that the hackers are hard at work reverse engineering D2:R to not only gut the DRM, but also enable private server play and even TCP/IP capability. Perhaps then you’ll get your wish of /players X on an open server type multiplayer setup.

I’ve interviewed with them for a software engineer position. Unfortunately my experience is in Angular and Java spring boot, and they’re more of a .NET and C. So, it wasn’t a good fit.

Lol, holy hell you are extremely naive. Keep clutching onto illogical and fantasy land Turdlok!

There are MANY products from ALL major corporations that get very short support because guess what they all have in common…THEY DONT MAKE MONEY. Go get a job, manage inventory, understand margins, then you will understand Blizzard, or Toyota, or Microsoft, or Tesla, every single major corporation functions this way, they care about EVERY dollar even if they make BILLIONS. If you don’t care about that, then like I said, go crawl back into your fantasy world where companies pour money into products with zero return.

Does anyone here realize what happens in those board meetings which they have many many times every year? Do people think they talk about which video games they like and just choose which games get support based on how they feel? Every single person crying about why blizz doesn’t spend a single extra penny towards d2r has absolutely ZERO clue about how money and business works and thus you probably have less than $20 in yalls bank accounts…

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Well they don’t seem to do anything, so i think we are all pretty much in the void about what they actually want?. They don’t even seem to be able to fix the chat / banning bots cmon.

…and how hard is it to understand there is no money for them to pay the developers and to get their money back. Yall make it sound like it is entering data into excel. For you to suggest that they should be ok with paying for a fixed lobby and banned bots when putting that same amount of effort into WoW/Immortal/D4/OW2 has 1000000 x more return shows how clueless people are about for profit businesses.

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I am a software engineer my self, and i honestly doubt fixing the chat would be a massive investment unless they really screwed something up very badly on the remake.

I would also think they already have some underlaying systems in place to “tag” people that could potentially be bots, as we have already seen they do know how to ban them - the question is just if its beneficial for them to ban people straight away, or simply wait so people profit enough to repurchase another 30 copies to keep going. In that sense you are right, D4 / WoW / Immportal makes more money, and therefore its more beneficial for them to keep their “trusted” customers rather than letting people rampart botting.

There you go. Whether or not it is massive is pretty inconsequential, everything is seen as a percentage in the corporate world. The moment someone in their board advocates spending money in a money pit, good luck staying on the board much longer. The whole point is they analyze the biggest areas their $ becomes $$$. All you are suggesting requires SOMETHING even if you think much of it is sooo easy to implement…clearly it isn’t as simple and cheap to do, or at least it is enough of a headache that blizzard has decided d2r aint worth the time.

One may wonder then how did d2r ever get the greenlight to even be made, the answer is d2r was always meant to be a stepping stone to grabbing VV to work on Immortal and D4 which was their actual end goal. It wasn’t lets create d2r to become the forefront of the diablo series, it was a small bone to the community with an underlying business motive. People must accept that.

But ok, everyone here believes d2r deserves same attention as all the other games that actually make money (take a peek at year end financial statement to see where d2r lies). I would hate to work with any of yall, let alone own a business together but I would be curious how these people live their lives, very naive about real world.

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oh how i wish this could be the case, but no.

if this was 2001 and blizzard new launch, sure, blizzard would have put in the effort.

but its not… its a remaster… while the tools are certainly there. while it CAN be done by blizzard.

it is simply too expensive.

its evolution… as blizzard find a dectional method that works… they found away around it… then blizzard need t a new detection method.
the sell sites can keep spending money on this because if they fail, they’re out of a buisness.

by succeeding… they ensure they make money

blizzard on the other hand spends money to fight this. and unfortunately they are prioritizing things like D4 over this.
if they win… then they bleed less players and some players who have already bought the game will come back.

but will any NEW people buy the game? will blizzard MAKE any money? No, only the botters rebuying accounts.

now if blizzard HAD a perfect unbreakable detection system this would be a different story

if u could be correct 100% of the time. and the botters could never spoof you. then yeah

blizzard could just ban them and win and then when the make a new account ban them, and eventually the sellers simply wouldnt make enough money.

but there is no " perfect answer" no program that " cant be beaten"

you make a program, they make a program to beat yours
you beat thiers, they beat yours
your beat thiers… they beat yours.
and so on. until the side willing to spend more $ on defeating the other wins.
becuase its simply not worth the cost to keep fighting the other
that side will ALWAYS be the bots because d2:R is not blizzards flagship.

THAT’S why chat bots can be fixed easily… because there IS a perfect silver bullet.
the players themselves being able to filter them out, block them and report them.
that would be a one time expense that would work forever, with no maintenance needed

but blizzard wont even give us the tools for THAT. thinking they can address actual botters is laughable

Except there is many things that clearly are simple they could add into the game, there is already mods solving lots of QoL issues that could easily be implemented into the game, modders have already done the heavy lifting, things such as loot filters, stackable runes and gems, these 2 or just the stackable mod would be a fantastic and easy to add addition to the game.

Could you show? Also how much would you pay a developer and how many hours you expect? Maybe 10 secs, just some ctrl-c & ctrl-v from code obtained existing mods? Simple and easy blizz come on

none of this is ever going to happen. there isnt a loot filter in the newer diablos either its just not gonna happen stop asking. The game is no gonna be .08 ever since the main runewords came out in .09 so it would destroy the balance of the current game. players 8 has already been refused by blizzard so again stop asking. SSF is called single player go do that and hey you get players 8 with that too

they could never control spam or bots in D2LOD nor could they in D3 or D4 so i think its a little more complex than that

but no they didnt miss anything

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They don’t communicate much. That’s generally been Bliz’s MO for as long as I’ve been around the forums.

It also could be Bliz wants the least involvement possible. The classic games have become an afterthought since 2020 when the Classics Team was dissolved. SCR stopped altogether and never restarted. WC3R stopped before it was finished for an extended period of time and had to have other franchises and 3rd parties moonlight to salvage it; and the updates that it still gets breaks something each time. D2R is likely in the same basket to some extent. :frowning: