Has been confirmed with a dev via Twitter:
“We don’t expect a season/ladder reset until next month.”
Looks like February it is boys and girls.
Has been confirmed with a dev via Twitter:
“We don’t expect a season/ladder reset until next month.”
Looks like February it is boys and girls.
yes, they are working on new D4 season now. So, expected mid or end of Feb
Just now in the D4 stream Pez said the D2R reset date will be announced in February, so we’ll probably get around 1 or 2 weeks notice beforehand. Timestamped link, if it doesn’t work then it’s at 2:10:34.
Guessing the reset will probably be on Feb. 15th or 22nd since it always falls on a Thursday.
He actually said “we don’t expect a ladder reset to happen until February, but we’ll give you a specific date as we get closer to February”, so I suppose the date could be announced before February.
If that will be AGAIN a D2R season with zero content, I am about to loose it. And all of that only because Diablo4 is a fail.
You think just one ladder season without changes is bad? Or even two? You ain’t seen nothing yet. I’m guessing you didn’t play the original game that much… The original game went 11 years without any changes before the release of D2:R. Yet there were plenty of people that continued to play it.
If it resets mid February, that is close to 5 months! That is way too long.
Just a little reminder: they added 10 more character slots per account, they made the /changecharactername feature, they made it so old unregistered accounts could be register through email, they completely and permanently nuked spam bots, and they upgraded the servers, all in Dec 2017.
i Really hope 15th. Im swapping to Last Epoch on 21st.
D2 lod was an old game in the end. D2R is still young. You cannot compare the support these should get.
People seem to forget that D2:R is a visual wrapper around the original game. Sort of like what Sven’s Glide Wrapper does to bring Glide support for non-Glide cards, but on a much, much larger scale. D2:R is not a “new” game… It is a “remaster” shell running on top of the original game.
Good, I get to enjoy D3 season 30 a while longer before switching back to D2r. I’m not playing D4 season 3, might do the next one if it get good.
just wondering does chaos even pop as a TZ anymore. i feel like i never see it EVER and i see jail / lut gholein sewers / blood moor like 2-3 times a day.
the d4 damage control will continue to drain resources.
You call it a “drain”… Blizzard calls it an “investment”…
Need I go on?
Looks like it’s going to be a league without any changes. If that is indeed the case, I guess we can expect there to be no further developments in the future. That means no new QoL stuff, but also no accidentally breaking the game further with another mosaic-style item.
This game is finished and just a remaster, we shouldt have got any new content from begin with…
I don’t know why people demand changes from a 20 year old game just because it got a visual “update”.
You can justify shared stash cause the lack of character limits and a few other QoL stuff but the game was basically finished, but tbh even there they overdid it a bit with the stash size, also 1 shared tab would have been enough to switch items between chars.
We got spoiled enough with the changes in D2R…
Childish and sore statement.
I think your timings are off and those are qol updates, the comment you replied to was in reply to someone crying for more content. None of this is content. The original game got nothing new every season like the infant was crying about.
lmfao, did you even play d2? what new content did every season bring? they introduced TZ’s in d2r because half you kids didnt have the stamina, drive and attention span to ever hit 99 in Lod. why do kids need additional content for everything ffs, we’ve been playing the game for over 20 years, its not fortnite. You cant fund perpetual content based off 1 initial $40 sale. You kids keep buying stupid skins and battlepasses, thats what funds more content for your adhd themed games.
People play D2 in very different ways.
Not even counting totally new players who just screw around, most players don’t care about the leveling experience, the multiplayer experience or the gear progression system.
Most players just want to get maxed asap with exp runs and d2jsp and then play whatever build they’ve found in some guide and feel powerful.
They have no understanding of Attack Rating. And they don’t want to learn.
Most players play Softcore mode and don’t care about defensive mechanics like Defense, integer DR and Block. They don’t even need to learn how absorb works. Why should they? They can’t die anyway. They only care about maxed resists because it changes to a golden brown color in the stats tab
People who complain that Blizzard doesn’t listen to the players, don’t understand that the majority of “the players” FRIGGIN LOVE MOSAIC OMGMYEYES
Riiiight, cause it was always grindy to hit 99 in LoD. Oh wait, no it wasn’t. 1.09 Bloody runs and cow runs say hello.