Bad comparison. Glide wrapper was free. D2R isn’t.
Hey new ladder is fine, but what they really need to do to make this game a must play are 2 things…
Allow all runewords for all characters, ladder or not
and restate ICP/TP connections for offline multiplayer.
They never say Season 6 will have a new patch. Only mentioned that “a season/ladder reset until next month”
So I don’t really expect any changes (no patch = no changes), probably just gonna be like this Season 5, a re-set of the ladders, and that’s it.
Sure, if Microsoft wants to continue destroying their franchise, that is a very good plan.
No dates provided, no updates provided, no changes provided, and LAST Epoch launches 2/21/24. D2r Devs better have a plan and a season start date soon. Don’t take the D4 team serious for anything they launched a game without working resistances that cost $70 dollars plus tax at the low end. It took months to fix it and they will are using the wow/d3/DI/d4 cookie cutter item build instead of actually making good itemization like D2LOD, POE, Grim Dawn, and Last Epoch.
D2(r) has not been the face of the franchise for ages.
No but Diablo 2 was.
You’re probably right about my spam bot date, which was July 2017.
And, I was responding to this
I’m thinking about skipping next ladder unless they do a bot banwave right when it starts. The price tanking was so fast this ladder it was hilarious.
6 months would be perfect and everybody will know when it will comes, now each time we’re guessing… when when… when…
D2R dev team! make it fixed! no more guessings.
6 months is way too long with TZs in place. Most people have an easy time leveling 2-3 characters to 99 within the current time frame. So i suggest they stick to their promises and make it 4 months.
they actually “promised” us 4 month ladders. voted on by the community a long time ago.
6 months was too long, most people quit after 2-3 weeks. the addicted grinders play for like 2months and the no lifers never stop. basically by this point in ladder. it’s pretty dead, waiting for 6 months is… pain.
but since they promised us 4 month ladders, they haven’t stayed true to the date once, not ONCE. they even forgot about it completely one time and then gave us a PTR… yup.
For the current season, we have already completed 4 months.
Meaning that they should already made an announcement for next season.
If they wait even one more week to make an announcement and reset the ladder the latter week, we would be close to 5 months.
Why do you even need new seasons, it’s just gonna be the same garbage over and over again. Ladder being a NEET ranking, d2jsp trade, same mundane content over and over again.
Just play SP where your progress isn’t reset for artificial reasons or move on to a real game.
That’s just human nature. We like events of all kind. Why go to a birthday party and sing the same stupid songs over and over. Why go to work and do your job? Why sleep with women over and over? All of these examples are highly relevant to the Diablo community.
Ladder reset is a cool event and we don’t want to cheapen it by doing it solo on singleplayer or compete with bots.
I think I’ll be sitting season 6 out unless there’s a patch to liven things up a bit.
I almost sat season 5 out because it was already the same old, same old. I finally got around to playing it though and finished up a bit of ‘unfinished business’ builds, but it’s been a bit of a drag. Without some interesting updates, I think I’ll just dabble around a bit on NL to finish things out when I’m not playing other games.
“From there we’ll see what the community wants. We don’t really make a boxed product anymore, where we give it to you and we’re done with it. It’s a live game, a live service.”
Kind of hard for them to do anything with the game with everyone that worked on D2:R either leaving or getting laid off.
Rob Gallerani, the head dev for D2:R left a bit over a year ago.
It’s not like Blizzard is/was yearning to pay for more development for a game that only makes them some change whenever they banwave botters/cheaters.
You want the Diablo 4 crew spilling their ideas in this game? Do you want the WoW Team spilling their ideas in this game? Just for sake of “change”? You really want to risk them screwing up the game more? We’ve already seen what the D2:R crew did to the game with Mosaic, and others would also argue sunder charms and terror zones.
Besides Mosaic and lack of action on bots, I don’t really have a problem with most of the things they’ve done. In my opinion Sunders, TZs, RWs (minus Mosaic), bugfixes, and class balancing so far have brought some life back into a stale old game which I would like to see continue. Others may disagree, but they’re not the only ones with the right to an opinion.
not gonna argue against any of that, its all true or i completely agree
now, what i really want for d2r?
- a currency tab
- a loot filter
- an d3 like armory that requires a ToA to be used
- a charm inventory
- a ssf mode for the servers
- the balancing of a couple skills for each patch or;
- a couple new unique/set items each patch till we fill up the missing bases
- im ok with new RWs too
ofc some of those have work arounds but if i was satisfied with these i wouldnt be here, whould i?
after these changes, they can abandon this game however they want(excep closing the servers ^^)
i will die happy
last, scharms and tzones were the best thing that happened to this game
and about saicsin, she is just as fast as my novaS when i play on bnet and off line i balanced her to be more on pair with others