" Remake vs. Remaster: what to choose depends only on the game developer’s desires and the audience’s preferences. But here are some key takeaways to remember while choosing between the remake and the remastered game.
Remake involves rebuilding the game from the ground up, and the remastered game focuses on enhancing the original game’s visuals.
Remake applies significant changes to gameplay, graphics, and sometimes the story. Remaster only updates graphics with higher resolution, improved textures, and better lighting.
While remaking the game, gameplay mechanics may be modernized or overhauled. The remastered game applies minimal changes to gameplay mechanics and content.
A remake may introduce new content like levels, characters, or quests, and a remaster aims to preserve the original game’s look and feel.
A remake reserves the core themes and characters of the original game while offering a fresh experience. The remastered game is designed to evoke nostalgia, allowing players to relive a classic game.
Take Terror Zones for example… Some could argue, “oh well the addition of Terror Zones deviates from the game being a true remaster”… While technically true, I see Terror Zones as filling a long desired need of the original game… To give us the option of a different way to level up and get nice items other than Baal run after Chaos run after Baal run after Chaos run after Baal run after Chaos run after… Oh you get the point. But that repetitive option is still there for those that choose it, and it is still a great way to level up and get good items. And the important thing about Terror Zones is that they are optional.
Let me put it this way, I’d go friggin nuts if I had a job with high repetition.
according to the former d2r lead dev
d2r has characteristics of both remaster and remake
and therefore it is not possible to fit it completely into a single category
i dont know you, but i tend to take dev’s words on their game over some random’s on the internet
authentic experience too relive they memory for some of you they are in love with the original you can bring back all these nostagia exactly like your remember
this is how they promote and sell this game at the start
because the request of the old d2 player base but everything change after the d3 noob request change
you got it right here 50sec of bla bla
h ttps://youtu.be/MlSyA_BEulI?si=0R1CxGQX2ETzfivj&t=181
so having this gameplay is really not what i remember playing in gm mode
h ttps://youtu.be/amvILiPCqA8?si=Cm-5RooKDxj-nCDf&t=368
It was never difficult? Doesn’t provide that much for your character. And for the improvement of your characters farming is far more impactful. Not even to mention it is only a race of who has the least real life obligations and can manage their sleep schedules the best. I’ve had lvl 99 chars, wasn’t really racing, but at like level 96 you realize that it is simply time and the same thing over and over. It is like any progression system in a game, with only a small chance of a setback. The only one that might be somewhat of a challenge would be hardcore, but honestly even that isn’t insane.
I mean we’ve seen the numbers nova matches it easily, and hdin and java are just slightly behind. Not even to mention that most of the numbers are rigged for the good TZ’s where it’s damage is skewed to be in favor.
There are no such numbers proving anything wrong. The funny part is you believe your delusion. Yall are salty about other things, there are like 30 running threads about mosaic or derailing towards mosaic, but none for nova which is hilarious. The evidence you mention we have for this comparison, meanwhile you have none showing the reverse.
The fact that you struggle to realize that mosaic has struggles in some TZ’s is on you. Tristam? Slow tele frames, has to stop to build up charges, nova is already on the next trist portal by the time you’re done with your run. And you don’t get to dictate which TZ it lands on could be chaos could be trist.
The fact that your example is Tristram, a tz nobody plays, shows exactly that you have no leg to stand on. And really? You call it struggling because mosaic has to charge? What would you call a nova sorc that has to skip entire levels of wsk or great marsh because of souls?
I call it struggling because nova easily keeps up with mosaic a point you’re scared to admit because it means that mosaic’s issue isn’t that it is OP. It has plenty of issues OP is not one of them. And you don’t get to pick TZ’s, now simply I think at the point of tristam maybe you might for for a baal run instead or a game where you only farm diablo/baal, but even if that were the case nova is right there? And not only would a nova not need to skip those mobs, doesn’t mean they’re slower on the Xp grind. The added tele frames make up for occasionally breezing past a pack.
Nova isnt quad-element fullscreen++ eye cancer and crashing people out of the game at hardware setups well beyond the threshold of the minimum req. Mosaic does that. Nova also needs Ber Mal Ber Ist vs 2Mal 2Gul of Mosaic to really cut through immunities. Mosaic sin is indestructible anywhere and does all content while Sorc blows at ubers and still can get insta-gibbed by the right combo on soul packs.
We get it - you really like your cancerous mosaic sin - but stop pretending it isn’t absurdly OP beyond anything that has ever been in the game. It’s not ‘just’ that it is screen++ of eye cancer and causing hardware issues.
First part valid.
2nd part invalid, moasic needs jah ith ber.
And ubers will a side show and is nice, not really relevent, but cool good on them.
See this is the problem with how you think. The raw delusion. I actually think that mosaic shouldn’t be in the game. It is your reasoning behind it that is trash lol. There are plenty of valid reasons to not want it, but when you claim OPness is one of them, but don’t list off the other OP classes your point is trash.
Reminds me of all the crybabies who came to blast hdin when TZ’s relased and they finally got to use a mid hdin builds because it was on the PTR for free. Smooth brains didn’t even know nova existed back then, but every 2 posts was about how OP hdin is.
It really doesn’t, it has dragon flight. Are you going to count every character as needing CTA too? I’d bet mosaic sin /w a tele stick will be better off than a sorc without CTA. Besides, the statement was about cutting through immunities like butter.
Yes, more reasons than anything else that has ever been intentionally added to the game.
Troll alarms going wild. Incredibly OP when compared to what was already considered Incredibly OP to be more accurate. You take issue with the correct assertion that Mosaic is far more OP than anything, ever, in this game … so skipping some middle point of logic, the reasoning to remove it is trash. ‘Delusional.’
Seriously noobs out here complaining “but it’s not fun to play mosaic because I want 2 charges on one of my skills instead of 3 and that’s too hard for me”. Uninstall.
Sure let’s add needing a CTA as a detractor as well. Oh and let’s add in who farms meph/andy in the super early game better, oh and cows. And you’re like not nova, but the rest of the world is like thank god for respecs. And then boom easy cmoon and sunder charms to do the rest.
I think I agree here at least. Plenty of other things have negatives associated with them mosaic probably the worst. Obviously most of the new stuff added is quite awful since the devs have been in charge.
But it isn’t? nova easy matches, so it cannot be OP to what was OP. Not even to mention that most of those here crying about it, were the same ones who had no clue hammerdin was as good as it was until they got to play one for free lmfao.
Again I’m not saying all of the reasons are trash, just the ones where you pretend it is anymore OP than the other OP builds.
I maintain that mosaic is the most OP thing ever and that is a good enough reason to delete it. I do agree that all the other reasons to remove it are just as if not more compelling.
HDin has been the posterchild for easy-mode OP for all of LoD, even though other builds are faster. It IS almost as indestructible as mosaic though, and can do pretty much all content ignoring immunes w/o a sunder if you know what you’re doing. But not at the ridiculous pace or ease as mosaic.
I don’t think it’s level of OPness is anywhere near separated enough to consider it in a factor for mosaic’s removal. At that same rate then clearly nova/hdin/java have to go as well. The other reasons are just far more valid and honestly stronger. Nobody should have to see that crap on their screen nor deal with FPS drops. Could argue costs or difference at different points in time and specifics when targeting all day, but it doesn’t matter.
And not only the graphical issues is a problem. Simply I don’t think runewords should fundamentally change how a build works. Perhaps these instances exist somewhat elsewhere but I can’t think of anything else like this. If MA sin needed an adjustment or a better concept it should have been built in and the runeword could have just supported it. Instead they went for a style of addition that simply doesn’t belong in this game.
Hdin is probably more afkable mentally. My point about it wasn’t that, just that the vast majority of idiots never had a clue. Then all of a sudden they release TZ’s and in the PTR people play one that was poorly made and they’re like WAHHH. Not even realizing there were even more classes that were that good, but because Blizzard themselves didn’t know how to add them to PTR their builds were fairly mid. The A2 mobs and baal wave actually disappear pretty quickly with the sunder on. But in A2 the tight areas give you more of an issue than the mobs themselves.
I suggest reposting the statements if you can find them. Whether or not they fire them or actually do it is their decision, but Blizzard’s reputation doesn’t exist anymore. Most people don’t want them to touch it anymore because that’s a treatment they should keep for other newer games to screw up. That, is probably the only thing that is guaranteed and should be promised: them screwing up royally. Not just a few mishaps.
I can get behind this, but pls get rid of mosaic too. That runeword is just an eye cancer in every public game, zero visibility and fps in the single digits