Running multiple instances of D2R on the same computer

This was fantastic, and you’re right. They are told to be worried about everything except bettering themselves. This falls right in line with the, “I’m bad at something so we need to ban and cancel everything I can’t do!”

It appears they snuck a fix in for this now as my second account says “It appears another user account is running BNET, please switch accounts and logout then relaunch bnet”.

Also if I open the copy from the copied folder it hard crashes immediately. I wonder why they are so concerned about this when ISBoxer was working (not sure if it still is with whatever this new fix did).

How about we worry less about Jim running two copies of D2 to buff himself or god forbid find more than a crappy manald heal ring and fix these damn servers. “Game is FULL”, WELP GUESS I’LL SIT HERE STARING ANGRILY MASHING JOIN FOR 30 MORE SECONDS…

It’s not stable enough when there was two instance. Creating or joining a room is a key point where the crash happens.
Also the closed task "check xxxx " often appear again in a while , I guess there is another task to ensure the closed task reopen.

Thanks, works for me!

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Really?, currently? because i keep getting conflicting stories about this. Just above, someone mentioned it stopped working after a certain update, i believe.

Well, until this becomes a little more common place (as in supported by Blizzard - not seemingly strapped to one instance allowance), i will not be wasting time or money on multiple copies. Too bad really, i do love self rushes / forge, etc.

Did it just like 1h ago. And have both clients running atm. Already started to carry new barb with my blizsorc.

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Hmm, ok, cheers mate. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve seen someone successfully run 3 instances of D2R on the same computer using Windows 10 Hyper-V.

stupid question, how do you allow multiboxing through the bnet app?

It’s not that easy. The app supports multiple instances, seemingly for all their games, except this one. I could be wrong though.

But, this game requires a bit of muckery to get rolling.

D2LoD was the same. You can lunch only 1 instance per PC user so I ended up with creating two users only PC and playing in Windowed mode to allow fast switch between users. Still annoying. For D2R I just pulled my old laptop and they stand site by side. It alloys really quick switch and grind on two 90s Cows and Chaos.

Wasn’t this changed over the years in a later patch? Or maybe it was just the no cd thing… I could be wrong here, i admit, i have most definitely used nearly every tool / mod available for D2 at some point over the years, including multi launchers, so it is highly possible i have an incorrect memory of this.

I played 2 instances of D2LOD for years. I currently have 2 D3 accounts I play simultaneous on one computer.
I was just researching to see if I could purchase a second D2R.
All of this is on a Linux machine which I don’t know if that is a +factor or -factor.

solved it after 20 min

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Good stuff mate. I may pick up another license or three at some point, but for now, im going to be skipping this. Given the state of the game atm, it’s jsut not something i want to invest into much.

Problem lies in registry. I modified current_user for second windows user to point to different folder and it worked. I haven’t tried D2R since second laptop is always better then another resource draining process in a memory.

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If you open battle net launcher on Wow you’ll see drop down list of account on same battle net ID. Wow by design support multiple instances. You don’t need to relogin, Just run first, alt-tab, select second, etc account and start it. Diablo is one account per battle net.

if you do i highly recommend running the other instances on a very limited fps since d2r eats a ton of cpu for whatever reason

There is no such thing as a free lunch, confirmed. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah. I agree. We should ban these dumb posts. Waste of bandwidth and storage.